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2024 BNEXT Summit 數位新商業論壇 Digital New Business Forum|科技顛覆市場新規則 Technology Redefining Market Rules

04/25 @ 10:00 上午 - 5:30 下午

創造未來新價值!企業關注的商業創新論壇 Creating Future Value! Business Innovation Forum of Enterprise Concern


New technologies constantly disrupt market rules, and human-machine interaction becomes a common practice at work. Every industry should learn new survival skills and seize evolutionary opportunities! Utilize technology to reach new heights in business, create new value, and find profitable markets in the future!

第二屆數位新商業論壇,帶領企業彎道超車,彰顯你的品牌獨特 2nd Digital New Business Forum leads enterprises to overtake in the curve, showcasing the uniqueness of your brand

用科技玩出商業新高度! Play Business to New Heights with Technology!

新趨勢 New World

Technology evolves rapidly, making the future increasingly unpredictable. However, having a compass-like guidance remains crucial. With its 25 years of publication, “BusinessNext” has witnessed every crucial era of technological development and the new economy of the Internet. By drawing insights from the past and exploring the future, we will deconstruct future trends and digital changes on-site.

新商機 New Business

The form of business is constantly changing, so where will future value innovation occur? By decrypting brand case studies and exploring the latest business opportunities, we lead enterprises to the forefront, crafting strategies that are more market-oriented and competitive, and discovering their unique value!

新玩法 New Solution

Technology and techniques play crucial roles in shaping business actions, with countless digital tools emerging from AI, 5G, and blockchain. Through dialogue and exchange, we delve deeper into strategies for productivity liberation and personalized experiences, understanding how to apply them to help brands achieve greater success more efficiently.

📍 關於數位新商業論壇 About the Digital New Business Forum


《數位新商業論壇》科技的推陳出新,商業的形式和本質也不斷變動。 《數位時代》與 新商業學校共同主辦年度代表性商業論壇,帶你遇見未來的領先者,看懂科技如何影響商業的下一步,駕馭數位、驅動創新,帶領品牌與企業持續突破成長。

“BusinessNext” has spanned the 21st century, participating in every crucial era of technological development and the rise of the new Internet economy. We record, interpret, and explore the ongoing and upcoming digital changes, seeking to understand the next world, recognize the next leaders and thinkers, and seize the next wave of opportunities.

“Digital New Business Forum,” jointly organized by “BusinessNext” and School of Business Next Media, is an annual representative business forum. It introduces you to future leaders, helps you understand how technology will impact the next step in business, harnesses digital tools, drives innovation, and leads brands and enterprises to continue breaking through and growing.

📍 活動議程 Event Schedule

New World 新趨勢
【趨勢解讀】趨勢25:拆解過去、預想未來的未來 Trend 25: Breaking down the past and envisioning the future
王志仁 Wang Zhi-ren / 數位時代 總編輯 Editor-in-Chief of BusinessNext

【國際觀點】成功獲利新方式!找到下一個顧客想要且必需的價值 International Perspective: New Ways to Succeed and Profit! Finding the next value customers want and need
Patrick Van Der Pijl / 方略 執行長 CEO of Business Models Inc.

【創新市場】預見2030創新破口,科技驅動企業持續增長 Innovative Market: Anticipating innovation opportunities in 2030, driving continuous growth with technology
張勤亞 Zhang Qin-ya / 麥肯錫 公司合夥人 Partner at McKinsey

New Business 新商機
【貼標商機】升級無斷點消費旅程,高創業界5倍的到店轉化率! Targeted Label Opportunities: Upgrading uninterrupted consumer journeys, achieving 5 times the conversion rate of the industry!
陳睿烽 Chen Rui-feng / 日藥本舖 董事長特助暨行銷部經理 Assistant to the Chairman and Marketing Manager of JPMED

【自動化商機】店鋪自動化,精簡人力還讓服務又快又好 Automated Business Opportunities: Streamlining manpower and making service faster and better
廖明堅 Liao Ming-jian / 一之軒 董事長兼總經理 Chairman and General Manager of IJYSHENG

【AI商機】品牌行銷大革命!生成式AI改寫品牌零售 AI Business Opportunities: Brand marketing revolution! AI-generated AI rewrites brand retailing
蔡緒弘 Cai Xu-hong / 玩美移動 行銷總監 Marketing Director of Perfect Corp.

