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Fuckup Nights Taipei 搞砸之夜 vol.52 「我行銷不了的教訓 Lessons I Couldn’t Market」

08/23 @ 7:00 上午 - 9:30 下午

Fuckup Nights 搞砸之夜


Originating in Mexico in 2012, Fuckup Nights is an international lecture series that serves as a platform for sharing, recounting, and celebrating failures. We believe that “success is an exception, while failure is the norm.” With beer in hand, participants engage in a positive and humorous environment to learn from others’ mistakes and destigmatize the concept of “failure”.

關於本次活動 About This Event

關於講者 About the Speakers

📌凱爺|捷思整合行銷公司 創辦人 Founder of HIM


Tang Yuan-Chun is a millennial entrepreneur with over 15 years of experience. At 28, he founded Taiwan’s first food outlet, “Foodoutlet”. At 29, he established “HIM”. Tang Yuan-Chun is a recognized expert in crisis management and frequently gives lectures on brand strategy across various sectors. His company provides brand consulting, media relations, social media marketing, business transformation, and entrepreneurship assistance to major corporations.

📌賴盈文|WACA全通路開店 商務長 Chief Business Officer at WACA


Monica Lai, known as the “E-commerce Sweetheart” in the marketing world, graduated top of her class with a Master’s in Innovation from National Taiwan University. With 20 years of experience in digital integrated marketing, Monica has held leadership roles at PChome, Eslite, and WACA, focusing on MarTech, FinTech, and corporate sustainability (ESG). She is a frequent speaker on corporate innovation and has been invited to speak at institutions like Standard Chartered and NTU. Monica is also an inventor of multiple e-commerce patents and has received several awards, including the Fintech Award, Golden Brand Award, Asia Silicon Valley Innovation Award, and the FCA Future Commerce Award. She has been personally recognized by the President of Taiwan.

活動資訊 Event Details

🔥 台北搞砸之夜 Fuckup Nights Taipei vol.52「我行銷不了的教訓 Lessons I Couldn’t Market」🔥

時間 Date & Time|2024/8/23(五 Friday)19:00進場 Entry,19:30活動開始 Event Starts

地點 Venue|松山文創園區 創意空間 Songshan Cultural and Creative Park – Creative Space

費用 Fee|單人票 Single Ticket NT$400/人 person、多人票 Group Ticket NT$350/人 person

乾杯 Cheers|與會觀眾均享有啤酒暢飲 Enjoy unlimited beer for all attendees! 🤩(提醒您,禁止酒駕,開車不喝酒 安全有保障、未滿十八歲禁止飲酒 Reminder: Don’t drink and drive. Drive safe and be responsible. No alcohol for anyone under 18.)

*主辦單位保有修改、暫停或終止本活動之權利 The organizers reserve the right to modify, suspend, or terminate this event.*

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2407310403581361582348?utm_campaign=accu_theme&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web


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