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2024 第十二屆 台灣自釀啤酒大賽 參賽組報名 The 12th Taiwan Homebrew Competition

09/21 @ 8:00 上午 - 09/29 @ 12:00 上午

【 2024 第十二屆台灣自釀啤酒大賽 – 選手組報名 公告 】

✸ 報名時間:2024.09.02 (一) 00:00 – 09.29 (日) 24:00
✸ 郵寄收酒: 2024/09/30 – 10/03
✸ 評審時間: 2024/10/06
✸ 分享會暨頒獎典禮: 2024/10/19
✸ 分享會地點:台北大直美麗華 金色三麥


  1. 今年賽事總共有九個組別,每位參賽者皆可報名各個組別,且各組每人不限報名支數,請注意今年參賽者需要繳交報名費,請斟酌參賽。
  2. 參賽報名費 : 每報名一款酒為550元,參賽即可免費參加頒獎典禮暨分享會。
  3. 參賽者請在後面報名資料處,填妥相關資料,請注意一款酒需要一張報名表單。
  4. 請下載「參賽標籤」並寫上參賽酒資訊,並黏貼於瓶身上。
  5. 請每位參賽者將參賽酒每款三瓶(請勿超過),每瓶330毫升以上,在「9月30日至10月3日」期間寄至 新北市三重區中興北街50號,啤酒頭段淵傑先生 收,電話:0910247577 並請在貨運單註明自釀比賽用酒。僅接受郵寄方式,現場一律不收件。
  6. 10月6日為評審日(非工作人員謝絕參加),工作人員會公告晉級決賽名單請晉級決賽者於10月19日的活動中分享自己的作品。非入選酒款也可於現場與同好分享,但礙於時間關係,作品無法安排上台介紹。
  7. 入選決賽者,每款入選作品請帶足「4公升」來分享會,數量不足額者,大會有權取消得獎資格,海外參賽者不在此限。
  8. 決賽分享酒可以用郵寄的方式送達金色三麥 大直美麗華店,詳細內容會在入選成績公布後個別通知。

理性飲酒同意書 : https://reurl.cc/4p9avj
參賽標籤 : https://www.beclass.com/share/201908/1099365081765xwd_1.pdf
比賽分組類別 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1noc2ESGyPPprRvL8WaI2XDv24_sAMprB/view?usp=sharing

2024 The 12th Taiwan Homebrew Competition

Please pay attention to the following important dates
✸ Entry Registration: 2024.09.02  00:00 – 09.29 24:00
✸ Entry should arrive at facility for judging: 2024/09/30 – 10/03
✸ Judging Date: 2024/10/06
✸ Event & Ceremony: 2024/10/19

Entrants Details:

  1. There will be 9 categories to compete in. All entrants are welcomed to enter any category, and multiple entries in one category is welcomed as well. Please note there is a fee per entry.
  2. Entry Fee : The fee for each entry is NT$550。
    All entrants are welcomed at the ceremony held on 2024/10/19 for free.
  3. All entrants should register via the link below.  You need to fill out a form for each entry (if you enter 3 beers, you need 3 forms).You can wire your entry fee together though. Please wire the entry fee to the account displayed after you fill out the form, by 2024/09/29.
  4. Download the 「Entry label 參賽標籤」from register link. Fill up all information required: Name, Category, BJCP style, ABV and special ingredient. Paste the label on bottle.
  5. Download the 「Entry label 參賽標籤」from register link. Fill up all information required: Name, Category, BJCP style, ABV and special ingredient. Paste the label on bottle.
  6. Please send ONLY 3 bottles (330ml or up) of each entry to the following address. 新北市三重區中興北街50號 ,啤酒頭段淵傑先生 收,電話:0910247577. And please note the beers are for the competition on your shipping slip.
    Entries should arrive BETWEEN 2024/09/30~2024/10/03.
    Please send by mail only.
  7. Judging is on 2024/10/6(this is closed-doors, only judges are allowed). We will select the top 70 entries of all category, to participate in the final. We will notify all finalists, and you will be able to talk about your beer on stage on 2024/10/19 during the Event/Ceremony. If you are not selected as a finalist, you can still bring beer to share, but you may not be able to get on stage, due to time constraints.
  8. The above mentioned 4 liters of finalist’s beers can be sent directly to Le Ble Dor’s Dazhi restaurant (where the event/ceremony is held), details will be posted later.

Positive Drinking : https://reurl.cc/4p9avj
Entry label : https://www.beclass.com/share/201908/1099365081765xwd_1.pdf
Entry category : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1noc2ESGyPPprRvL8WaI2XDv24_sAMprB/view?usp=sharing

請特別注意 : 「禁止酒駕,酒後不開車 安全有保障」 「未滿18歲請勿飲酒」

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2408220906379682549080?utm_campaign=accu_theme&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web


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