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Deloitte勤業眾信審計人員 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited Audit Staff|2024春季招募說明會 Spring Recruitment Information Session ft. CakeResume

04/27 @ 2:00 下午 - 5:00 下午

2024年Deloitte勤業眾信審計人員春季徵才來囉! 2024 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited Audit Staff Spring Recruitment!

想要深入瞭解全球四大會計師事務所之一 —— Deloitte勤業眾信的職涯發展嗎?
千萬別錯過2024年Deloitte Taiwan第一場春季招募說明會!

CakeResume這次邀請到Deloitte Taiwan人資長、副人資長以及兩位專業部門前輩一起開箱審計及確信服務部門介紹,並獨家公開履歷投遞技巧,想了解Deloitte Taiwan多元職涯旅程的你,千萬別錯過!

Interested in exploring the career development opportunities at Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, one of the Big Four accounting firms globally? Don’t miss the first Spring Recruitment Information Session hosted by Deloitte Taiwan in 2024!

CakeResume is delighted to invite the HR Director, Deputy HR Director, and two seasoned professionals from Deloitte Taiwan to provide an in-depth overview of the Aspire with Assurance Department. Exclusive insights into resume submission techniques will also be shared. Don’t miss this chance to learn about the diverse career journeys at Deloitte Taiwan!

活動內容 Event Details

  • 2024/04/27(六)(Saturday) 14:00-16:40,並開放會後交流至17:00 with networking until 17:00
  • 地點 Venue:台北市松山區長春路343號B1 B1, No. 343, Changchun Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City
  • 餐飲 Refreshments:提供輕食小點、飲品 Light snacks and beverages will be provided

活動流程 Event Agenda

13:45 – 14:00 活動報到 Registration and Networking

14:00 – 14:30 About Deloitte: Deloitte 勤業眾信與審計及確信服務部門介紹 About Deloitte: Introduction to Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited and Aspire with Assurance Department
講者 Speaker:Amanda Wu 人才資本負責人 Head of Human Capital | 人資長 HR Director

14:30 – 15:00 Panel Discussion:《走入審計日常,經驗前輩第一手職涯成長分享》個人職涯旅程、審計工作的日常、發展性與內外部機會 Panel Discussion: “Exploring the Daily Life of Auditors and Career Growth Insights from Senior Colleagues”
講者 Speaker:Steven Lin 審計與確信服務部門 Aspire with Assurance Department|資深經理 Senior Manager、Jena Hsu 審計與確信服務部門 Aspire with Assurance Department|組長 Team Leader

15:00 – 15:15 茶歇交流 Networking Break

15:15 – 15:30 Open Deloitte: The Culture of Deloitte Taiwan
講者 Speaker:Bassie Chang 人才資本 Human Capital | 副人資長 Deputy HR Director

15:30 – 16:10 Panel Discussion: Unleash your potential《如何在Deloitte Taiwan開啟你的多元職涯旅程》 How to Start Your Diverse Career Journey at Deloitte Taiwan 未來職涯成長、學習資源、國際舞台機會
講者 Speaker:Amanda Wu 人才資本負責人 Head of Human Capital | 人資長 HR Director、Steven Lin 審計與確信服務部門 Aspire with Assurance Department|資深經理 Senior Manager、Jena Hsu 審計與確信服務部門 Aspire with Assurance Department|組長 Team Leader

16:10 – 16:20 Q&A

16:20 – 16:40 Join us! Introduction of Job and Recruitment Process 履歷投遞與面試技巧獨家公開
講者 Speaker:Deloitte Taiwan Talent Team

16:40 – 17:00 會後交流 Networking Session

精彩亮點 Highlights

審計前輩第一手經驗分享,走入審計日常 Insights into the daily life of auditors shared by senior professionals
透過審計部門專業前輩親身分享自身旅程,除了帶你走進審計工作的日常外,也能了解如何在國際企業開啟你的多元職涯;想加入Deloitte Taiwan的你千萬不能錯過!

解密國際企業的多元職涯發展分享探索未來之路 Exploration of career development opportunities at an international firm
人資高階主管暨合夥人為你揭開Deloitte Taiwan的企業文化與2024徵才展望,並透過人資高層與審計前輩經驗對談,分享他們在Deloitte的成長故事,從個人生涯發展到國際職涯舞台,在 Deloitte 如何持續發揮潛能

產業專家現場交流 On-site industry expert exchanges

快速投遞履歷,把握求職先機 Resume submission tips to enhance job application success

活動對象 Target Audience

  • 對於審計及確信服務部門職缺感興趣、有意應徵之應屆畢業生、社會新鮮人(相關科系尤佳)
  • 如非相關科系,也非常歡迎修習過、正在修習初級會計及中級會計者參與
  • 具有審計工作經驗的社會人士、求職者亦十分歡迎
  • 對於Deloitte勤業眾信2024徵才展望、部門文化及職涯發展感興趣
  • 想了解審計工作的職涯分享,並探索在Deloitte勤業眾信發展機會

只要符合以上任一條件,你都是我們在找的人!活動名額有限,儘速報名 🚀

  • Recent graduates and new professionals interested in roles within Aspire with Assurance Department (relevant majors preferred)
  • Those currently or previously studying basic or intermediate accounting are welcome to participate, regardless of major
  • Experienced professionals seeking auditing roles are also welcome
  • Those interested in learning about Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited’s 2024 recruitment outlook, department culture, and career development opportunities

If you meet any of the above criteria, you are the person we are looking for! Hurry and register now! 🚀

報名辦法 Registration Method

  • 填寫ACCUPASS報名表單即完成報名 Complete the registration form on ACCUPASS to register ✅


注意事項 Note

1. 購票之前請詳閱CakeResume 活動舉辦個人資料搜集、處理及利用之告知暨同意書

2. 活動過程將會拍照/錄影/文字記錄,將來用於製作、推廣等用途,基於推廣之目的,CakeResume得永久、無償、不限時間與地域使用參與者之活動肖像(包含動態及靜態影像紀錄),以現在或未來發展之方式、技術或管道進行各種利用(如活動展示、出版與官網、新聞稿、社群媒體宣傳相關推廣等用途),於所有形式的著作載體及媒體,並得以重製、改作、公開傳輸、公開播送、公開上映、公開展示、印刷出版等方式或行使其他著作財產權,並再授權與第三人利用。參加活動即同意不對主辦單位行使著作人格權或主張肖像權、隱私權。

3. CakeResume保留隨時修正、暫停或終止本活動之權利,如有變動將公告於本頁面。

4. 報名人數上限為250人,若報名人數超過限制,以報名資格順序為主,主辦單位將保留報名之審核權利。

1. Before purchasing tickets, please read the CakeResume Personal Information Collection, Processing, and Use Notice and Consent Form.

2. The event will be photographed/recorded/written about for production and promotional purposes. By participating, you agree to CakeResume’s permanent, free, unlimited, and global use of your likeness (including dynamic and static image recordings) for various purposes such as event showcases, publications, official websites, press releases, and social media promotions, in all forms of written works and media.

3. CakeResume reserves the right to modify, suspend, or terminate the event at any time, with changes announced on this page.

4. The maximum number of participants is 250. If the number of registrations exceeds the limit, priority will be given based on the order of registration, and the organizers reserve the right to review registrations.


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