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Week of Events

英語中心 English Language Center|全校英文創業簡報提案賽 即起報名 University-Wide English Startup Pitch Competition – Registration Now Open

交通安全有獎徵答 好禮大放送 Traffic Safety Quiz with Great Prizes

交通安全有獎徵答 好禮大放送 Traffic Safety Quiz with Great Prizes

圖書館 Library|E書E語.推薦接力 即起開跑 E-books Relay Recommendation Contest Kicks Off Now

學生會啟動學生權益方向普查 填表抽好禮 Student Association Launches Student Rights Survey with Prizes

英語中心 English Language Center|全校英文創業簡報提案賽 即起報名 University-wide English Entrepreneurship Presentation Competition – Now Open for Registration

畢聯會即日起徵選 畢業紀念冊主題 Graduation Committee Now Accepting Submissions for the Graduation Yearbook Theme