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Week of Events

圖書館|獎勵經濟不利生獎助金 校慶回顧展 性別無界 活動連連 Library | “Incentive Economy Disadvantaged Student Grants” “School Anniversary Retrospective Exhibition” “Gender No Boundaries” Series of Activities

產創中心 Product Innovation Center|創新創意設計賽即起收件 Innovative Creative Design Contest starts accepting submissions from now on

軍訓室 Military Training Office|交通安全有獎徵答即起開跑 Traffic Safety Quiz Contest starts now!

銘傳多元文化交流週 本週兩校區同步登場 Ming Chuan’s Multicultural Exchange Week kicks off simultaneously at both campuses this week

銘傳67校慶創意啦啦舞競賽 睽違8年 3/24重返台北校區舞台 Ming Chuan’s 67th Anniversary Creative Cheerleading Competition Returns to Taipei Campus Stage after an 8-Year Hiatus on March 24th

【心之島嶼】周曉蘭插畫個展 “Island of The Heart” Illustration Solo Exhibition By Chou Hsiao-Lan

管理學院2024【創業競賽】最高獎金1萬元 SOM 2024 Entrepreneurship Competition

銘傳文藝獎3/20截止收件 微電影組延長至4/3止 MCU Literary and Art Awards will accept submissions until March 20, with the deadline extended to April 3 for Short Film category