All day 畢聯會 Graduating Class Association|徵選畢業典禮中英文司儀 Recruitment for Bilingual Emcees at Graduation Ceremony
All day 畢聯會 Graduating Class Association|徵選畢業典禮中英文司儀 Recruitment for Bilingual Emcees at Graduation Ceremony
All day 畢聯會 Graduating Class Association|徵選畢業典禮中英文司儀 Recruitment for Bilingual Emcees at Graduation Ceremony
All day 畢聯會 Graduating Class Association|徵選畢業典禮中英文司儀 Recruitment for Bilingual Emcees at Graduation Ceremony
All day 畢聯會 Graduating Class Association|徵選畢業典禮中英文司儀 Recruitment for Bilingual Emcees at Graduation Ceremony
Until 5:00 pm 畢聯會 Graduating Class Association|徵選畢業典禮中英文司儀 Recruitment for Bilingual Emcees at Graduation Ceremony
9:00 am onwards 弘仁社 Hung Ran Philanthropy Club、環境保護社 Environmental Protection Club|期末聖誕大會 Christmas Gathering
All day 弘仁社 Hung Ran Philanthropy Club、環境保護社 Environmental Protection Club|期末聖誕大會 Christmas Gathering
All day 弘仁社 Hung Ran Philanthropy Club、環境保護社 Environmental Protection Club|期末聖誕大會 Christmas Gathering
All day 弘仁社 Hung Ran Philanthropy Club、環境保護社 Environmental Protection Club|期末聖誕大會 Christmas Gathering
All day 弘仁社 Hung Ran Philanthropy Club、環境保護社 Environmental Protection Club|期末聖誕大會 Christmas Gathering
Until 12:00 am 弘仁社 Hung Ran Philanthropy Club、環境保護社 Environmental Protection Club|期末聖誕大會 Christmas Gathering
Until 5:00 pm 「紅塵軼事」藍淑真當代彩墨創作展 “Stories of the Red Dust” Contemporary Ink Art Exhibition by Lan Shu-Zhen