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Week of Events

藏廊 Cang Gallery · 瑰麗奇幻的魔幻電影 Enchanting Fantasy Films · 電影主題創作展 Film Theme Creation Exhibition

《古典時代的瘋狂史 A History of Madness in the Classical Age》×《明室 Camera Lucida》 |書蟲的夏季課 Bookworm’s Summer Class

「2024花蓮短片創作獎」徵件活動 “2024 Hualien Film Awards” Submission Event

淡江資工AI課程 Tamkang University Computer Science AI Course|機器學習&數據分析入門 Introduction to Machine Learning & Data Analysis

【小資必學】銀行沒說的信用小秘訣!讓你輕鬆買下人生第一棟房! The Bank’s Hidden Credit Secrets! Own Your First Home with Ease!

小即是美 Small is Beautiful–馬丁・哈曼陶瓷雕塑個展 Martin Harman Ceramic Sculpture Solo Exhibition

明日的劇場設計 To Future Theatre and Beyond ──永續劇場國際論壇 Sustainability in Theatre Design and Technology Symposium

釀聲音 O soni no pisakani’ 擊樂 X 阿美族傳統釀造 Brewing Sound: O soni no pisakani’ Percussion X Amis Traditional Brewing

2024縱谷原遊會 部落食樂園【田野限定野宴】East Rift Valley Festival – Tribal Food Festival: Limited Edition Field Feast