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2024 第十屆 台灣暨亞太永續趨勢與分析發表會 10th International Conference on Trends of Sustainability 2024

03/29 @ 9:00 上午 - 5:00 下午

極的永續發展成為主流,然而大、中小型企業,面對超載資訊、規範框架推陳出新、國內政策實施,企業轉型壓力倍增;同時,氣候變遷、減碳及調適,並無減緩跡象。總總原因,引發企業產生氣候及碳焦慮(Climate anxiety)、淨零轉型風險焦慮,甚或寧願保持沉默(Green hushing),以避免外界放大檢視。然而,永續行動無疑是刻不容緩的,企業卻陷入渾沌泥沼中,急需強而有力的繩索引路前行。

另一方面,資金驅動的創新、自然解方的新能量、法規政策勢力的推動、商業模式轉換的新思維、全民覺醒等能量累積,有機會將 ESG、永續、減碳行動,帶向下一個永續篇章,因此以「Beyond Sustainability」跳脫框架的永續思維為題,並以創新技術、全新商模、綠領人才培育,作為「進化解方」提供新契機。

2024 第十屆 台灣暨亞太永續趨勢與分析發表會,將邀請國際重要組織、重要標準制定單位、創新者以及標竿企業與會分享。透過三大議程,討論揭露、轉型、議合之解方與實踐,為企業在無序的轉型迷途中,提供新的見解與指引。

Active sustainability has become mainstream, yet large, medium, and small enterprises face increasing pressure to transform due to information overload, evolving regulatory frameworks, and the implementation of domestic policies. Meanwhile, climate change, carbon reduction, and adaptation show no signs of slowing down. These factors have led to climate and carbon anxieties among enterprises, causing some to remain silent to avoid external scrutiny, a phenomenon known as “green hushing.” However, sustainable action is urgent, and enterprises find themselves in a chaotic situation, in need of strong guidance.

On the other hand, the accumulation of energy from funding-driven innovations, new energies from natural solutions, the push of regulatory policies, new thinking in business model transformation, and awakening among the general public present an opportunity to propel ESG, sustainability, and carbon reduction actions into the next sustainable chapter. Therefore, under the theme “Beyond Sustainability,” innovative technologies, new business models, and green talent cultivation are presented as “evolutionary solutions” to provide new opportunities.

The 10th International Conference on Trends of Sustainability 2024 will invite important international organizations, key standard-setting bodies, innovators, and benchmark enterprises to share insights. Through three major agendas, the symposium will discuss the solution and implementation of disclosure, transformation, and consensus, providing new perspectives and guidance for enterprises amid the chaotic transition.

議程亮點介紹 Highlights of the Agenda

1. 揭露與議合的整合解方

2. 永續轉型的進化解方

3. 自然解方與TNFD – 新策略還是終結解方

1. Integrated Solutions for Disclosure and Consensus
Faced with information overload, enterprises are busy with carbon audits, disclosure frameworks, and improving ratings. However, the key should be the substantial improvement of enterprise ESG strategies and operational transformation through disclosure and consensus, viewing them as solutions rather than pressures. By analyzing and sharing perspectives from major domestic and international standard-setting bodies, this session will provide a real spirit of disclosure and consensus and practical application guidelines, including how IFRS/ISSB can establish global economic resilience and regional influence in the Asia-Pacific region.

2. Evolutionary Solutions for Sustainable Transformation
Sustainable development is changing industries and creating growth. Enterprises are taking “self-check” actions in various aspects of their business and operations based on international frameworks and standards to adjust their operational capabilities and optimize management effectiveness. This session will focus on the adoption of international standards, inviting representatives from GRI and ERM Taiwan to share the content of GRI guidelines, CSRD, CSDDD directives, as well as the impacts and challenges that Taiwanese enterprises will face, and invite leading Taiwanese enterprises to share their transformation methods and insights in response to disclosure guidelines.

3. Natural Solutions and TNFD – New Strategy or End Solution
Natural risks are financial risks for enterprises. The announcement of the TNFD framework signifies that the impact of nature on every aspect of corporate operations will be exposed, and whether natural solutions can be seen as a new dawn amid the pressure is worth considering. By deconstructing TNFD disclosure strategies and the practice of natural solutions through domestic and international sustainable leaders.

