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09/02 @ 9:00 上午 - 09/08 @ 5:00 下午

臺北 從這裡開始與世界接軌 Taipei: Where It All Begins and Connects with the World

臺北市擁有豐厚的文化藝術能量,隨著數位科技時代來臨,將以具文化與經濟的流行音樂為元素,透過產業現況、科技發展、國際連結與未來趨勢等面向,藉由大型複合式展演活動「潮臺北TRENDY TAIPEI-Music X Innovation」的舉行,發揮臺北獨特城市魅力,達成產業升級、活絡經濟、引進人才、接軌國際的目標。

潮臺北TRENDY TAIPEI-Music X Innovation,以充電及放電為兩大核心概念,串聯演唱會經濟、產業論壇及城市行動三大面向,以臺北流行音樂中心為主辦場地,同時串聯臺北市各在地音樂空間及活動場域,公私協力、資源整合,共同推動產業發展,打造嶄新的臺北城市品牌。

Taipei is a city rich in cultural and artistic energy, and with the rise of the digital age, it is leveraging pop music—an element that embodies both culture and economy. Through industry trends, technological advancements, international connections, and future prospects, Taipei aims to showcase its unique urban charm through the large-scale hybrid event, Trendy Taipei – Music X Innovation. The event’s goals include industry upgrades, boosting the economy, attracting talent, and integrating with the global scene.

Trendy Taipei – Music X Innovation centers around two core concepts: “charging” and “discharging,” which connect three main aspects: the concert economy, industry forums, and urban engagement. The event is hosted at the Taipei Pop Music Center and expands across various local music spaces and venues in the city. By combining public and private efforts and integrating resources, the event aims to drive industrial development and create a new city brand for Taipei.

創新科技 充電學習 Innovative Technology – Charging and Learning

TAIPEI MUSIC EXPO、亞洲影視內容峰會ContentAsia Summit、數位亞洲大會DigiAsia、2024 Res Artis臺北年會(在光譜中找到彼此:超越合作)、2024亞太表演藝術中心協會年會、台北電影學院、StartSphere Taipei台北創新創業總匯、臺北秋季程式設計節、魔力臺北等,結合世界各地音樂、影視、戲劇、創新、AI科技等產業專業人士,分享影視娛樂、數位行銷與科技、AI大融合的趨勢與新技術等,超過50+場的跨域主題視野、焦點對話、產業媒合交流,從流行音樂到影視音產業、從廣告創意到創新科技,潮臺北TRENDY TAIPEI都有適合你的學習、交流及分享的機會,你我共創臺北文化產業新樣貌及未來發展新想像,接軌國際潮流。

Events like TAIPEI MUSIC EXPO, ContentAsia Summit, DigiAsia, 2024 Res Artis Taipei Annual Meeting, 2024 APACA Annual Meeting, Taipei Film Academy, StartSphere Taipei, Taipei Autumn Programming Festival, and Magic Taipei will bring together professionals from industries such as music, film, drama, innovation, and AI technology. With over 50 cross-industry topics, focused dialogues, and networking opportunities, this event covers everything from pop music to the audio-visual industry, from creative advertising to cutting-edge technology. Trendy Taipei provides learning, exchange, and sharing opportunities, allowing participants to co-create new visions of Taipei’s cultural industries and connect with global trends.

創意跨界 放電玩樂 Creative Crossover – Discharging and Playing

JAM JAM ASIA、臺北音樂不斷電、臺北爵士音樂節,以及遍佈全臺北市TRENDY TAIPEI LIVE潮臺北之夜,超過上百場國內外各音樂創作者、藝文表演者,結合國內外音樂團體不同型態展演,串連臺北市於各大、小音樂展演場域、LIVE HOUSE、音樂餐廳和酒吧的音樂現場演出,延伸演唱會經濟,打造臺北成為國際文化娛樂產業能量的匯流平臺。

Events like JAM JAM ASIA, Taipei Music Nonstop, Taipei Jazz Festival, and TRENDY TAIPEI LIVE will feature over a hundred performances by both local and international musicians and artists. These performances will take place in music venues, live houses, music restaurants, and bars throughout the city. By expanding the concert economy, Trendy Taipei will transform the city into a global hub for the entertainment and cultural industries.

潮臺北TRENDY TAIPEI-Music X Innovation



The Trendy Taipei logo features red, symbolizing outward passion (“discharging”), and blue, representing introspective reflection (“charging”). These two colors convey the brand’s spirit of vitality, innovation, and trendiness. The fluid connection of these elements forms the character “北” representing the city’s name, Taipei.


09/02 @ 9:00 上午
09/08 @ 5:00 下午
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