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L’OCCITANE 歐舒丹「Re:行南法」沉浸式五感體驗展 “Re: Southern France Journey” Immersive Five-Sense Experience Exhibition

07/13 @ 10:00 上午 - 07/25 @ 8:00 下午

|活動場次 Event Sessions

  • 展覽日期 Date|2024.7.13(六)(Saturday) – 2024.7.25(四)(Thursday)
  • 參觀時間 Time|10:00-20:00
  • 展覽地點 Venue|松山文創園區4號倉庫 Warehouse No. 4, Songshan Cultural and Creative Park(台北市信義區光復南路133號 No. 133, Guangfu S. Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City)
  • 展覽場次 Sessions|每日開放20場次 ,免費入場參觀 ,請於預約場次前15分鐘完成報到活動網站 20 sessions per day, free admission. Please complete check-in on the event website 15 minutes before your reserved session
  • 體驗時間 Duration|每人平均約30分鐘 Approximately 30 minutes per person
  • 活動網站 Website|loccitanejourney.com
  • 體驗內容 Content|五感沉浸體驗歐舒丹的永續植萃魅力,包含奇幻杏仁林Almond Forest、浪漫薰衣草Lavender Field、植感日光室Essential Oil Solarium、蠟菊咖啡廳Immortelle Cafe、美好永續館Sustainability Hall,每個展區都各自搭配歐舒丹的特色體驗或活動,令每一位旅客都能留下深刻且美好的印象。 A five-sense immersive experience of L’OCCITANE’s sustainable plant extracts charm, including the enchanting Almond Forest, romantic Lavender Field, Essential Oil Solarium, Immortelle Cafe, and the Sustainability Hall. Each exhibition area features unique experiences or activities that leave every visitor with a profound and beautiful impression.

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2404300703341636149925?utm_campaign=accu_theme&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web

L’OCCITANE 歐舒丹首次在台舉辦「Re:行南法」沉浸式五感體驗展,將於 7 月 13 日至 25 日來到台北松菸!

展區將以 「L’OCCITANE Journey 永續旅行」為主題。旅程中不僅能於奇幻杏仁森林進行一場沉浸式體驗、穿梭普羅旺斯薰衣草花田,更可來到植感日光室享受草本精華,還可於科西嘉島蠟菊咖啡廳欣賞有機栽植的珍貴蠟菊,最終將駐足於美好永續館,了解歐舒丹的永續行動,並挑選喜愛的專屬伴手禮。整趟旅程將帶您徜徉於悠閒的南法氛圍,更讓您帶回與歐舒丹的永恆回憶。

L’OCCITANE is hosting its first “Re: Southern France Journey” immersive five-sense experience exhibition in Taiwan, from July 13 to 25 at Songshan Cultural and Creative Park in Taipei!

The exhibition theme is “L’OCCITANE Journey: A Sustainable Voyage”. The journey includes immersive experiences in the enchanting Almond Forest, roaming through the Provence lavender fields, enjoying the herbal essence in the Essential Oil Solarium, and admiring the organic immortelle plants at the Immortelle Cafe. The final stop is the Sustainability Hall, where visitors can learn about L’OCCITANE’s sustainability efforts and choose their favorite souvenirs. This journey offers a relaxing Southern France atmosphere and lasting memories with L’OCCITANE.


此次 L’OCCITANE Journey 「Re:行南法」沈浸式五感體驗展,不僅展現歐舒丹取自於自然、回饋於自然的品牌獨特性,以及努力減少浪費並堅持環境友善的決心,也讓更多觀展者一同體驗歐舒丹的自然能量。

「Re」結合歐舒丹 3R 理念(Recycle回收、Reduce減量、React行動),透過不同主題展區的五感體驗,您將踏上普羅旺斯與科西嘉島,細細品味來自南法的美好生活。


“Being a cultivator of nature means being a conscious dreamer.”

This L’OCCITANE Journey “Re: Southern France” immersive five-sense experience exhibition showcases L’OCCITANE’s unique approach of drawing from nature and giving back to it, as well as its commitment to reducing waste and maintaining environmental friendliness. It allows more visitors to experience the natural energy of L’OCCITANE.

“Re” combines L’OCCITANE’s 3R philosophy (Recycle, Reduce, React). Through different themed areas, visitors will embark on a journey to Provence and Corsica, savoring the beautiful life of Southern France.