活動議程 Event Agenda


※場地限制票數有限,售完為止 Limited tickets available due to venue restrictions. Tickets available until sold out.

購票須知 Ticket Information and Event Details

1. 購票之電子票券ACCUPASS將寄到訂購人(登入ACCUPASS系統的帳號)信箱,如您代為購票,當日參加者與訂購人非同一人,請至您的「修改個人資料」修改信箱地址,以利取票入場。

👉點此看ACCUPASS取票方式 Click here for ACCUPASS ticket collection instructions

2. 報名購票即贈《2024 臺灣暨亞太永續報告現況與趨勢》數位本搶先看1份,主辦方將會以信件方式提供連結。

1. Electronic tickets via ACCUPASS will be sent to the email address of the purchaser (the account used to log in to ACCUPASS). If you are purchasing tickets on behalf of others and the attendee is different from the purchaser, please update the email address in your “Modify Personal Information” to facilitate ticket collection and entry.

2. Upon ticket registration, you will receive a complimentary digital copy of the “2024 International Sustainable Trends and Analysis Report,” available for early viewing. The organizer will provide the link via email.

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2401110655071433266631?utm_source=web&utm_medium=search_result_2024+%E7%AC%AC%E5%8D%81%E5%B1%86+%E5%8F%B0%E7%81%A3%E6%9A%A8%E4%BA%9E%E5%A4%AA%E6%B0%B8%E7%BA%8C%E8%B6%A8%E5%8B%A2%E8%88%87%E5%88%86%E6%9E%90%E7%99%BC%E8%A1%A8%E6%9C%83&utm_campaign=accu_e_

交通資訊 Transportation Information

2022 發表會 交通圖

活動問答QA Event Q&A


A:本活動委託ACCUPASS代為處理退款事宜,依退款規則辦理。如需申請退款請於活動票券有效開始日前8日辦理,並將酌收票價10%退票手續費,逾期恕不受理。如當日您不克出席,票券QR Code可以給予他人使用,惟因防疫實名制參與者皆需填寫聲明書,敬請事前來信通知主辦單位,以利比對參與者資料。




Q: How should I fill out the registration form if I am registering on behalf of someone else?
A: It is recommended that participants register themselves via ACCUPASS. If registering on behalf of someone else, please ensure that the attendee’s information is provided on the registration form. Also, update the email address to the attendee’s email in the “Modify Personal Information” section to facilitate ticket collection and receipt of important information.

Q: If I am unable to attend after registering, can I get a refund or transfer the ticket?
A: Refunds for this event are handled by ACCUPASS according to their refund policy. Refund requests must be made at least 8 days before the event start date, and a 10% processing fee will be charged. Refund requests made after this deadline will not be accepted. If you are unable to attend, you may transfer the ticket to someone else, but please notify the organizer in advance to update participant information for contact tracing purposes.

Q: When will the complete agenda and information be available?
A: Tickets for the event will be available for purchase starting from January 16th. The complete agenda information will be released to the public in mid-February.

Q: When will I receive the invoice after purchasing the ticket?
A: ACCUPASS will issue electronic invoices after the event ends on March 29th, and they are expected to be sent to the email address provided during registration in April. If you require a triplicate uniform invoice, please provide your tax ID number and billing details.

Q: Will there be interpretation services available on-site?
A: Yes, interpretation services are available. Please provide your identification for borrowing (National Health Insurance card, driver’s license, ID card, student ID, etc.). Remember to collect your ID when return the device. Please handle the device with care. If the interpretation device is lost, a compensation fee of NT$6,000 will be charged. Thank you.

活動聯絡人 Event Contacts

如您有報名購票問題,請聯繫 For ticket purchasing inquiries, please contact
江小姐 Ms Chiang:jocelyn.chiang@veda.com.tw

活動當日聯絡人 On-site contact person for the event day:
倪小姐 Ms Ni:ria.ni@veda.com.tw 02-2704-3024#159

※注意事項:主辦單位保有最終修改、變更、活動解釋及取消本活動之權利,若有相關異動將會公告於網站, 恕不另行通知。 Note: The organizer reserves the right to make final modifications, changes, interpretations, and cancellations to the event. Any relevant updates will be announced on the website without further notice.


政大公企中心 2F 國際會議廳
台北市, Taiwan
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