2:00 pm - 4:30 pm 永續建築講座系列 Sustainable Architecture Lecture Series|空間賦能 品牌升級 Space Empowerment & Brand Upgrade
10:00 am - 12:00 pm 探索曲線之美 Exploring the Beauty of Curves:安東尼·高第與他的建築藝術 Antoni Gaudí and His Architectural Art
9:30 am - 5:00 pm 商業裡的視覺設計力 Visual Design Power in Business|企劃、識別、整合、敘事的策略思考與創意實踐 Strategic Thinking and Creative Practice in Planning, Identity, Integration and Storytelling
8:00 am onwards 攝影美學社 Photo Club|攝影師陳冠翔Charles分享他的 Photographer Charles Chen—斜槓攝影師之路 The Journey of a Multi-Hyphenate Photographer
All day 攝影美學社 Photo Club|攝影師陳冠翔Charles分享他的 Photographer Charles Chen—斜槓攝影師之路 The Journey of a Multi-Hyphenate Photographer
All day 攝影美學社 Photo Club|攝影師陳冠翔Charles分享他的 Photographer Charles Chen—斜槓攝影師之路 The Journey of a Multi-Hyphenate Photographer
Until 8:00 pm 攝影美學社 Photo Club|攝影師陳冠翔Charles分享他的 Photographer Charles Chen—斜槓攝影師之路 The Journey of a Multi-Hyphenate Photographer
10:00 am - 12:00 pm 北歐設計變奏曲 Nordic Design Variations:建築、生活的再發現 Rediscovering Architecture & Everyday Life