【ESG商機】ESG轉型全方位路徑,打造可盈利、負責任的新贏家 ESG Transformation Comprehensive Pathway: Creating Profitable and Responsible New Winners
陳俊偉 Chen Jun-wei / AROMASE艾瑪絲 創辦人暨總經理 Founder and CEO of AROMASE

New Solution 新玩法
【缺工時代的生產力解方】No-code玩出高效工作術 Productivity Solutions for Labor Shortages: No-code efficiency techniques
圖文創意生成:吳振章 Wu Zhen-zhang / Adobe大中華區董事總經理 Managing Director of Adobe Greater China
辦公文書勞務解放:曾詠超 Zeng Yong-chao / EMILY.RPA 創辦人暨執行長 Founder and CEO of EMILY.RPA
生產線自動化:謝宗震 Xie Zong-zhen / Chimes AI 創辦人暨執行長 Founder and CEO of Chimes AI

【超個人化時代的商機解方】AI驅動智慧行銷 Business Opportunities in the Era of Hyper-Personalization: AI-driven smart marketing
電商會員一把抓:周峯玉 Zhou Feng-yu / beBit TECH 行銷長 Marketing Director of beBit TECH
最佳化網紅媒合:葉佳傑 Ye Jia-jie / iKala KOL Radar 產品總監 Product Director of iKala KOL Radar
Chatbot深化互動:陳子龍 Chen Zi-long / Super 8 創辦人暨執行長 Founder and CEO of Super 8

📍 活動資訊 Event Information

■ 時間 Date & Time:2024/4/25(四) (Thursday) 10:00-17:30
■ 地點 Venue:張榮發國際會議中心 Chang Yung-fa Foundation(台北市中正區中山南路11號 No. 11, Zhongshan S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City)
■ 票價 Fee:
▶ 晚鳥優惠!4/21前:NT$3,120 /人 Early Bird Special! Before April 21st: NT$3,120 per person
▶ 超值套票!兩人同行:NT$2,899 /人 Value Package! Two persons: NT$2,899 per person
▶ 超值套票!四人同行:NT$2,699 /人 Value Package! Four persons: NT$2,699 per person
▶ 單人一般票:NT$4,000 /人 Single General Ticket: NT$4,000 per person

- 本課程贈《數位時代》6期(雙月刊,2024年6月號起訂) This course includes 6 issues of “BusinessNext” (bi-monthly, starting from June 2024)
- 活動內容、合作洽詢 For event content and cooperation inquiries:鄭小姐 Ms Cheng yayun.cheng@bnext.com.tw  (02)8773-9808 分機 Ext. 278
- 活動票券 For event tickets:紀小姐 Ms Chi anna.chi@bnext.com.tw (02)8773-9808 分機 Ext. 351;徐小姐 Ms Hsu peiyu.hsu@bnext.com.tw  (02)8773-9808 分機 Ext. 329
- 客服專線 Customer service hotline:(02)8771-6326 (週一至週五 Monday to Friday 9:30-12:00;13:00-17:00)
主辦單位保留活動及課程大綱異動之權利,更新資訊以活動網站內容為主。 The organizer reserves the right to make changes to the event and course outline. Please refer to the event website for updates.

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2401181756223547942270?utm_campaign=accu_feature&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web

📍 常見問題 FAQ

Q 課程發票我什麼時候可以收到? When will I receive the course invoice?
A 本公司採用電子發票,發票將在您付款完成後的兩週內由「綠界科技 ECPay」寄送電子發票開立通知至您報名時填寫的發票收件人email。 We use electronic invoices. The invoice will be sent electronically by “ECPay” within two weeks after you complete the payment, to the email address provided by you when registering.

Q 付款後若臨時有行程更動,可以退費嗎? If I need to change my schedule after payment, can I get a refund?
A 若無法出席論壇,請於活動開始前來電或來信告知,可為您保留費用半年,半年內若對其他活動、課程有興趣可將費用轉移至該活動,限轉移乙次;如需申請退款請於論壇開始日前 3 個工作天告知,我們將收取課程的一成費用以及銀行轉帳之手續費,逾期恕不受理。 If you are unable to attend the forum, please call or email us before the event starts. We can reserve the fee for you for six months. Within six months, if you are interested in other events or courses, you can transfer the fee to that event once. If you need a refund, please notify us three working days before the start of the forum. We will charge 10% of the course fee plus the bank transfer fee. No refunds will be accepted after the deadline.

Q 我們公司同事超過2位一起報名,雜誌可以分成2個不同月份接續下去收件嗎? If there are more than 2 colleagues from our company registering together, can the magazines be split and received in different months?
A 2人以上報名,我們會自動做雜誌接續處理 ,統一給訂購人收件,同時發票開立一張,如果有不同需求再來電告知。 For registrations of 2 persons or more, we will automatically handle the magazine subscription and send it to the person who placed the order. An invoice will be issued together. If you have different requirements, please call us to inform us.


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