2025 DITL Open House:開啟,設計創新! Unlocking Design Innovation!
03/22 @ 9:00 上午 - 04/12 @ 12:00 下午

- 想要一窺設計實務,了解設計師在真實場域中的專案經驗與設計過程
- 期望提升自我能力,具備與時俱進的設計競爭力
- 對新科技發展有興趣,想了解AI革新及其對設計師的影響
不論是學生、設計師,還是UX研究員,都很適合參與這次2025 DITL系列講座!每場講座均包含 講師分享 + 唐玄輝教授QA環節,並提供不限次數的回放觀看,讓你能反覆學習、深入吸收!
本次Open House,唐教授與DITL團隊將帶來 體驗設計、體驗戰略、服務創新、AI創新的實戰成果與深度反思。內容涵蓋知名代理商品牌 & 建設公司服務研究案、動物收容所與展演設計案,以及AI在設計應用、體驗策略框架與CX管理的核心洞察。
The DITL Lab, led by Professor Hsuan-Hui Tang from NTUST, focuses on service design, user experience and design innovation. The lab is dedicated to integrating design thinking into industry applications and social innovation, driving practical design impact.
Our research team has collaborated with leading Taiwanese enterprises and public sector institutions on industry-driven research and design projects. Team members have extensive hands-on experience, and our graduates are widely employed in technology, finance and business consulting industries. At DITL, we aim to nurture professionals who combine design expertise with business acumen, equipping them with global competitiveness.
Who Should Join?
If you are… Interested in real-world design practices, gaining insights into projects and processes in actual work environments
Looking to enhance your skills and develop competitive design capabilities
Curious about new technologies and eager to explore AI-driven innovations and their impact on designers
Whether you’re a student, designer or UX researcher, the 2025 DITL Lecture Series is perfect for you! Each session includes:
- Expert Talks + Live Q&A with Professor Tang
- Unlimited Replay Access for in-depth learning
In this Open House, Professor Tang and the DITL team will present insights on experience design, experience strategy, service innovation and AI-driven innovation. Case studies include:
- Brand & Construction Company Service Research Projects
- Animal Shelter & Exhibition Design Cases
- AI in Design Applications, Experience Strategy Frameworks & CX Management
▎ 講座場次資訊 Lecture Sessions
體驗設計:從公共服務到民間企業,體驗設計如何驅動創新且創造價值? Experience Design: Driving Innovation & Creating Value in Public & Private Sectors
日期 Date|3/22(六 Sat) 09:00 – 12:00
講者 Speakers|吳子誼 Wolsey、朱家瑤 Jocelyn
Issue 1. 先釐清「為什麼」再設計,從零到一的全國公共系統設計 Innovating AI Products through Workshops—Case Analysis & Applications
- Insights from DITL’s real-world AI product development workshops
- Workshop methodologies, challenges and solutions in AI-driven projects
Issue 2. 從用戶洞察到創新解方:如何透過工作坊引領利害關係人共創突破? Designer’s Survival Guide in the AI Era—Will AI Replace Us or Make Us Stronger?
- How AI is disrupting the design workflow
- How AI enhances rapid prototyping and boosts efficiency with no-code tools
- Understanding the limits and legal boundaries of AI in design
AI創新:設計師如何與AI協作,拓展專業能力邊界? AI Innovation: How Can Designers Collaborate with AI to Expand Their Expertise?
日期 Date|3/29(六 Sat) 09:00 – 12:00
講者 Speakers|李淇墉 Alan、蔡岱芸 Alissa
Issue 1. 從工作坊思考AI產品的創新:案例解析與應用 Define the “Why” Before Designing—From Scratch to a Nationwide Public System
- How did the design team conduct four rounds of user research to clarify system goals and define key functions?
- How did they iterate designs through validation interviews and collaborate with IT vendors for final system development?
Issue 2. AI時代的設計師生存指南:AI會取代我們?還是使我們更強大? From User Insights to Innovation—How Can Workshops Drive Breakthroughs?
了解AI如何顛覆設計流程,從快速提案到搭配No Code工具提升專案效率,並深入解析AI在設計領域的極限與法規紅線,助你成為未來設計專業的領航者。
- Case studies of two major innovation projects for leading Taiwanese enterprises
- How did the design team discover pain points in seemingly problem-free user experiences?
- How did co-creation workshops help stakeholders break through innovation barriers and create new brand value?
體驗戰略:設計如何創造企業價值與市場影響力? Experience Strategy: How Design Creates Business Value & Market Impact
日期 Date|4/12(六 Sat) 09:00 – 12:00
講者 Speakers|呂玉惠 Sammi、賴鑫治 Hsin Chih
Issue 1. 策略構想到設計實踐:設計在服務創新中的實踐之道 From Strategy to Design Implementation—The Role of Design in Service Innovation
- How businesses identify pain points and discover service innovation opportunities
- A step-by-step approach to turning strategy into actionable design solutions
- Case studies of traditional industries leveraging design for revenue growth
Issue 2. 顧客體驗管理的構建與實踐 Building & Implementing Customer Experience (CX) Management
- How CX enhances brand competitiveness and customer loyalty
- Strategic planning, journey analysis, data integration and key metric design
- Key considerations for implementing CDP (Customer Data Platform) in businesses
▎ 活動議程 Event Schedule
08:50 – 09:00 進場 Entry & Check-in
09:00 – 09:05 活動開場 Opening Remarks
09:05 – 09:30 演講主題概述 — 唐玄輝 教授 Keynote by Prof. Hsuan-Hui Tang
09:30 – 10:20 Issue 1. 講座 Lecture
10:20 – 10:30 中場休息 Break
10:30 – 11:20 Issue 2. 講座 Lecture
11:20 – 11:50 總結、Q&A — 唐玄輝 教授 Summary & Q&A with Prof. Tang
11:50 – 12:00 活動結束 Closing
報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2502230809371730413853
▎ 活動參與方式 How to Participate?
- 本活動為線上舉行,購票後可在票券頁獲取會議室連結。
- 活動開始前,請前往報名時填寫的信箱查收您的會議室密碼,以便進入會議室參與活動。
- This is an online event. Upon ticket purchase, you will receive a meeting link on your ticket page.
- Before the event starts, check your registered email for the meeting password to join.