This journey also integrates sustainability, leading you to practice sustainable travel, becoming a cultivator of nature, and making a positive impact on the economy, society, and environment.

|關於歐舒丹 About L’OCCITANE en Provence

歐舒丹(L’OCCITANE en Provence)是源自法國南部普羅旺斯的優質美容保養與香氛品牌,以「舒適愉悅、真實純淨、關懷尊重」為品牌倡議目標。自1976年開始,創始人Olivier Baussan便開始將大自然賜予的美好轉化為適用於全人類的護膚品。 歐舒丹的使命不僅在於與世界分享大自然的奇蹟,更致力於實踐可持續的生態理念。從產品的研發到包裝的設計,我們一直秉持著環保理念,將其貫穿於每一個細節之中,希望能夠藉此重拾大自然的生命力,實現人類與自然的和諧共存。

L’OCCITANE en Provence is a premium beauty and fragrance brand originating from Provence, Southern France. With the brand advocacy goals of “Comfort, Purity, Respect,” founder Olivier Baussan has been transforming nature’s gifts into skincare products for everyone since 1976. L’OCCITANE’s mission is not only to share nature’s miracles with the world but also to practice sustainable ecological concepts. From product development to packaging design, L’OCCITANE upholds environmental protection principles in every detail, aiming to restore the vitality of nature and achieve harmony between humans and nature.

|活動條款 Event Terms

  1. 本活動由「台灣歐舒丹股份有限公司」(以下簡稱「主辦單位」)辦理。
  2. 本活動符合松山文創園區無障礙友善空間規範。
  3. 本活動僅開放12歲以上 (含) 民眾免費報名。若經查未滿12歲,主辦單位將無條件取消觀展資格。
  4. 每人僅限報名一場次,不得重複報名。
  5. 為維護觀展品質,請務必於指定日期及時間之活動開始前15分鐘完成報到手續,若未能於規定時間報到,將自動取消報名無法入場,須重新選取剩餘場次進行報名。
  6. 若報名者攜帶未滿12歲之孩童到場,須自行安排親友於展覽場外協助照顧,主辦單位將不負臨時托育之責任。
  7. 本活動如有任何因電腦、網路、電話、技術或其他不可歸責於主辦單位之事由,而使參與本活動所寄出或登錄之資料有遲延、遺失、錯誤、無法辨識或毀損所導致資料無效之情況,主辦單位不負任何法律責任,報名者亦不得因此異議。
  8. 報名者於報名本活動之同時,即同意接受本活動注意事項之規範。如有違反本活動注意事項之行為,主辦單位將取消觀展資格,並對於任何破壞本活動之人身攻擊、謾駡、轉貼煽色腥等內容將一律刪除,如因此有致生損害於主辦單位或其他任何第三人,得向報名者請求損害賠償,報名者應負一切相關責任。
  9. 若遭遇任何不可抗力因素,本活動將取消或延期舉辦,日期將另行通知。
  10. 本活動辦法若有未盡之處,如遇任何爭議,主辦單位保留所有補充、修正、變更、活動說明及暫停活動之權利。未來任何本活動細節與條款更新修正,主辦單位將公布於本活動ACCUPASS報名頁面,或由主辦單位透過其他社群平台進行傳達。若本活動現場遇任何爭議,亦將以主辦單位現場裁決為主。
  1. This event is organized by “L’OCCITANE Taiwan Ltd.” (hereinafter referred to as the “Organizer”).
  2. This event complies with the accessible friendly space regulations of Songshan Cultural and Creative Park.
  3. The event is open to the public aged 12 and above. If it is found that the participant is under 12 years old, the Organizer will unconditionally cancel the exhibition qualification.
  4. Each person can register for one session only and cannot register for multiple sessions.
  5. To ensure the quality of the exhibition, please check in 15 minutes before the scheduled session. If you fail to check in on time, your registration will be canceled, and you will need to select from the remaining sessions to register again.
  6. If registrants bring children under 12 years old, they must arrange for a friend or relative to look after the child outside the exhibition area. The Organizer does not provide temporary childcare services.
  7. The Organizer is not liable for any delays, losses, errors, unrecognizable, or damaged data caused by computer, network, telephone, technical, or other reasons beyond the Organizer’s control. By registering for this event, participants agree to comply with the event’s terms and conditions.
  8. Any violation will result in cancellation of the exhibition qualification, and the Organizer reserves the right to delete any content that causes harm, including personal attacks, abuse, or inappropriate content. The participant shall be liable for any damages caused to the Organizer or any third party. In case of any force majeure events, the event will be canceled or postponed, and the new dates will be announced separately.
  9. The Organizer reserves the right to supplement, amend, change, explain, or suspend the event in case of any disputes or omissions.
  10. Future updates and revisions of the event details and terms will be announced on the event’s ACCUPASS registration page or other social platforms. Any onsite disputes will be resolved by the Organizer’s decision.

