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TouchDesigner互動媒體設計工作營 Interactive Media Design Summer Workshop

08/26 @ 9:00 上午 - 08/30 @ 4:00 下午

TouchDesigner是什麼? What is TouchDesigner?


TouchDesigner is a visual development platform that empowers designers to create stunning real-time interactive and immersive visual experiences. With its powerful computing capabilities and diverse functional modules, TouchDesigner makes it easier to bring creative projects to life—whether it’s multimedia interactive installations, architectural projection mapping, real-time visual performances, or even product prototypes. It helps artists, designers, and engineers break free from creative constraints and ignite new sparks of innovation!

工作營簡介 Workshop Overview

TouchDesigner互動媒體設計工作營」是一個為期5天結合科技藝術與互動設計的暑期工作營。在這場工作營中,我們將引領學員使用當今全球最主流的多媒體互動軟體 – TouchDesigner,透過基礎軟體訓練、各式數位設計方法及科技媒材的應用,學員將能夠快速且深入地探索互動媒體設計的世界,並享受創作與實驗的樂趣!

本工作營由新媒體藝術家蔡秉樺、盧卡.博納科爾西(Luca Bonaccorsi)和江俊毅三位導師共同設計與授課。他們將以淺顯易懂的方式帶領大家實作不同階段的課程主題,如音像藝術創作互動裝置設計燈光藝術裝置等。最後,學員將依不同主題分組創作,並在導師的指導下完成作品與展示。在工作營結束後,學員將能夠掌握互動媒體設計方法與完整開發流程,並擁有屬於自己的互動媒體作品!

The “TouchDesigner Interactive Media Design Summer Workshop” is a 5-day summer workshop that combines technology, art, and interactive design. In this workshop, participants will be introduced to the world’s leading multimedia interactive software—TouchDesigner. Through fundamental software training, various digital design methods, and the application of technological media, participants will quickly and deeply explore the world of interactive media design while enjoying the fun of creation and experimentation.

This workshop is designed and taught by new media artists Cai Bing-Hua, Luca Bonaccorsi and Chiang Chun-Yi. They will guide participants through different stages of course topics in an easy-to-understand manner, such as audiovisual art creation, interactive installation design, and light art installations. By the end of the workshop, participants will work in groups on different themes, create their projects, and present them under the guidance of the instructors. After completing the workshop, participants will have mastered interactive media design methods and the full development process, as well as created their own interactive media works!

※課程所使用之軟體、硬體設備皆由本單位提供,學員不需另行購買。 All software and hardware equipment required for the course will be provided by the organizer. Participants do not need to purchase any additional items.

講師作品 Instructor Works

LOST / 創作者:蔡秉樺 Cai Bing-Hua

音像演出 in 感覺重混Sensation(Remix) / 創作者 Audiovisual Performance in Sensation(Remix):盧卡.博納科爾西 Luca Bonaccorsi

彩色夢 Conversion Nightmare / 創作者:江俊毅 Chiang Chun-Yi

重光陣列 Dynamic Array / 創作者:胡縉祥 Hu Jin-Xiang、蔡秉樺 Cai Bing-Hua、韓承燁 Han Cheng-Ye

這門課,你將可以學到 In this Course, You Will Learn

  • 認識互動媒體設計:培養互動媒體設計思維
  • 視覺化程式邏輯:理解視覺化程式運算邏輯
  • 聲音與視覺同步:以聲音控制視覺影像
  • 感測器整合應用:多種感測器的串接與應用
  • 燈光控制與設計:LED燈條控制與燈光設計
  • 作品整合與呈現:媒材整合與互動作品呈現
  • Understanding Interactive Media Design: Cultivate interactive media design thinking
  • Visual Programming Logic: Understand visual programming and computational logic
  • Synchronizing Sound and Visuals: Control visual images with sound
  • Sensor Integration: Connecting and applying various sensors
  • Lighting Control and Design: Control LED strips and design lighting
  • Project Integration and Presentation: Integrate media and present interactive works

課程大綱 Course Outline

Day 1 – 認識TouchDesigner Introduction to TouchDesigner

  • TouchDesigner軟體基本介紹
  • 視覺化程式開發基礎
  • 2D與3D視覺設計
  • Basic introduction to TouchDesigner software
  • Fundamentals of visual programming
  • 2D and 3D visual design

Day 2 – 音像藝術創作 Audiovisual Art Creation

  • 節拍與聲音製作:使用Ableton Live
  • 聲音與視覺之間的連動:使用TDAbleton
  • 音像表演的流程建構
  • Beat and sound production: Using Ableton Live
  • Synchronization between sound and visuals: Using TDAbleton
  • Constructing the workflow of audiovisual performance

Day 3 – 互動裝置設計 Interactive Installation Design

  • Arduino控制板基本介 紹
  • 多種感測器的應用
  • 互動感測系統設計
  • Basic introduction to Arduino controller
  • Application of various sensors
  • Design of interactive sensing systems

