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2024 柯夢波丹夏日海灘派對 COSMO SUMMER PARTY

08/03 @ 2:00 下午 - 8:35 下午

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2407170426332904349450?utm_campaign=accu_banner&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web

Q&A及票券須知 Q&A and Ticket Information











Q: Are VIP exclusive gifts available for purchase on-site?

A: Limited quantities are available. Currently, only certain items (such as collaboration meal boxes and tasting sessions) can be purchased on-site. All other items are available for pre-order only.

Q: How can I confirm my purchase was successful?

A: After a successful purchase, the buyer will receive a “Purchase Confirmation Notice” email from the system. Please check your inbox or spam folder.

Q: What if I don’t receive the purchase confirmation within a day?

A: Please email christy.tung@hearst.com.tw with the buyer’s name, purchased items, and purchase time for assistance.

Q: When will I receive my invoice? Can I include my company’s tax ID?

A: Invoices will be sent within a month after the event. If you need an invoice with a company tax ID, please choose a triplicate invoice at the time of purchase and provide the correct company name and tax ID. It cannot be modified after the purchase is complete.

Q: How can I request a refund?

A: Refunds are not available after purchase. If the event is canceled due to poor weather, VIP exclusive gifts will be mailed. Refunds will be provided for collaboration meal boxes/tasting sessions/VIP private rooms. Details will be announced on the Cosmopolitan Facebook page/event website.

補充說明 Additional Information

本活動於戶外舉辦,受天氣及環境因素影響,主辦單位將視現場天氣及環境而進行時間調動或取消安排,敬請見諒。 活動前如遇下列天候狀況,主辦單位將做出以下安排:

  1. 中央氣象署於活動前發布陸上或海上颱風警報,範圍擴及活動地點,而有可能影響活動當日天候及人身安全,將安排取消,並第一時間於柯夢波丹FB粉絲團/活動網站進行公告。
  2. 活動現場持續下雨或天氣情況惡劣,但中央氣象署未發布任何警告,經安全評估,如現場情況許可,活動將如期進行,然而主辦單位將根據現場情況或將個別表演演出時間稍作延遲,反之若現場情況涉及人身安全疑慮,將安排取消,並第一時間於柯夢波丹FB粉絲團/活動網站進行公告。

This event is held outdoors and may be affected by weather and environmental conditions. The organizer may adjust or cancel the event schedule based on weather conditions. We apologize for any inconvenience. If the following weather conditions occur before the event, the organizer will make the following arrangements:

  1. If the Central Weather Bureau issues a land or sea typhoon warning before the event, affecting the event location and potentially impacting safety, the event will be canceled. Announcements will be made on the Cosmopolitan Facebook page/event website as soon as possible.
  2. If it rains continuously at the event site or if the weather is bad but no warnings are issued by the Central Weather Bureau, the event will proceed as scheduled if conditions allow. The organizer may slightly delay individual performances based on the situation. If there are safety concerns, the event will be canceled, with announcements made on the Cosmopolitan Facebook page/event website.

*若有上述未表列問題,請來信christy.tung@hearst.com.tw,謝謝! For any questions not listed above, please email christy.tung@hearst.com.tw. Thank you!


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