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2024 ART FORMOSA 福爾摩沙國際藝術博覽會

08/31 @ 11:00 上午 - 09/01 @ 7:00 下午

2024 ART FORMOSA 福爾摩沙國際藝術博覽會

2024. 08. 31 – 2024. 09. 01

eslite hotel 誠品行旅6-9樓


自2015年創立以來,ART FORMOSA 福爾摩沙國際藝術博覽會秉持精緻、高端、當代之理念,聯手國際重要藝文機構,迎接全球頂尖當代畫廊與優秀精銳藝術家,用最完整的策展計畫及藝術家創作理念呈現精采絕倫的高水準藝術展覽,並大規模結合建築、設計、時尚產業,落實質感生活美學理念的頂級博覽會。為台灣及亞洲藝術圈,帶來領銜夏季、當代與經典薈萃的全新里程!

Since its establishment in 2015, ART FORMOSA ART FAIR has maintained its exquisiteness, high-endness, and contemporariness, collaborating with notable art foundations to present outstanding galleries and eminent artists worldwide to present fantastic curatorial projects and artist concepts. As a leading international art fair, ART FORMOSA has also incorporated different industries including architecture, design and fashion to fulfill its notion of aesthetic living. This summer, ART FORMOSA will take a great leap forward in generating influence in Taiwanese art industry and Asian art world.

# 呈現高端、精緻、當代的美學理念,開創全新型態藝術展覽 Modern and Contemporary Art Section


This sector consists of domestic and foreign galleries; no restriction on the age of participating artists and the medium of artworks.

# 嶄新的策展企劃風靡全球收藏家,於盛夏綻放高雅恬適的藝術香氛,體驗生命感動。


國際著名外賓有中國當代藝術收藏第一人,前瑞士駐中國大使烏利希克(Uli Sigg)、台北當代藝術博覽會總監任天晉(Magnus Renfrew)、美國在台協會文化新聞組美國中心前主任區毅良(Eric Aldrich)、莫斯科台北經濟文化協調委員會駐台北代表處紀柏梁(Dmitrii Polianskii)、日本資深收藏家宮津大輔、日本當代收藏家組織ONE PIECE CLUB創辦人暨俱樂部代表石鍋博子等豪華陣容共襄盛舉,佳評如潮襲捲全球。

# 前瞻精準投入各界資源,引領時尚與潮流的尖端,富有深厚美學底蘊的國際平台

International platform with a deep aesthetic heritage

ART FORMOSA 福爾摩沙國際藝術博覽會匯聚國內外畫廊與精銳藝術家的作品一齊亮相,並關注熱門時尚話題,獨具慧心地推出吸睛的主題藝術策展專區,聚焦於獨具品味的潮流藝術美學,在最頂級的藝術視覺饗宴中獻上最新穎的當代藝術。

ART FORMOSA brings together the galleries and artists to present their works. In addition, ART FORMOSA also focuses on trendy fashion topics and uniquely introduces eye-catching thematic curatorial zones, focusing on trendy art aesthetics with unique tastes.

Presenting the latest contemporary art in the most top-notch visual feast of art.


ART FORMOSA國際藝術博覽會主辦單位大苑藝術前身為新苑藝術的策展部門,創辦人張學孔先生其曾任社團法人中華民國畫廊協會理事長,長年來專研國際當代藝術發展及市場脈動,力行推動當代藝術金融,為世代的藝術發聲。

旗下ART FUTURE、ART FORMOSA、ART KAOHSIUNG、ART HSINCHU在台灣北到南捲起飯店與展板兼具的雙展場藝博會熱潮。是亞洲最卓越的台灣藝術博覽會先驅。從展覽及行銷帶入產官學經驗,用專業、前瞻、深厚的藝文底蘊發聲,不斷孕化出無與倫比的頂尖藝術博覽會。

Pioneer of Taiwan Art Fair

ART FORMOSA International Art Fair organizer, Formosa Art Fair Co. was formerly the curatorial department of Galerie Grand Siècle.
Founder Richard, Hsueh-Kung Chang, who was once the chairman of the Republic of China Gallery Association, has been studying the development of international contemporary art and market trends for many years, and has been striving to promote and speak for the art generation.

ART FUTURE, ART FORMOSA, ART KAOHSIUNG, and ART HSINCHU are the most outstanding art fairs in Asia, and have been the most popular dual-venue art fairs in Taiwan, with hotels and panels.
From exhibition to marketing, Formosa Art Fair Co. brings in the experience of industry, government and academia. In addition, speaks out with professionalism, foresight, and a deep heritage of art and culture, and continues to produce excellent art fairs.

Ticket Fee 票價一覽表

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2407100705301911651140

Entrance Rule 入場規則



※National who over 65 years old, or national who hold Handbook of Disabilities with 1 companion along can present their document at the entrance to purchase a discount ticket at NT$200.

※Children under 110 centimeters tall will be admitted free of charge and must be accompanied by at least one adult.




(3)一日票僅得於公眾展期間2024/08/31 (11:00~19:00)、2024/09/01 (11:00~19:00)使用,當日無限次入場。





※User instructions:

(1) Tickets and Catalog need to be redeemed during the exhibition.

(2) E-tickets need to be exchanged for physical tickets on site.

(3) One-day tickets are only available during the public exhibition period 2024/08/31 (11:00~19:00), 2024/09/01 (11:00~19:00) use, unlimited admission on the day.

(4) You can participate in the art guide tour for free with physical tickets.

(5) On-site ticket sales will stop 30 minutes before the closing of the exhibition every day.

(6) There will be no refunds for ticket sales. (Excluding uncontrollable factors such as covid epidemics, natural disasters and man-made disasters)

(7) This event entrusts ACCUPASS to issue invoices on its behalf.


  1. 展場作品攝影前,需先取得參展畫廊的同意。
  2. 展場作品攝影前,需先取得參展畫廊的同意。除有特殊聲明者外,開放非商業性拍照,不得使用閃光燈;為維護智慧財產權,請勿使用三腳架、手持穩定器等各式專業攝錄影器材。
  3. 全展區禁止吸菸。
  4. 長傘請置放在電梯入口處,折疊雨傘收至包包內。
  5. 展區內禁止奔跑嬉戲。

Admission Notes:

1. Before taking photos of the exhibition works, looking for participating galleries agreement is mandatory.

2. Unless otherwise stated, non-commercial photography is open and flashlights are not allowed; in order to protect intellectual property rights, please do not use tripods, handheld stabilizers and other professional video equipment.

3. Smoking is prohibited in the whole exhibition area.

4. Please put the long umbrella at the entrance of the elevator, and put the folded umbrella in the bag.

5. It is forbidden to run and play in the exhibition area.


08/31 @ 11:00 上午
09/01 @ 7:00 下午
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台北市, Taiwan
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