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8%ice 森林音樂會 Forest Concert

08/17 @ 6:30 下午 - 8:00 下午

8%ice 森林音樂會

演出者 Performers:8%ice男子弦樂團(陳柏邑、郭家霖、黃大唐、鄭子愛、施昀廷、陳冠榮、廖晨享、吳登凱、許晁維、陳宥文、鄭牧德、劉鑫偉、袁鼎鈞) 8% String

時間 Date & Time:8/17(六 Saturday)18:30-20:00

地點 Venue:大安森林公園 露天音樂台 Amphitheater, Da’an Forest Park(台北市大安區新生南路二段1號 No. 1, Sec. 2, Xinsheng S. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City)

※ 免費入場 Free Admission

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2407110549548689344940?utm_source=EventPage&utm_medium=AdCard&utm_campaign=accu_AdCard_2406180405448214725510


【森林音樂會限定 預購商品 Forest Concert Exclusive Pre-Order Items】

※ 活動現場出示購票QRcode,即可領取商品。 Show your ticket QR code at the event to receive your pre-ordered items.

※ 活動現場恕不販售任何商品,僅限線上提前預購。 No products will be sold on-site; pre-order online only.


➤ 戶外聽音樂,就要配點心最對味! Outdoor Music and Snacks – Perfect Match!

8%ice「曲奇餅乾1盒 + 冰滴咖啡1罐」活動組合價 NT$499


8%ice “Cookie Box + Cold Brew Coffee” Combo NT$499

(Limited to 50 sets; cookie flavors shipped randomly)

8%ice 曲奇餅乾選用優質紐西蘭草飼奶油,搭配台灣在地認證的安心蛋品,融合特有的風味及濃郁香氣,散發出優雅細緻口感。

8%ice cookies are made with high-quality New Zealand grass-fed butter and locally certified safe eggs, creating a unique flavor and rich aroma with an elegant and delicate taste.

8%ice 冰滴咖啡採取低溫萃取法,味道甘甜,前味結合中深焙的煙燻口感與堅果香,尾韻帶微微苦甜巧克力氣息。

8%ice cold brew coffee is extracted at low temperatures, offering a sweet taste with smoky and nutty notes from medium-dark roast, ending with a slightly bittersweet chocolate finish.

➤ 不怕意猶未盡,把音樂帶回家! Take the Music Home!

8%ice男子弦樂團 首張專輯《Cafe Salon Music 11 Flavors》活動特惠價 NT$399

8%ice String Debut Album “Cafe Salon Music 11 Flavors” Special Price NT$399




8%ice operates under the philosophy of “Art, Life, Charity”, dedicated to promoting musical performances, supporting young musicians in their performances, education, and creation, and holding string performances at various brand locations.

We invite you to attend and support young musicians with your presence and encouragement.



Currently, the 8%ice String includes 13 members playing violin, viola, cello, and piano.

更多演出資訊可參考 For more performance information, visit >> https://www.instagram.com/8percentice/

追蹤團員們的小日常 Follow the members’ daily lives at >> https://www.instagram.com/8percent_string/


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