10:00 am - 4:00 pm 公共事務與行政管理學系 Department of Public Affairs and Administration|淨灘服務 前進竹圍漁港 Beach Cleanup Service at Zhuwei Fishing Harbor
10:00 am onwards 公行系、犯防系 Department of Public Affairs and Administration & Department of Criminal Justice|公防週 Public and Prevention Week
All day 公行系、犯防系 Department of Public Affairs and Administration & Department of Criminal Justice|公防週 Public and Prevention Week
All day 公行系、犯防系 Department of Public Affairs and Administration & Department of Criminal Justice|公防週 Public and Prevention Week
Until 4:00 pm 公行系、犯防系 Department of Public Affairs and Administration & Department of Criminal Justice|公防週 Public and Prevention Week