|隱私權政策 Privacy Policy

  1. 本隱私權政策適用於歐舒丹品牌及其子公司或關係企業。
  2. 您必須年滿十八(18)歲才能在歐舒丹提供您的個人資料。若您未滿十八(18)歲,您必須取得您的父母/法定代理人之同意。您的父母/法定代理人必須閱讀並了解本隱私權政策所有內容並同意您在歐舒丹提供個人資料。我們不會故意蒐集十八(18)歲以下個人之資料。
  3. 台灣歐舒丹於提供會員服務、官網服務、集團內部品牌間研究分析及行銷目的範圍內得蒐集、處理及利用會員及一般顧客相關個人資料,其他未盡事宜,請以歐舒丹官網隱私權政策公告內容為主。
  1. This privacy policy applies to the L’OCCITANE brand and its subsidiaries or affiliates.
  2. You must be at least eighteen (18) years old to provide your personal data to L’OCCITANE. If you are under eighteen (18), you must obtain consent from your parent/legal guardian, who must read and understand this privacy policy and agree to you providing personal data to L’OCCITANE. We do not knowingly collect data from individuals under eighteen (18).
  3. L’OCCITANE Taiwan collects, processes, and uses member and general customer-related personal data for member services, official website services, and internal research and marketing purposes. For details, please refer to the privacy policy announcement on the L’OCCITANE official website.

|蒐集、處理及利用個人資料聲明暨同意書 Collection, Processing, and Use of Personal Data Declaration and Consent

  1. 歐舒丹依照個人資料保護法及相關法令之規定,在提供相關活動、服務及業務之必要範圍內,包括但不限於提供進行贈品兌換活動、會員登錄及驗證、廣告行銷、服務訊息、特別活動通知等,蒐集、處理及利用您的個人資料。
  2. 個人資料之類別:您提供之資料,包括姓名、身分證字號、連絡方式,包括但不限於電話、E-MAIL或地址等或其他得以直接或間接識別您個人之資料。
  3. 個人資料利用之對象:歐舒丹及其關係企業,以及提供相關活動、服務或業務之第三人,均可能蒐集、處理及利用您的個人資料。
  4. 歐舒丹僅蒐集為執行上述特定目的所必要提供之個人資料,並在前揭特定目的存續期間及法令規定之期間內,以有利於達成前揭特定目的之方式(包括但不限於電腦處理、郵寄、電話、簡訊、傳真、電子郵件),於中華民國境內及法令許可之範圍內加以處理及利用。
  5. 您可依個人資料保護法第三條規定,就您的個人資料向歐舒丹行使下列權利:查詢或請求閱覽、請求製給複製本、請求補充或更正、請求停止蒐集、處理及利用、請求刪除。
  6. 您行使前述權利時,歐舒丹將可能向您收取閱覽個人資料或製給複製本之必要成本費用,且您行使上開權利,須符合個人資料保護法規定之相關要件。
  7. 您已清楚瞭解本同意書符合個人資料保護法及相關法規之要求,具有書面同意歐舒丹蒐集、處理及利用您的個人資料之效果。
  8. 歐舒丹基於上述原因而需蒐集、處理或利用您個人資料時,您可以選擇是否提供,惟若選擇不提供或是提供不完全時,基於法令之執行,台灣歐舒丹將可能無法提供您所需的相關訊息、服務或參加活動。
  1. L’OCCITANE collects, processes, and uses your personal data for the necessary scope of related activities, services, and business, including but not limited to gift exchange activities, member registration and verification, advertising, marketing, service information, and special event notifications.
  2. Personal data categories: Data you provide, including name, ID number, contact information (such as phone, email, or address), or other data that can directly or indirectly identify you.
  3. Personal data usage targets: L’OCCITANE and its affiliates, and third parties providing related activities, services, or business, may collect, process, and use your personal data.
  4. L’OCCITANE collects only the necessary personal data for the specified purposes and processes and uses it in the Republic of China and within the scope permitted by law during the specified purpose duration and statutory period.
  5. You can exercise your rights under Article 3 of the Personal Data Protection Act regarding your personal data, including inquiry, request for a copy, request for supplement or correction, request to stop collection, processing, or use, and request deletion.
  6. L’OCCITANE may charge necessary costs for providing access or copies of personal data, and you must meet the relevant requirements of the Personal Data Protection Act to exercise these rights.
  7. You understand that this consent form complies with the Personal Data Protection Act and related regulations, effectively giving written consent to L’OCCITANE for the collection, processing, and use of your personal data.
  8. If you choose not to provide or provide incomplete data, L’OCCITANE may not be able to offer you the necessary information, services, or participation in activities due to legal enforcement.

|聯絡窗口 Contact Point

王小姐 Ms Wang (02) 6604-1088 #69
張小姐 Ms Zhang (02) 6604-1088 #65


台北市, Taiwan
+ Google Map