Day 4 – 燈光藝術裝置 Light Art Installation

  • LED燈條串接與控制
  • 光的基礎視覺設計 – 閃爍、呼吸燈、擴張
  • 光的進階視覺設計 – 粒子光點、流星燈
  • Connecting and controlling LED strips
  • Basic visual design of light: Flicker, breathing lights, expansion
  • Advanced visual design of light: Particle light spots, meteor lights

Day 5 – 作品整合與成果發表 Project Integration and Presentation

  • 作品整合與輸出設定
  • 講師指導與作品實作
  • 學員成果發表
  • Project integration and output settings
  • Instructor guidance and project implementation
  • Student project presentation

師資團隊 Instructor Team

蔡秉樺 Cai Bing-Hua


作品入圍2014及2019年威尼斯拉古納國際藝術獎、2013、2014及2018年阿根廷404電子藝術節、2013及2018年臺北數位藝術節、2019年桃園科技藝術節、2013 年桃源創作獎、2016年全國美展等,於2019年榮獲第十二屆SIGGRAPH ASIA延展實境(Extended Reality, XR)類別最佳科技大獎(Best XR Technology)。

A new media artist dedicated to creative programming education, interactive experience design, and technological art creation. He is the founder of BLND Creative Design and a multimedia design course lecturer at National Taiwan University of Arts. His works have been selected for the Venice Laguna International Art Prize in 2014 and 2019, the 404 International Electronic Art Festival in Argentina in 2013, 2014, and 2018, the Taipei Digital Art Festival in 2013 and 2018, the Taoyuan Art Award in 2013, and the National Art Exhibition in 2016. He won the Best XR Technology award at the 12th SIGGRAPH Asia in 2019.

盧卡.博納科爾西 Luca Bonaccorsi

1994於義大利出生、導演、數位藝術家、音樂家。作品探討科技新媒體間的人際關係,以及科技對日常生活狀態的影響。 近年定居臺灣,從事短片與錄像藝術製作,同時於各地進行多媒體音樂表演。

作品「植物標本館」獲大墩獎數位藝術類第一名,音像演出經歷如 2023年感覺重混、2022年綁山條 Trail Makers – 當代藝術展。

Born in Italy in 1994, Luca is a director, digital artist, and musician whose works explore interpersonal relationships through new media technology and the impact of technology on daily life. Currently based in Taiwan, he is engaged in short film and video art production, as well as multimedia music performances. His work “Herbarium” won first place in the digital art category of the Dadu Prize. His audiovisual performances include the 2023 Sensation Remix and the 2022 Trail Makers – Contemporary Art Exhibition.

江俊毅 Chiang Chun-Yi



A new media artist and art technology worker, his works span various fields such as technological art, visual art, installation art, and bio-art. His style is diverse, blending art and technology and often addressing issues related to the environment, ecology, animals, and science, reflecting his deep thoughts and concerns about contemporary society and the relationship between humans and nature. His works have won multiple awards, including the 2020 Taoyuan Tech Art Award, the 2021 Taoyuan International Art Award, the 2021 Yo-Chang Art Museum Sculpture Art Award, and the 2021 Pingtung Award.

課程資訊 Course Information

報名資格 Eligibility

  • Open to all university students (including freshmen) and recent graduates (including master’s and doctoral graduates).
  • After registering and paying on the ACCUPASS platform, participants must email a copy of their student ID or relevant documentation to info@blnd.tw.
  • Once the organizer approves and replies via email, the registration is considered successful.

上課方式 Class Format
課程採 實體 上課 The course will be conducted in-person.
上課地點 Venue:BLND創意設計 BLND Academy(台北市大安區忠孝東路四段250號4樓之1 4F-1, No. 250, Sec. 4, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City)

課程日期 Date & Time
8月台北場 Taipei Session in August:8/26(一 Monday)- 8/30(五 Friday)
09:00-16:00(中午休息1小時,總計30小時 1-hour lunch break, total 30 hours)

課程費用 Fee
NT$18,000 / 人 person
兩人同行 For groups of two:NT$16,900 / 人 person
三人以上 For groups of three or more:NT$16,200 / 人 person

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2407281740141049123928

課程須知 Course Notes

1. 學員上課需自備筆記型電腦(Windows 或 Mac 皆可)三鍵滑鼠、耳機
2. 課程提供軟體及硬體設備免費上課使用,如需購買可於當日另洽櫃台人員。
3. 課程內容、日期及講師可能因故有所修改,主辦單位保留異動之權利。
4. 若報名學員人數不足,將視情況取消當次課程,並全額退還報名費用。
5. 如需申請退款請於活動開始日前8日辦理,並將酌收票價10%退票手續費,逾期恕不受理。

  1. Participants must bring their own laptops (Windows or Mac), a three-button mouse and headphones.
  2. The course provides free access to software and hardware equipment. For purchase inquiries, please contact the reception desk on the day of the event.
  3. The course content, dates, and instructors are subject to change. The organizer reserves the right to make adjustments.
  4. If the number of participants is insufficient, the course may be canceled, and the registration fee will be fully refunded.
  5. Refund requests must be made 8 days before the event. A 10% processing fee will be deducted, and late requests will not be accepted.


08/26 @ 9:00 上午
08/30 @ 4:00 下午
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