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Week of Events

會計系學會9/18迎新制服茶會 相見歡 Department of Accounting Welcome Tea Party – Meet & Greet on 9/18

電通、應英、經濟、公行 9/14-15聯合迎新宿營 Information and Telecommunications Engineering, Applied English, Finance and Public Affairs & Admin Joint Freshmen Orientation Camp on 9/14-15

生科、電子、商設、品設四系9/14-15聯合迎新宿營 Biotechnology, Electronic Engineering, Commercial Design and Product Design Joint Freshmen Orientation Camp on 9/14-15

犯防、統資、醫工、資工9/21-22聯合迎新宿營 Department of Criminal Justice, Applied Statistics and Information Science, Biomedical Engineering and Computer Science & Information Engineering Joint Freshmen Orientation Camp on 9/21-22

Moodle-線上學習講座課程 即起線上開課 Moodle Online Learning Seminar Series – Now Open

都防、觀院9/14-15聯合迎新宿營 Urban Planning & Disaster Management and School of Tourism Joint Freshmen Orientation Camp on 9/14-15

諮商輔導中心【小太陽義工團】向你招手 Counseling and Guidance Center’s “Little Sun Volunteer Group” Welcomes You!

迎新活動第一波 First Wave of Orientation Activities|新生入學訓練 成長營 歡迎會 齊發 Freshman Training, Growth Camps and Welcome Parties

社團博覽會9/9-13台北桃園同步登場 Club Expo from 9/9 to 9/13 in Taipei and Taoyuan Campuses

財金與會計9/28-29一起尋找金會島 Department of Finance & Accounting Freshmen Camp on 9/28-29: Join the Quest for Gold Island!

永皴燒—邱永豐創作展 Yong Tsun Ceramics — Solo Exhibition by Chiu Yung-Feng

永皴燒—邱永豐創作展 Yong Tsun Ceramics — Solo Exhibition by Chiu Yung-Feng

教育學程學會9/16課輔活動說明會 Education Student Association Tutoring Activity Information Session on 9/16

法律學院 School of Law|迎新宿營 即起報名 Freshman Welcome Camp Now Open for Registration

翻外Inside Out|2024舞蹈影片展 Inside Out Dance Film Exhibition @全美戲院 Chuang Mei Theater

迎新宿營 本週起輪番上陣 Freshmen Orientation Camps Start This Week

迎新宿營 本週起輪番上陣 Freshmen Orientation Camps Start This Week

流光 Currents of Light–灰釉的脈絡與光譜 Tracing the Spectrum and Context of Ash Glaze