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Skyline Film 屋頂電影院 4月台北屋頂放映 4/19(Fri)-4/21(Sun) & 4/26(Fri)-4/28(Sun)

04/19 @ 7:30 下午 - 04/28 @ 11:30 下午



4/19(Fri)-4/21(Sun)及4/26-4/28(Sun) 這兩週,我們刻意把週五的場次縮減為一場,將整體時間延後至20:30開演,下班下課的你們可以不用那麼趕了!




Hello Taipei!

This April, join us for rooftop screenings in Neihu, featuring ten movies over two consecutive weeks. Enjoy the timeless classics with wireless headphones and wooden lounge chairs, overlooking half of Taipei Basin. With a gentle spring breeze, everyone can unwind with a cold beer and some American-style smoked meat. It’s a limited-time rooftop experience you won’t want to miss!

From April 19 (Fri) to April 21 (Sun) and April 26 to April 28 (Sun), we’ve reduced the Friday screenings to one session and pushed the start time to 20:30, so you can relax after work or school.

Mark your calendars and join us for a drink and a movie on the rooftop!

Every ticket holder will receive a complimentary can of Heineken Gold Label 330ml!

We look forward to seeing you on the rooftop of Taipei Design Materials Center in Neihu this April!

20:30 Forrest Gump 阿甘正傳 (19:30 開放入場 Open at 19:30)





Forrest Gump sat on a bench in the park, sharing his story with passersby.

He was a football star, a hero of the Vietnam War, and a member of the national table tennis team. Today, he’s also a successful businessman.

But without his mother and Jenny, the two people he cherishes most in his life, Forrest wouldn’t have had such an extraordinary journey.

And his story begins with that somewhat dim-witted, physically challenged child…

18:30 In Bruges 殺手沒有假期 (17:30開放入場 Open at 17:30)




After completing their assassination mission, Ken and Ray were ordered to take a vacation in Bruges, Belgium.

In this medieval town bustling with tourists, they visited historic sites, attended art exhibitions, and admired paintings. Despite the relaxed atmosphere, it wasn’t the kind of place two assassins would typically enjoy.

As it turned out, Ray accidentally killed an innocent young boy during their last mission, despite successfully eliminating their target. Meanwhile, Ken received a new assignment from their superiors: to kill Ray…

21:20 The Boat That Rocked 海盜電台 (20:40開放入場 Open at 20:40)

在英國60年代,人們唯一能夠聽到搖滾樂的地方,是一艘大西洋飄盪的破船 ── 一個在海上發送違法電波、百無禁忌的海盜電台。



In the 1960s in the UK, the only place people could hear rock music was on a large, drifting ship – a pirate radio station broadcasting illegal signals across the Atlantic Ocean.

But once aboard, it became clear that these outlaws who were changing the world were just a group of misfits labeled with various stereotypes, loving rock music with all their hearts.

Remember, rock ‘n’ roll has only one rule: there are no rules.

18:30 De Surpirse 意外製造公司 (17:30 開放入場 Open at 17:30)



In a noble estate in the western part of Europe, Jacob watched his mother pass away with indifference. He had long lost passion for life, abandoning everything, only seeking a peaceful and painless way to die.

By a chance encounter, he discovered a company offering one-way tickets in life. After purchasing a “Surprise Package” journey to paradise without knowing the method of death, he unexpectedly encountered the only companion who touched his heart…

21:15 The Lunchbox 美味情書 (20:35 開放入場 Open at 20:35)






For a hundred years, Mumbai’s lunchbox delivery service had never gone wrong.

Today, IIa was particularly happy because her husband had eaten up the lunchbox she had prepared for him with her own hands. She hoped that through the delicious lunchbox she made, she could salvage the fading relationship between them.

But when IIa asked her husband about it, she found out that his lunchbox had been delivered to a stranger’s mouth. She tried several times, only to find that the lunchbox never reached her husband, yet it was eaten up completely every day…

Although disappointed by the mix-up, IIa wanted to thank the stranger who ate her lunchbox every day, so she left a note inside.

In the evening, IIa received the first letter from Saajan…

20:30 Nuovo Cinema Paradiso 新天堂樂園 (19:30 開放入場 Open at 19:30)




Years later, when the mischievous Toto had become the renowned director Salvatore, he returned to where it all began—the long-abandoned “Paradiso Cinema.”

Once, the “Paradiso Cinema” was the greatest place in the world. It had movies, laughter, and an old projectionist named Adelfio who watched over the smiles of the townsfolk from the projection booth. It was here that Toto’s dream of filmmaking took root, but for his dream, he had to leave his hometown…

He remembered every emotion he felt while watching movies, and this time, it would be even more profound…

18:30 Love Letter 情書 (17:30開放入場 Open at 17:30)



Haruko Watanabe’s fiancé, Itsuki Fujii, passed away in a mountain accident. Her grief, anger, longing, and love weighed on her like an undeliverable letter, suffocating her.

