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ART IJ 2024日本無極限當代藝博會 Contemporary Art Show

07/26 @ 2:00 下午 - 07/28 @ 7:00 下午

舉辦至今已第十一年的「ART IJ 2024日本無極限當代藝術博覽會」挾藝壇重量級明星來台,於7/26至7/28攜手多家日本藝廊再次隆重登台。能藉此機會見識多家日本藝廊的珍品,不少藏家與藝文愛好者早翹首以盼。

Celebrating its eleventh year, the “ART IJ 2024 Contemporary Art Show” is set to return to Taiwan from July 26 to 28, featuring renowned stars from the art world. Many collectors and art enthusiasts eagerly anticipate this opportunity to experience the treasures of multiple Japanese galleries.

往年屆屆贏獲好評的ART IJ專注於引進當代藝術,無論是策展或是與日本藝廊的合作皆能以獨特創新的推廣方式並以專業眼光揀選出得以代表當代藝術的收藏級精品,將最完整的日本藝術在台灣展現。透過舉辦展會、講座與影展邀請藝文界重量級人物達到文化的衝撞與交流,冀望拉升國內藝文水平與美學視野,也為當代藝術收藏市場廣灑熱情種子。ART IJ致力為受眾帶來的除了豐富友善的觀展體驗,更是希望蒐集其對藝文的熱愛,創造一年一會的專注藝文交流場域。

Consistently praised in previous years, ART IJ focuses on introducing contemporary art. Through unique and innovative promotion methods and collaborations with Japanese galleries, it carefully selects collection-grade masterpieces that represent contemporary art, showcasing the most comprehensive Japanese art in Taiwan. By hosting exhibitions, lectures, and film screenings with prominent figures in the art world, the fair aims to foster cultural exchange, elevate domestic artistic and aesthetic standards, and sow seeds of passion in the contemporary art collection market. ART IJ is committed to providing a rich and friendly exhibition experience, collecting the audience’s love for art, and creating an annual dedicated art exchange platform.

唯一日本當代藝術博覽會在台灣! The only contemporary art show in Taiwan!

每屆皆吸引逾4500人次觀展! Attracting over 4,500 visitors each year!

國際性的藝術盛會 An international art show


Numerous renowned Japanese art institutions, galleries, and artists participate, offering attendees the opportunity to interact and exchange ideas with top artists from around the world, gaining deeper insights into their creative concepts and the stories behind their art.

藝術季—— Art Fair & Art Event

展會地點 Venue

台北晶華酒店 Regent TAIPEI

票價說明 Fee

單日票 NT$350(於展期時間內,任選一天使用完畢,僅限當日一人使用,不可重複進場,逾期未使用,視同自動放棄,恕無法退費。)

雙人同行 NT$670(於展期時間內,任選一天使用完畢,需兩人同時進場,不可重複進場,逾期未使用,視同自動放棄,恕無法退費。)

全通行 NT$700(憑此票券可於本展期,不限次數進出本藝博會。本票券不回收亦不補發。僅限持票人一人使用。)

Single-Day Ticket: NT$350 (Valid for one selected day during the exhibition period. Limited to one person per day, single entry. Unused tickets will be considered forfeited and are non-refundable.)
Dual Admission: NT$670 (Valid for one selected day during the exhibition period. Both persons must enter together, single entry. Unused tickets will be considered forfeited and are non-refundable.)
All-Access Pass: NT$700 (Allows unlimited entries during the exhibition period. This ticket is non-transferable and non-replaceable, limited to the ticket holder only.)

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2405251016381840207369?utm_campaign=accu_banner&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web


台北市, Taiwan
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