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Calendar of Events








11 events,

軍訓室 Military Training Office|交通安全有獎徵答即起開跑 Traffic Safety Quiz Contest starts now!

產創中心 Product Innovation Center|創新創意設計賽即起收件 Innovative Creative Design Contest starts accepting submissions from now on

銘傳文藝獎3/20截止收件 微電影組延長至4/3止 MCU Literary and Art Awards will accept submissions until March 20, with the deadline extended to April 3 for Short Film category

雲湧智生:臺灣生成式 AI 應用黑客松競賽 AIWave: Taiwan Generative AI Applications Hackathon

2024全國醫工日創新醫材競賽 National Biomedical Engineering Day Innovation Medical Material Competition

113年度數位發展部數位產業署【DIGI+ Talent跨域數位人才加速躍升計畫】及【Talent Circulation Alliance】即將開跑 2024 Administration for Digital Industries, moda【DIGI+Talent Accelerator and Jumpstart Program】&【Talent Circulation Alliance】about to launch

10 events,

2024 Illustration Taipei 台北國際插畫博覽會〚早鳥票熱烈搶購中〛 International Illustration Expo [Early bird tickets selling fast]

11 events,

8 events,

113年度數位發展部數位產業署【DIGI+ Talent跨域數位人才加速躍升計畫】及【Talent Circulation Alliance】即將開跑 2024 Administration for Digital Industries, moda【DIGI+Talent Accelerator and Jumpstart Program】&【Talent Circulation Alliance】about to launch

9 events,

【線上版早鳥預售 Online Early Bird Pre-sale】印象・經典—印象派150週年線上展覽 Impression & Classic – Online Exhibition Celebrating 150th Anniversary of Impressionism

11 events,

創視獎創意影片賽收件延長至4/10止 The submission deadline for “Innovative Video Awards” Creative Image Design Competition has been extended until April 10th

【流動繪畫體驗 Fluid Art Experience】Amy.C Art Studio酒精墨水 X 品酒放鬆饗宴 Amy.C Art Studio Alcohol Ink X Wine Relaxation Feast

11 events,

11 events,

12 events,

山海邊境,隙間流光|遠山呼喚國際教育行動攝影展 The Apertures: From Ridges, Coasts to the Borders | Calls Over Ridges’ Education Actions Photography Exhibition

2024 尋茶香、賞螢火,初夏一起到坪林走走 Seeking Tea Aroma, Admiring Fireflies, Take a Stroll in Pinglin This Early Summer

15 events,

電影劇情,用「聽」的就知道!The Plot of the Movie is All in the Sound! Sherry Shieh 謝世嫻講座音樂會 Lecture Music Concert

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12 events,

致理科技大學113年度全國程式力競賽 2024 National Programming Competition of Chihlee University of Technology

12 events,

Skyline Film 屋頂電影院 4月台北屋頂放映 4/19(Fri)-4/21(Sun) & 4/26(Fri)-4/28(Sun)

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14 events,

驫舞劇場 X 樹林藝文中心 HORSE X Shulin Arts Center|2024《舞蹈輕鬆停看聽 Dance, Relax, Stop, Look, and Listen》|舊地重遊肢體開發工作坊 4、5 月場次 Revisiting Old Ground: Body Development Workshop, April & May Sessions

15 events,

驫舞劇場 X 樹林藝文中心 HORSE X Shulin Arts Center|2024《舞蹈輕鬆停看聽 Dance, Relax, Stop, Look, and Listen》|舊地重遊肢體開發工作坊 4、5 月場次 Revisiting Old Ground: Body Development Workshop, April & May Sessions

響應世界地球日 銘傳總務處「環保週」IG抽獎活動開跑 World Earth Day | General Affairs Division has kicked off the “Environmental Week” IG Prize Draw Activity

都防系 Dept. of Urban Planning and Disaster Management|18屆畢展「城.浮」4/22-26校內登場 18th Graduation Exhibition「城.浮」held on Campus from April 22 to 26

圖書館 Library|世界書香日 多元文化與世界閱讀節 歡迎加入 “World Book Day” Multiculturalism & World Reading Festival Welcome to join us!

19 events,

19 events,

「AI EXPO Taiwan 2024」4月24-26日圓山花博盛大舉行 Will be grandly held at the Taipei Expo Park from April 24 to 26

19 events,

廣銷系推出「廣告大富翁」高中職生一日體驗營 ADSM Launches「廣告大富翁」High School Experience Day

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21 events,

新竹遶桐花-桐聚時光村 Hsinchu’s Iconic Tung Blossom – Tung Blossom Time Village

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16 events,

驫舞劇場 X 樹林藝文中心 HORSE X Shulin Arts Center|2024《舞蹈輕鬆停看聽 Dance, Relax, Stop, Look, and Listen》|舊地重遊肢體開發工作坊 4、5 月場次 Revisiting Old Ground: Body Development Workshop, April & May Sessions

桃園畢聯會 Taoyuan Graduation Week|4/29-5/3畢業週明園展開 Take Place from April 29 to May 3 at Ming Garden

圖書館 Library|快閃圖書館 有機會把星巴克帶回家 Pop-up Library: Bring Starbucks Home

銘傳動漫學程第三屆畢展「虛擬樂土」校內展 Animation and Comic Creative Industries Design Program 3rd Graduation Exhibition “VIRTUALAND” On-Campus Exhibition

17 events,

19 events,

《早鳥優惠中 Early Bird Offer Available》2024 Canva AI 創新實戰工作坊-點燃設計革命! 2024 Canva AI Innovative Practical Workshop – Ignite the Design Revolution!

產學成果&王開立、王瓊芬老師創作聯展 Achievements of Industry-university Cooperation & Dual Solo Exhibitions of Creation by Wang Kai-Li and Wang Chiung-Fen

臺北護理健康大學辦理「2024全國健康科技創新創意競賽」活動 National Taipei University of Nursing Health Sciences hosts「National Health Technology Innovation and Creativity Competition」

日語配音社 Japanese Dubbing Club|中文配音講座 Chinese Dubbing Forum-楊詩穎老師 Ms Yang Shi-ying

20 events,

朝陽科大「2024銀髮服務產業生態系實務專題競賽」 Chaoyang University of Technology “2024 Golden-Ager Service Industry Ecosystem Practical Project Competition”

21 events,

2025大阪關西世界博覽會 順道台灣永續旅遊Logo設計甄選活動 2025 Osaka-Kansai World Expo – Taiwan Sustainable Tourism Logo Design Selection Event

松菸24小時書店 Eslite Spectrum Songyan Store 24-hour Bookstore|05月活動推薦 May Event Recommendations

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創新創業社 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Club|Next Up新創聯會六校跨校論壇 Next Up Innovation Alliance Six-School Cross-Campus Forum

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