RUMA龍舟|熱血龍舟體驗 Dragon Boat Activity
03/22 @ 8:30 上午 - 03/30 @ 10:30 上午

關於RUMA龍舟 About RUMA Dragon Boat Team
The RUMA Dragon Boat Team was formed in 2024 by a group of dragon boat enthusiasts from various countries (currently, our members are from Taiwan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Argentina, Brazil and the United States). The four letters in RUMA stand for Rebellion, Unity, Bravery, and Friendship. Additionally, in Malay, “RUMA” means “home.” We hope that while enjoying dragon boating, our teammates can also become part of the RUMA family, exercising together and staying healthy together!
賽事獲獎實績 Team historical performance
2024新北市議長盃龍舟錦標賽 大型混合龍舟 第7名(共49隊參賽)
7th place (out of 49 teams), 2024 New Taipei City Race, Standard Boat, Mixed Open
2024新北市議長盃龍舟錦標賽 大型混合龍舟 總決賽(5-8名)精彩瞬間 Highlights of 2024 New Taipei City Race Standard Mixed Open, Grand Final (5th-8th places)
體驗活動流程 Agenda
時間 Time (am) | 項目 Item |
8:30 | 集合 Meet up |
8:30-8:45 | 岸上划船安全、姿勢、口令說明 Introduction & Instructions |
8:50-9:00 | 熱身 & 著裝上船 Warm-up & boarding |
9:00-10:15 | 上船體驗 Training |
10:15-10:30 | 上岸收操 & 反饋 Cool-down & feedback |
*以上為週六體驗活動時間,週日體驗活動集合時間為7:30。 The above schedule is for the Saturday experience activities. For Sunday experience activities, the meeting time is 7:30.
體驗注意事項 Reminders
- 體驗費用 Fee:NT$200(請透過ACCUPASS報名繳費,繳費成功收到email後才算報名成功。 Please register and pay through ACCUPASS. Registration is only considered complete after you successfully pay and receive a confirmation email.)
- 集合地點 Meeting point:打卡咖啡前: In front of Cafe:
- 穿著 Attire:運動服裝 & 球鞋 Sportswear & sneakers
- 攜帶物品 Items to bring:運動鞋、拖鞋、水、帽子、防曬乳液、換洗衣物、太陽眼鏡 Sports shoes, slippers, water, hat, sunscreen, change of clothes, sunglasses
- 其他 Other information:划龍舟風雨無阻,除非是下大雨、風浪太大或者打雷,否則就算小飄雨體驗活動一樣會照常進行哦!Dragon boating will proceed regardless of the weather. The activity will only be canceled in case of heavy rain, strong winds, or thunderstorms. Otherwise, the acticvity will continue even in light rain!
報名 To apply:
龍舟體驗適合誰參加 Who should come & join?
- 熱愛健身、有運動習慣的你 For those who love fitness and have a habit of exercising
- 想嘗試挑戰新的運動、訓練體能的你 For those who want to challenge themselves with new sports and improve their physical fitness
- 喜歡享受戶外運動清新空氣和藍天綠水的你 For those who enjoy outdoor sports in fresh air and beautiful natural surroundings
- 喜歡/願意早起運動的你(若體驗後加入隊伍,訓練時間是每週六8:30集合訓練到10:30及週日7:30-9:30,重要比賽備賽期可能增加訓練頻率)For those who like or are willing to wake up early for exercise (If you join the team after the experience, training sessions are held every Saturday from 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM/Sunday from 7:30 AM to 9:30 AM, with possible increased frequency during important competition preparation periods.)
- 不限年齡(我們隊員年齡從20+到60+都有) No age limit (our team members range from their 20s to their 60s)
龍舟體驗 FAQ
- 完全沒有經驗可以嗎? Is it okay if I have no experience at all?
當然沒問題,我們很多朋友一開始連獨木舟都沒有划過就來體驗,也不少人是一體驗就上癮。 Of course, no problem! Many of our friends had never even paddled a canoe before coming to try it out, and quite a few got hooked after just one experience.
- 我…不會游泳耶,會不會掉進水裡啊… I don’t know how to swim. What if I fall into the water?
練習時會有專業的舵手掌舵確保練習時的安全,每位上船的朋友也都會穿著救生衣,基本上是不會翻船啦。 During practice, there will be a professional helmsman to ensure safety, and everyone on the boat will wear a life jacket. Basically, it’s very unlikely to capsize.
- 划龍舟體力是不是要非常好啊?我看比賽每個人體型都是倒三角型。 Does dragon boating require a lot of physical strength? I see that everyone in the races has a V-shaped body.
如果有人跟你說划龍舟不累,那他一定是騙你,體能、體態這件事其實還是需要配合飲食控制和持續自我堅持才能維持一定的水準,但我們有隊友加入龍舟隊一年後,配合飲食控制、重訓、划龍舟,體重減了12公斤,體脂降了5%,相信你也可以! If someone tells you that dragon boating isn’t tiring, they’re definitely lying. Maintaining physical fitness and body shape does require diet control and persistent self-discipline. However, we have teammates who, after joining the dragon boat team for a year, lost 12 kilograms and reduced their body fat by 5% through diet control, strength training and dragon boating. We believe you can do it too
- 參加體驗需要購買任何器材嗎? Do I need to buy any equipment to participate in the event?
不需要喔,我們會準備槳 & 救生衣給你使用。 No, you don’t. We will provide paddles and life jackets for you.