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Timeless Fragility 永恆的脆弱 『服裝秀、陶藝展覽』 Ceramic Exhibition & Runway Show

09/28 @ 3:00 下午 - 09/29 @ 7:30 下午

由於我們的品牌誕生於一位陶瓷藝術家和一位時裝設計師的靈感,所以這次展覽將時裝秀與陶瓷展覽結合在一起。此次活動展出了時裝設計師 胡俊丞 和美國陶藝家Justin Pollard的作品。標題「永恆的脆弱」表達了這一點:在我們的內心和日常生活中,脆弱既是易碎,但又是永恆的感受;觸動但美麗。 與我們一起在這個時裝和陶藝合作活動中探索它。

Since our brand was born from the inspiration of a ceramic artist and a fashion designer, this exhibition combines a fashion show with a ceramics exhibition. The event features works by fashion designer Robin Hu and American ceramicist Justin Pollard. The title ‘Timeless Fragility’ expresses that, within us and our everyday lives, there is something fragile, yet timeless; raw but beautiful. Join us to explore this collaboration at the intersections of fashion and ceramic art.

胡俊丞(Robin Hu) (@robinwhodesigner):胡俊丞(1999年出生)是一位新銳台灣時裝設計師,兩次獲得TFDA時裝設計獎。他是Agaru Atelier (@agaru_atelier) 的聯合創始人。他的作品結合了時尚深厚歷史的元素,創新打版和精心剪裁。他的創作表達了他對不同材質的熱愛和對不同體型人群的尊重,他以可調整式的設計,創作出包容不同體型人群的創新服裝。

Robin Hu (@robinwhodesigner): Robin (b. 1999) is a Taiwanese fashion designer and a two-time winner of the TFDA Fashion Design Award. He is the co-founder of Agaru Atelier (@agaru_atelier). His work combines elements of fashion’s deep history with innovative pattern-making and careful tailoring. His creations express his love for materials and respect for people of different body types. By employing adjustable techniques, he creates collections that are both innovative and inclusive.

Justin Pollard (@justin_pollard_ceramics):Justin(1982年出生)是一位美國陶藝家,也是Agaru (@agaru_atelier) 的聯合創始人,他的作品旨在以藉由欣賞陶藝來靜心和提升日常生活的瞬間。他修行了20多年的禪宗,也曾於韓國寺院生活。這些經驗對他的陶藝實踐和哲學有著持續的影響。他的功能性和雕塑性作品探索了粘土和釉料作為材料的本質,將它們以動態的方式結合在一起,喚起超越時間的美感。

Justin Pollard (@justin_pollard_ceramics): Justin (b. 1982) is an American ceramicist and co-founder of Agaru (@agaru_atelier) whose ceramics aim to catch the eye, quiet the mind, and elevate everyday moments. His 20+ years of Zen Buddhist practice, and the decade he spent practicing in monastic settings in South Korea, are a constant influence on his ceramics practice and philosophy. His functional and sculptural works explore the nature of clay and glaze as materials, combining them in dynamic ways that elicit a sense of beauty beyond time.


You can learn more about our story by following the link below:


「身身工作室 DuoBody Taipei」(IG:duobody_taipei),由臺灣編舞家暨舞者王箏與馬戲特技表演者林祐淵共同創立。從2022年開始以「雙人表演」作為團隊方向及創作核心,結合「接觸即興/ 當代舞蹈」身體性及「特技雙人」的高難度技巧,透過「以柔克剛」的身體質地,作為劇場創作及推廣雙人身體課程的長期發展目標。

近年也與韓國首爾亞洲舞蹈節、宜蘭市政府、臺北愛樂管弦樂團、大稻埕國際藝術節、臺北科技大學設計學系、虛實計畫…  國內外藝術節、政府、學校及藝術團隊合作。

“DuoBody Taipei” was co-founded by Taiwanese choreographer and dancer Jane Wang and circus acrobat Yu-Yuan Lin . Since 2022, the duo has focused on “duet performance” as the core of their team’s creative direction, blending the physicality of “contact improvisation/contemporary dance” with the high-level techniques of “acrobatics duos.” Their long-term goal is to explore the interplay of “softness overcoming hardness” in their physical expressions as a foundation for theatrical creations and to promote duo body movement classes.

In recent years, they have also collaborated with the Seoul International Dance Festival in Korea, the Yilan City Government, the Taipei Philharmonic Orchestra, the Dadaocheng International Arts Festival, the Department of Design at National Taipei University of Technology, the “Virtual-Real Project,” and other domestic and international art festivals, government entities, schools, and art groups.

活動時程 Event Schedule

地點:濕地 | Venue(104台北市中山區林森北路107巷10號)



第一場 15:00(14:30 開始入場)

第二場 18:00(17:30 開始入場)

陶藝與油彩畫展:9月28日 – 29日 場地3F(29號為免費入場看藝術展)

9月28日 憑時尚秀票證入場

9月29日 11:30 – 20:30

Location: 濕地 | Venue (#10, Ln 107, Linsen N. Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei)

Ticket Price: NT$300 (This price includes the fashion show and 3rd floor exhibition)

Fashion Show(s): Saturday, Sept 28 at B1 of Venue

1st Show: 15:00 (Seating starts from 14:30)

2nd Show: 18:00 (Seating starts from 17:30)

Ceramics Exhibition:

Sept 28th: Admission only with attendance to the fashion show

Sept 29th: 11:30 – 20:30 on 3F of Venue (Free Admission on 9/29)

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2408020747261108911525?utm_campaign=accu_banner&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web


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