2025臺灣法語節開幕式 Summit of French-Speaking Countries 2025
03/15 @ 7:00 下午 - 10:00 下午

今年的開幕式由瑞士商務辦事處與台灣法國文化協會合辦開幕售票演唱會。很高興邀請您參加法語國家高峰會 2025 的開幕晚會,為為期近兩週的臺灣法語節活動揭開序幕。
This year’s inauguration ceremony is a ticketed concert co-organized by the Trade Office of Swiss Industries and Alliance Française de Taïwan. We are delighted to invite you to the opening night of the Summit of French-Speaking Countries 2025, which will kick off the nearly two-week-long Taiwan Francophonie Festival.
相關開幕式活動節目如下 The inauguration ceremony program is as follows:
19:00:入場 Admission
19:00 – 19:30:來賓及大眾兑票入場 Guests and the public admission
19:30 – 19:45:開幕式傳統海地舞蹈 Opening ceremony with traditional Haitian dance
19:45 – 20:00:官員致詞與台上合影留念 Speeches by officials and group photo on stage
20:00 – 20:15:海地Kompa舞蹈、詩歌和海地歌曲 Haitian kompa dance, poetry and Haitian songs
20:15 – 20:45:Jessie Lin和Grace Weng(聲樂與鋼琴 vocals & piano)
20:45 – 22:00:Sum Siccus!音樂會 Concert
22:00:活動結束 End of event
This event is a ticketed concert. As a non-profit organization, we are not required to issue official invoices for ticket purchases.