9:00 am onwards A&R熱音社 A&R Music Club|新生茶會暨期初搖滾 Freshman Party & Rock Concert at the Beginning Semester
Until 5:00 pm A&R熱音社 A&R Music Club|新生茶會暨期初搖滾 Freshman Party & Rock Concert at the Beginning Semester
8:00 pm - 9:30 pm 逃避現實派對 Escape from Reality Party Feat.DJ QuestionMark —— 逃避雖可恥但有用! Escaping May Be Shameful, But It’s Useful!
9:00 am onwards 弘仁社 Hung Ran Philanthropy Club、環境保護社 Environmental Protection Club|期末聖誕大會 Christmas Gathering
All day 弘仁社 Hung Ran Philanthropy Club、環境保護社 Environmental Protection Club|期末聖誕大會 Christmas Gathering
All day 弘仁社 Hung Ran Philanthropy Club、環境保護社 Environmental Protection Club|期末聖誕大會 Christmas Gathering
All day 弘仁社 Hung Ran Philanthropy Club、環境保護社 Environmental Protection Club|期末聖誕大會 Christmas Gathering
5:30 pm - 9:30 pm Ready for the 2025 Bull Market? Join the Free ShowUp Party to Catch the Trends! 參加ShowUp活動掌握2025年大趨勢
All day 弘仁社 Hung Ran Philanthropy Club、環境保護社 Environmental Protection Club|期末聖誕大會 Christmas Gathering
Until 12:00 am 弘仁社 Hung Ran Philanthropy Club、環境保護社 Environmental Protection Club|期末聖誕大會 Christmas Gathering