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9/23-29期初大會串 Week 3 Club Welcome Events

09/24 @ 6:30 下午 - 09/26 @ 9:00 下午





9/26(四)桃銘射箭社18:00-20:00在射箭練習場,幻想過拉弓射箭,百發百中直中靶心嗎,現在加入社團便有機會實現;對配音表演感到好奇,日語配音社於M106將展現多場表演,17:40開放入場,18:00開始;北銘電影創作社12:00-13:00在H104舉行,參與活動時新生別忘記帶社費 !


本週有多場活動,同學們是不是心動啦 ! 對社團想要更加了解也歡迎來到期初大會並參與社課活動,會有開朗熱情的學長姐為同學們解惑,更多活動詳情請洽各社Instagram粉專。

Time flies, and we’re already in the third week of the semester! How’s your life on campus so far? Looking to enrich your university experience? Every day this week, different clubs are hosting their “Beginning-of-Semester Welcome Events”, inviting both current members and interested students to join.

9/23 (Mon)

  • Badminton Club at 18:00 will start with team-building activities, followed by the official club session.
  • Baking Club from 18:00-21:00 at F513 will be serving iced lemon tea and various snacks to welcome everyone! Both events are exclusive to club members.

9/24 (Tue)

9/25 (Wed) – All events start at 6:00 PM.

9/26 (Thu)

Finally, on 9/28 (Sat), the Photo Club will hold its first club outing at Shilin Residence, exploring history through the lens. See the world from a different angle!

With so many exciting activities this week, have any caught your eye? If you’re curious about any clubs, feel free to attend their welcome events and activities. Friendly and enthusiastic seniors will be there to guide you. For more details, check out each club’s Instagram page!


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