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NSO室內樂《1826-回到未來》 NSO Chamber Concerts – The Abandoned Beauty

11/09 @ 7:30 下午 - 9:00 下午

貝多芬第十三號絃樂四重奏,於首演時因艱澀難懂,出版商擔心影響銷售,希望貝多芬重寫終曲樂章,貝多芬不僅拒絕並說:「我的音樂是寫給未來的。」1876年,15歲的馬勒首演了尚未完成的A小調鋼琴四重奏,之後便將此曲束之高閣,在馬勒逝世約五十年後,他的遺孀艾瑪,發現並出版這首僅完成一個樂章,同時也是馬勒唯一的室內樂作品。薇薇安.馮的The Ice is Talking,以刮、敲、摩擦冰塊的聲音,為漸漸融化的冰山發聲,以此喚醒人類勿再漠視地球暖化的問題。

During the premiere of Beethoven’s String Quartet No. 13, the piece was deemed difficult and inaccessible, prompting the publisher to worry about its sales. The publisher asked Beethoven to rewrite the final movement. Beethoven not only refused but declared, “My music is for the future”. In 1876, 15-year-old Gustav Mahler premiered his unfinished Piano Quartet in A Minor. Afterward, the piece was shelved. Approximately fifty years after Mahler’s death, his widow Alma rediscovered and published this single-completed movement, which remains Mahler’s only chamber music work. Vivian Fung’s The Ice Is Talking uses the sounds of scraping, tapping, and rubbing ice to give voice to the melting glaciers, aiming to awaken humanity to the urgency of global warming.

演出人員 Performers






I-Ching Li, Cheng-Mei Sun, violin

Chi-Chuan Teng, viola

Simon Thompson, cello

Yi-Chih Lu, piano

Sebastian Efler, percussion

演出曲目 Performance Track

薇薇安.馮:The Ice Is Talking



Vivian Fung: The Ice Is Talking

Gustav Mahler: Piano Quartet in A minor

Ludwig van Beethoven: String Quartet No. 13, Op. 130

報名 To apply:https://www.opentix.life/event/1818191902383738880


台北市, Taiwan
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