Half-jokingly, she dug out Itsuki Fujii’s high school yearbook, “How are you? I’m fine…” Haruko wrote a letter to him following the address listed. Then, she received a reply from Itsuki Fujii. The old home that had long been demolished, the person who had long passed away, and the story that had ended many years ago suddenly began to turn once again…

21:30  Seven Psychopaths 瘋狗綁票令 (20:50開放入場 Open at 20:50)

Marty是個編劇,他想好了新劇本的標題 – Seven Psychopaths,正苦惱著內容該如何動筆。



Marty, a screenwriter, had come up with the title for his new script – Seven Psychopaths, but he was struggling with how to flesh out the content.

One day, his unemployed actor friend, Billy, visited him and discussed the job he and another old man, Hans, were doing – professional dog nappers. As luck would have it, their latest target happened to be the beloved Shih Tzu of the notorious gangster, Charlie…

And Marty himself became a victim of this absurd kidnapping, as the four men and a dog found themselves embroiled in a chaotic web of love and violence.

18:30 The Worst Person in the World 世界上最爛的人 (17:30開放入場 Open at 17:30)




Young as you are, you’re probably suited for contradictions and confusion, aren’t you?

Julie is intelligent, confident, and proactive. Whether it’s academics, career, or relationships, she always pursues her interests but also knows when to put on the brakes.

Despite living what seems like a liberated life outside traditional frameworks, Julie still feels like a lost bird, flapping its wings without knowing its destination…

21:30 Annie Hall 安妮霍爾 (20:50開放入場 Open at 20:50)

Alvy Singer fall in love with Annie Hall。



男人的脆弱,還有女人的美,以幽默掩飾安全感…Woody Allen是沒在客氣的!

Alvy Singer falls in love with Annie Hall.

That’s the entire story, filled with sweetness, romance, sadness, and regret.

Simple yet complex, because Alvy is a contradictory individual. He’s a melancholic, unsuccessful comedian who craves love yet is cynical and sharp-tongued. He’s neurotic yet arrogant. He’s flawed but somehow endearing, because within his weakness lies such brave love, and within his hesitation lies such genuine honesty.

The fragility of men, and the beauty of women, are both concealed by humor for a sense of security… Woody Allen doesn’t mince words!

Skyline 屋頂限定 Rooftop Exclusive

Skyline Film與每一位合作夥伴在屋頂,帶給你們最特別的體驗。


At Skyline Film, we and each of our partners aim to provide you with the most special experience on the rooftop.

Offering a variety of menus provided by Modern Smoker (Smoked meat products are not included in the ticket price and must be purchased separately), we slow-cook tender and flavorful hand-torn pork and beef brisket over original wood matchsticks. We also serve juicy and bone-in pork ribs, accompanied by flavorful Mexican chili peppers, pickles, and finely chopped raw onions, all topped off with our secret BBQ sauce. When you come to the rooftop, this is the kind of enjoyment you can expect!

1. 柴燒煙燻牛前胸肉+煙燻香腸或培根.搭配墨西哥辣椒.酸黃瓜.生洋蔥.特製B.B.Q.醬及餐包 $350

2. 柴燒煙燻手撕豬肉+煙燻香腸或培根搭配墨西哥辣椒. 酸黃瓜.生洋蔥.特製B.B.Q.醬及餐包 $280

3. 柴燒煙燻雞腿+煙燻香腸或培根搭配墨西哥辣椒. 酸黃瓜.生洋蔥.特製B.B.Q.醬及餐包 $280

4. 雙人分享餐[手撕豬]+[牛前胸]or[雞腿](2選1) +煙燻香腸或培根搭配墨西哥辣椒. 酸黃瓜.生洋蔥.特製B.B.Q.醬及餐包 $600

5. 柴燒煙燻分享派對燻肉(牛前胸.雞腿.手撕豬.適合3-4人)+煙燻香腸或培根搭配墨西哥辣椒. 酸黃瓜.生洋蔥.特製B.B.Q.醬及餐包 $900

6. 煙燻手撕豬肉捲餅 $150(僅提供第二場次)

7. 煙燻雞腿捲餅 $150(僅提供第二場次)

8. 煙燻牛前胸捲餅 $200(僅提供第二場次)



此外,百威金尊攤位每場次都將提供限量拍照打卡禮,快來小巧精美的金尊Stand bar找我們玩!

