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Katja Farin: Blind Spot

亞洲藝術中心 樂群三路128號, 台北市

Week of Events

山上的風依舊香──伊誕.巴瓦瓦隆個展 Etan Pavavalung: Mountain Winds Remain Sweetly Fragrant

Katja Farin: Blind Spot

Katja Farin: Blind Spot

新北市美術館 New Taipei City Art Museum|體育課 In Terms of Sport

新北市美術館 New Taipei City Art Museum|體育課 In Terms of Sport

臺灣水彩專題精選系列〈山林篇〉水彩大展 Taiwan Watercolor Selection: Mountain and Forest Series Watercolor Exhibition

銘傳藝術中心桃園館展出「2024黃山攝影展」 MCU Art Center Taoyuan Gallery Presents “2024 Huangshan Photography Exhibition”

全域代議 Universal Deputies

全域代議 Universal Deputies

不眠山 Seeking for Absent Forms in Forests —蔡昱廷個展 Yu Ting Tsai Solo Exhibition

凡是過往,皆為序章 Past Is Prologue —何翔宇個展 He Xiangyu Solo Exhibition

凡是過往,皆為序章 Past Is Prologue —何翔宇個展 He Xiangyu Solo Exhibition

轉生成火鍋料的我,今天也在鍋底徘徊 In the Reincarnation as Hot Pot Ingredients, I Find Myself Lingering at the Bottom of the Pot Today

鎧美拉之島CHIMERA ISLAND 臺北數位藝術節 Taipei Digital Art Festival

鎧美拉之島CHIMERA ISLAND 臺北數位藝術節 Taipei Digital Art Festival

2024桃園青年設計展暨國際設計論壇 Taoyuan Youth Design Exhibition & Design Forum