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Calendar of Events








12 events,

日本產能大學體育教學 滑雪交流研習營 Japan Sports Education Skiing Exchange Program

攝影美學社 Photo Club|新秀盃歡迎挑戰 首獎GoPro 12帶回家 Rising Star Cup – Take Home a GoPro 12 with First Prize

圖書館 Library|11/18-29智慧財產權線上有獎徵答 Protection of Intellectual Property Rights Online Giveaway Quiz

諮商輔導中心 Counseling and Guidance Center|性別平等手作工作坊 Gender Equality DIY Workshops

國際教育交流處 International Education & Exchange Division|韓國明知大學冬令營 開啟韓流文化體驗之旅 Myong Ji University Winter Camp: Embark on a Korean Wave Cultural Journey

永續發展處 Sustainable Development Office|輕鬆來做省電俠講座 Easy Steps to Become an Energy-Saving Hero Lecture

永續發展處 Sustainable Development Office|邁向永續新生活 Towards a Sustainable New Life:綠色生活地圖講座 Green Living Map Lecture

野營登山社 Outdoors Club|11/23、11/30野外挑戰系列課程 11/23 & 11/30 Wilderness Challenge Series

廣告暨策略行銷系 Department of Advertising and Strategic Marketing|傳心節 Heartwarming Festival

12 events,

12 events,

16 events,

境外生輔導組 International Student Service Section|文化體驗活動 Cultural Experience:仿真食物造型香氛擴香工作坊 Simulated Food Shaped Scented Diffuser DIY Workshop

12 events,

8 events,

原住民族學生資源中心 Indigenous Students’ Resource Center|部落踏查 帶你走進廬山與都達部落 Tribal Exploration: Discovering Lushan and Duda Villages

9 events,

畢聯會 Graduating Class Association|徵選畢業典禮中英文司儀 Recruitment for Bilingual Emcees at Graduation Ceremony

公行系、犯防系 Department of Public Affairs and Administration & Department of Criminal Justice|公防週 Public and Prevention Week

10 events,

10 events,

銘傳大學5+1系聯合資訊展 AI智慧創新應用 MCU 5+1 Department Joint Information Exhibition: AI Smart Innovation and Applications

3 events,

4 events,

弘仁社 Hung Ran Philanthropy Club、環境保護社 Environmental Protection Club|期末聖誕大會 Christmas Gathering

4 events,

師資培育中心 Teacher Education Center|招募雙語學伴說明會 Bilingual Buddy Recruitment Briefing

4 events,

5 events,

6 events,

6 events,

2 events,

1 event,

2 events,

圖書館 Library|打卡拍美照 借好書 抽好禮 聖誕網紅就是你 Take Stunning Photos, Borrow Great Books & Win Prizes – Be the Christmas Influencer!

0 events,

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1 event,

銘傳大學商設藝廊 推出蔣熊個展 MCU Business Design Gallery Presents Bear Chiang’s Solo Exhibition