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Chuck Miller 大師課 重遇初心|探索 Ashtanga Yoga

10/25 @ 7:00 下午 - 9:00 下午

|關於課程 About the Course|

身為Pattabhi Jois大師的嫡傳弟子,Chuck Miller是Ashtanga Yoga傳承體系中最資深的老師之一,不只深入扎根在大師的教導,並鑽研瑜珈哲學。結合Ashtanga Yoga正位的智慧、排序和充滿活力的練習,融合對解剖和呼吸的深度理解,讓他的研習課程有獨具一格的深度。他的練習和教學反應了他與世界各地學生分享Ashtanga Yoga本質的承諾。

本次大師課除了由Chuck帶領一堂體式練習,也邀請SPACE Yoga資深瑜珈老師Ann Huang專訪大師Chuck Miller – 從個人瑜珈之旅的成長與發展,分享瑜珈教學的經歷與智慧。不論是新手或各程度的練習者,皆能在這次難得的課程裡,加深對Ashtanga Yoga的理解和連結。

把握2024下半年度與大師學習的機會,重新發現Ashtanga Yoga的美和深度,踏上探索和蛻變的旅程。

As a direct disciple of Pattabhi Jois, Chuck Miller is one of the most senior teachers in the Ashtanga yoga lineage. Not only deeply rooted in the teachings of the master, he has also delved into yoga philosophy. His workshops are uniquely profound, combining the wisdom of Ashtanga yoga alignment, sequencing, and dynamic practice with a deep understanding of anatomy and breath. His practice and teaching reflect his commitment to sharing the essence of Ashtanga Yoga with students worldwide.

In this masterclass, Chuck will lead a session of asana practice and will also be interviewed by SPACE Yoga’s senior teacher Ann Huang. He will share insights and wisdom from his personal yoga journey, growth, and teaching experience. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced practitioner, this is a rare opportunity to deepen your understanding and connection with Ashtanga Yoga.

Take advantage of this chance in the second half of 2024 to study with a master, rediscover the beauty and depth of Ashtanga Yoga, and embark on a journey of exploration and transformation.


  • 日期 Date:10/25
  • 時間 Time:
    • 19:00 – 20:15  體式練習 Asana Practice
    • 20:15 – 20:45  大師課堂與分享 Masterclass and Sharing
    • 20:45 – 21:00  Q&A
  • 註:SPACE YOGA保留以上時間異動的權利,若有異動必會事先告知

Note: SPACE YOGA reserves the right to make adjustments to the schedule, and any changes will be communicated in advance.

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2406120716193687184520?utm_campaign=accu_feature&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web

|適合對象 Who Should Attend|

所有程度練習者 All levels of practitioners are welcome

|譯者簡介 Translator Bio Yifen Chang|

SPACE YOGA瑜珈指導師,中、英文流利,樂於擔任傳遞訊息的使者,口條清晰、用字精確,幽默且從容。歷年來多次擔任Doug Keller、Hart Lazer、Basia Going、Adarsh Williams等多位大師研習課程、師資培訓課程的逐步口譯。

Yifen Chang is a yoga instructor at SPACE YOGA, fluent in both Mandarin and English. She enjoys acting as a messenger, delivering clear and precise communication with a sense of humor and ease. Over the years, she has provided step-by-step interpretation for master teachers and teacher training programs, including Doug Keller, Hart Lazer, Basia Going and Adarsh Williams.

英文授課 中文口譯 The class will be taught in English with Mandarin interpretation

|注意事項 Notes|

  • 上課地點:SPACE YOGA安和館。
  • 課程報名人數若未達25人,將不予以開課。
  • 到課學員可在老師同意且不分心的前提下,依照個人學習需求錄影/錄音/拍照(勿開閃光燈),但請勿將動態影片檔案置於公開平台播放(例如Facebook/YouTube等等)。
  • 主辦單位保有本活動辦法、內容及注意事項修改之權利,並有權決定取消、終止、修改或暫停本活動,並保有最終釋義權
  • 課程相關問題歡迎來信詢問spaceacademy_tw@withinspace.com,或來電SPACE YOGA安和館 (02) 2773-8108。
  • Location: SPACE YOGA An He Studio.
  • If fewer than 25 participants register, the class will not be held.
  • Participants may record or take photos during the class, provided it doesn’t distract others, and the teacher consents. However, please do not share video files on public platforms (e.g., Facebook/YouTube).
  • The organizer reserves the right to modify, cancel, or suspend the event or its details and retains the final right of interpretation.
  • For course-related inquiries, please contact spaceacademy_tw@withinspace.com or call SPACE YOGA An He Studio at (02) 2773-8108.


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