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Sereno Trio|鷗遊義法 Seagull’s Journey through Italy and France

05/12 @ 2:30 下午 - 4:00 下午


海鷗象徵音樂家在樂曲中翱翔,引領聽眾前往不同的時光國度。Sereno Trio將帶來20世紀晚期法國與義大利作曲家,德布西與馬爾圖齊的鋼琴三重奏浪漫樂章。

“The poet’s spirit travels through forests and across oceans, only to seek its own voice.” — From Tagore’s “Stray Birds”

Seagulls symbolize musicians soaring in the music, leading listeners to different realms of time. Sereno Trio will present romantic movements from the late 20th-century French and Italian composers, Debussy and Martucci, in their piano trio performance.

演奏曲目 Repertoire

德布西:G大調鋼琴三重奏、馬爾圖契:第一號C大調鋼琴三重奏、菲利普 高貝爾:三幅水彩畫⋯等。

Debussy: Piano Trio in G Major
Martucci: Piano Trio No. 1 in C Major
Philippe Gaubert: Trois Aquarelles (Three Watercolors) … and more.

費用 Fee:免費 Free(自由入場 Free Admission)


02 2577 5931


10554臺北市八德路三段25號 Taiwan
台北市, Taiwan