2:30 pm - 5:00 pm 讓情緒翻譯小幫手 搭起關係的橋樑 Emotion Translation Workshop: Building Bridges for Deeper Connections
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm 設計小聚 Shopping Design|從「創作」到「品牌」:工藝還能怎麼玩? From “Creation” to “Brand”: How Can Craft Be Played with Further?
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm 被植物好好照顧的日子 Days Being Well-Cared for by Plants——自我療癒插畫分享及絹印帆布袋工作坊 Self-Healing Illustration Sharing and Screen-Printing Canvas Bag Workshop
2:30 pm - 4:30 pm 2024 臺北文創記憶中心《理想居所》週末開趴系列:「生活裡的小個性——手捏花器」工作坊 TNHCC: “A Touch of Individuality: Handcrafted Flower Vase” Workshop
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm 心理師互動講座 Interactive Workshop with a Psychologist|鬆綁你的學習焦慮,恢復學習自信心 Loosening the Grip of Learning Anxiety and Regaining Confidence