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TEDxZhubei 2024年會 Annual Conference|智慧心、勇氣行 The Brave and The Brilliant

11/03 @ 12:30 下午 - 5:00 下午

今年TED大會的主題為「The Brave and the Brilliant」





This year’s TED theme is “The Brave and the Brilliant”. The Chinese interpretation for TEDxZhubei is “Wisdom and Courage”.

In this ever-changing world, filled with surprises and challenges, we are gradually realizing that achieving happiness and peace depends less on material things and more on developing inner strength—wisdom and courage. Through the most valuable ideas shared by six speakers, and the different ways they demonstrate wisdom and courage, we hope to resonate and connect with the wisdom and courage within each person. We aim to contribute more ideas to the world we all belong to, making it a better place!

We don’t need to be influential figures to make a difference!

#TED年會 #TED演講 #竹北演講
#內心的力量 #SDGs #永續餐盤 #VR #AI教育 #社工 #儒釋道 #書法 #蒙特梭利

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2409020613051545046428?utm_source=EventPage&utm_medium=AdCard&utm_campaign=accu_AdCard_2409200647458501872310


TED在2009年開放品牌授權(TEDx license),讓全世界有熱情和能力的人能循著TED的模式,自負盈虧的經營TED大會。

TED opened its brand licensing (TEDx license) in 2009, allowing passionate and capable individuals to organize TED events, operating under the TED model at their own expense.


近年來,人們生存的世界面臨許多衝擊,從全球暖化、疫情、戰爭、糧食危機,到出生率降低、人口老化…等,每一波衝擊的來襲都令人措手不及。也因此,人們內心的世界也受到極大的挑戰。在物質上,人們擁有的看似越來越多,但卻變得越來越不快樂,憂鬱症竟然也像普通感冒一般,成為常見的疾病。 面對這些巨大又複雜的挑戰,人們迫切的需要長遠思考又發人深省的好點子,以及一個能交流和傳播好點子的平台,以獲得真正的幸福。有鑑於此,隨著TEDx計畫於全球越來越具有影響力,TEDxZhubei於2021年正式成立!TEDxZhubei欲成為華人區域最有影響力的idea交流平台之一,為整體世界善的交流投注一份心力!

TEDxZhubei’s Mission: A Platform for Inspiring and Enlightening Exchanges

In recent years, the world we live in has faced many challenges—global warming, pandemics, wars, food crises, declining birth rates, and an aging population. Each wave of crisis has taken us by surprise, and our inner worlds have been deeply affected. Despite seeming to possess more material wealth than ever, people are becoming less happy, with depression as common as the common cold.

Faced with these overwhelming and complex challenges, people are in urgent need of long-term, thought-provoking ideas and a platform for exchanging and spreading these ideas to achieve true happiness. In light of this, with TEDx becoming increasingly influential worldwide, TEDxZhubei was officially established in 2021! TEDxZhubei aims to become one of the most impactful idea-sharing platforms in the Chinese-speaking world, contributing to the global exchange of positive ideas.


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