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JERRY 小人物大城市 Small Figures in a Big City—3D建模結合人像攝影分享會 3D Modeling and Portrait Photography Workshop

08/23 @ 6:30 下午 - 9:30 下午

講師介紹 Instructor Introduction


講師ig連結 Instructor’s Instagram Link


你還記得當初接觸攝影的初衷嗎? Do you remember what initially drew you to photography?






For some, it’s about capturing a beautiful moment, while for others, it’s simply a passion.

Jerry, however, uses a series of documentary photographs to capture various aspects of society. He began with street photography and eventually moved on to creating his own 3D backgrounds, through which he conveys different facets of society.

In this workshop, Jerry will share how he finds suitable subjects to photograph and how he interacts and guides them during the shoot.

As we move into the age of AI, the integration of virtual and real elements is a growing trend. Jerry will also share how he creates 3D models and incorporates them into his photography.

And of course, the solid photography skills that everyone is eager to learn will also be covered!

甚麼樣的人適合來參加本次的講座? Who Should Attend This Workshop?

✓ 喜歡人像攝影的人 People who love portrait photography

✓ 對紀實有興趣的人 Those interested in documentary photography

✓ 想用照片說故事的人 Anyone who wants to tell stories through photos

✓ 想知道人像攝影硬知識的人 Those looking to learn technical knowledge in portrait photography

✓ 想了解、學習3D創作的人 Anyone interested in learning and creating 3D models

不適合的人 Who Is This Workshop Not Suitable For?

✗ 基本沒有 Basically, no one

詳細資訊 Event Information

講師 Instructor:Jerry

時間 Date & Time:8/23(五 Friday)18:50-21:30(18:30開始進場 Entry at 18:30)

地點 Venue:台北市大安區光復南路260巷52號B1 B1, No. 52, Ln. 260, Guangfu S. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 老窖室 Cellarsroom(最右邊停車格後方玻璃小門進入 Enter through the small glass door behind the parking space on the far right)

票價 Fee:

一般票 General Admission:NT$600

兩人團票 Two-Person Group Ticket:NT$520/人 person

三人團票 Three-Person Group Ticket:NT$490/人 person

※場地方會提供一些小點心以及飲料給大家,不用擔心會餓肚子!也可以帶自己的飲料和小零食來呦 The venue will provide some snacks and drinks, so no need to worry about getting hungry! You’re also welcome to bring your own drinks and snacks.

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2407301100051643282990?utm_source=EventPage&utm_medium=AdCard&utm_campaign=accu_AdCard_2408080850408250793500

講師作品 Instructor’s Works

人像 Portrait Photography





台北市, Taiwan
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