  1. Smoked beef brisket with smoked sausage or bacon, served with Mexican chili peppers, pickles, raw onions, special BBQ sauce, and bread roll – $350
  2. Smoked hand-torn pork with smoked sausage or bacon, served with Mexican chili peppers, pickles, raw onions, special BBQ sauce, and bread roll – $280
  3. Smoked chicken leg with smoked sausage or bacon, served with Mexican chili peppers, pickles, raw onions, special BBQ sauce, and bread roll – $280
  4. Duo Meal for Two: Choice of hand-torn pork or beef brisket or chicken leg (choose 1), served with smoked sausage or bacon, Mexican chili peppers, pickles, raw onions, special BBQ sauce, and bread roll – $600
  5. Smoked Meat Sharing Party Platter (beef brisket, chicken leg, hand-torn pork, suitable for 3-4 people), served with smoked sausage or bacon, Mexican chili peppers, pickles, raw onions, special BBQ sauce, and bread roll – $900
  6. Smoked hand-torn pork wrap – $150 (available only for the second session)
  7. Smoked chicken leg wrap – $150 (available only for the second session)
  8. Smoked beef brisket wrap – $200 (available only for the second session)

Whether you’re alone, with a partner, or in a group, our rooftop meat party has something for everyone!

With each ticket purchase, receive a complimentary can of premium Budweiser Crown, the epitome of malt beer with a pure and rich taste, perfect not only as a meal accompaniment but also as a delightful drink. Budweiser Crown is like the pearl on the crown, an essential favorite at the rooftop cinema. Enjoy your leisurely evenings and weekends with Budweiser Crown paired with exquisite smoked meats!

Additionally, the Budweiser Crown booth will offer limited edition photo op gifts at each session. Come find us at the cozy and exquisite Stand bar for some fun!

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2402271632251890849219

活動場地 Event Venue



Located a bit away from the bustling Xinyi District, across from IKEA in Neihu, Taipei Design Materials Center.

As you ascend to the 8th-floor terrace space, you’ll be greeted by a panoramic view of the Taipei basin, with a distant glimpse of Taipei 101. The typically busy and crowded atmosphere of Neihu takes on a more relaxed vibe on Friday evenings and weekends, adding a touch of leisure to the surroundings.

注意事項 Important Notes

  1. 本活動必須年滿18歲以上才可參與,配合電影分級制度,必要時請務必配合現場工作人員進行身份查證驗,請購票觀眾務必攜帶身分證件。
  2. 購票入場即可免費獲得百威金尊330ml一罐!
  3. 活動現場提供BBQ燻肉販售,販售方式刷卡付現皆可!
  4. 台北設計建材中心附設付費停車場,屋頂電影院活動及現場食物酒水消費無法進行折抵。
  5. 活動座位為全躺椅,入座採先來先到制,我們不提供預先劃位或保留座位。
  6. 每場電影結束後我們都會進行場地整理,若您有連續購買兩場電影的觀眾可留在原座位上無需重新入場,我們的工作人員會協助您進行check in。
  7. 請注意工作人員有權請觀眾調整座位以確保每位購票者都能入席。
  8. 如遇颱⾵或其他不可抗⼒之⾃然因素導致活動必須取消/延期,我們將會透過活動通ACCUPASS購票頁面(本頁面)及Skyline Film Facebook官方粉絲團進⾏公告。若牽涉退票事宜,我們將會按照相關法令規定,並統⼀透過活動通ACCUPASS辦理退費。
  9. 除不可抗⼒之⾃然因素外,票卷⼀旦售出,恕不退款,若無法參加活動,請將票券轉讓其他參加⼈。
  10. 活動現場請勿吸菸。
  11. 禁止酒後駕車。
  1. Participants must be aged 18 and above. In compliance with film classification regulations, please cooperate with onsite staff for identity verification. Audience members must carry identification documents.
  2. Upon ticket purchase, attendees will receive a complimentary 330ml can of Budweiser.
  3. BBQ smoked meat will be available for purchase onsite, and payment can be made via card or cash.
  4. Taipei Design Center has a paid parking facility. Parking fees cannot be offset against purchases at the rooftop cinema or onsite food and beverage consumption.
  5. Seating is provided in the form of reclining chairs on a first-come, first-served basis. We do not offer pre-assigned seating or seat reservations.
  6. After each movie screening, we will tidy up the venue. Audience members who have purchased tickets for consecutive screenings may remain in their original seats without needing to re-enter the venue. Our staff will assist you with check-in.
  7. Please note that staff reserve the right to rearrange seating to ensure that every ticket holder can be seated.
  8. In the event of a typhoon or other force majeure circumstances leading to the cancellation or postponement of the event, announcements will be made via the event platform ACCUPASS and the official Skyline Film Facebook fan page. Refunds, if applicable, will be processed in accordance with relevant laws and regulations through the ACCUPASS platform.
  9. Except for force majeure circumstances, tickets are non-refundable once sold. If you are unable to attend the event, please transfer your ticket to another person.
  10. Smoking is prohibited at the event venue.
  11. Driving under the influence of alcohol is strictly prohibited.


04/19 @ 7:30 下午
04/28 @ 11:30 下午
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