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Week of Events

角斯&神怪画室 Chiaos Room98— 《妖怪画誌》展 “The Tales from Taiwan” Exhibition

AI應用大補帖系列課程 AI Applications Masterclass Series|GPT多模態學習班 / AI應用工作流學習班 GPT Multimodal Learning Workshop / AI Workflow Learning Workshop

週四喜劇夜 Thursday Comedy Night——The night with Vaudeville (讀劇演出 Play Reading Performance)

《在不透明的軀殼裡思考透明》綦宗涵繪畫創作個展 “Contemplating Transparency Within an Opaque Shell” – Qi Zong-Han Solo Painting Exhibition

臺灣史前動物特展 A Special Exhibition of Animals in Prehistoric Taiwan

臺灣史前動物特展 A Special Exhibition of Animals in Prehistoric Taiwan

《春眠 Sleep in Spring》StudioQ藝術展演計畫 StudioQ Art Performance Project

時光膠囊 Time Capsule—我在雙和流連忘返 Lingering in Shuanghe

時光膠囊 Time Capsule—我在雙和流連忘返 Lingering in Shuanghe