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2024 我行我不塑 桌遊設計展 “I Act, I Don’t Plastic” Board Game Design Exhibition|設計零界限,玩轉新未來 Design Without Limits, Play into the Future

11/16 @ 1:30 下午 - 5:00 下午


除了有許多台灣原創出版社參展,同時也是2024 我行我不塑桌遊設計比賽的決選現場。來自全台灣的熱血設計師將親臨現場,在中央展示他們的作品。您不僅可以體驗新穎有趣的桌遊,還能與設計師面對面交流,深入了解作品背後的理念。更重要的是,您將與評審一同決定今年的比賽排名,成為影響桌遊界新星的關鍵推手!


The world of board games is filled with endless possibilities, and works that combine environmental sustainability with creative design are especially refreshing! We invite you to explore innovative board games with sustainability themes and experience the boundless charm of design as we play towards a better future.

In addition to many Taiwanese original publishers exhibiting at the event, it is also the final selection of the 2024 “I Act, I Don’t Plastic” board game design competition. Designers from all over Taiwan will be on-site to showcase their creations. You’ll have the opportunity to try out these new and exciting board games and engage in face-to-face conversations with the designers to understand the ideas behind their works. Most importantly, you’ll have a say in determining the competition rankings, becoming a key player in the rise of new stars in the board game industry!

Whether you’re a board game enthusiast or someone passionate about environmental protection, we welcome you to join us and contribute to the cause of sustainability and the board game design community.

▓  活動亮點 Event Highlights

  1. 深度體驗:親臨現場試玩多款全新減塑主題桌遊,感受創意與樂趣。
  2. 參與評選:與評審一起投票,影響比賽最終排名,見證桌遊新星的誕生。
  3. 設計師交流:與全台熱血設計師面對面交流,了解創作背後的故事與理念。
  4. 抽獎好禮:參加抽獎活動,有機會獲得永續商品,提升生活質感。
  5. 獨家贈品:購票前50名獲得獨家設計環保用品,體現環保時尚。
  6. 折抵消費:購買浮木文創的桌遊品項,可全額折抵票價。
  1. In-Depth Experience: Try out several brand-new, plastic-reduction-themed board games on-site and immerse yourself in creativity and fun.
  2. Participate in Judging: Join the judges in voting to influence the final competition rankings and witness the birth of new board game stars.
  3. Designer Interaction: Meet passionate designers from all over Taiwan, and learn the stories and ideas behind their creations.
  4. Lucky Draw Prizes: Participate in the lucky draw for a chance to win sustainable products, enhancing your quality of life.
  5. Exclusive Gifts: The first 50 ticket buyers will receive exclusive eco-friendly products, showcasing sustainable fashion.
  6. Ticket Discount: When purchasing any board game items from Driftwood Creative, your ticket price will be fully refunded.


In addition to the eco-conscious publishers responding to the call for sustainability, there will also be a viewing area and relaxation zone for attendees to unwind.

▓  抽獎禮品 Lucky Draw Prizes


The lucky draw prizes include exquisite products made from marine waste, as well as the chance to win stunning ocean-themed board games such as “Deep Blue” and “Coral Secret”.

▓  獨家贈品 Exclusive Gifts


Customized “I Act, I Don’t Plastic, I Protect the Earth” eco-friendly chopsticks, combining both style and substance, will be given to the first 50 ticket buyers.

▓  報名資訊 Registration Information

  • 活動時間 Date & Time:11/16(六 Saturday)13:30 – 17:00
  • 臺師大和平校區Ⅱ綜合大樓2樓 綜210展覽廳 Exhibition Hall Room 210, 2nd Floor, Comprehensive Building II, National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) Heping Campus(台北市大安區和平東路一段135號 No. 135, Sec. 1, Heping E. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City)
    Google Map
  • 門票價格 Fee:
    • 網路預購票 Online Pre-sale:NT$100
    • 現場票 On-site Ticket:NT$150
    • 優惠 Discounts:臺師大師生及8歲以下學童免費入場 NTNU students and faculty, as well as children under 8, can enter for free(現場出示證件 with ID verification at the venue)

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2409230119301594654992



Limited gifts available, so please purchase tickets early!

For any related inquiries, feel free to contact Driftwood Creative. Join our Facebook fan page and official LINE account to get the latest updates and information.

▓  注意事項 Notes

1. 活動異動權:主辦單位保留活動內容、參展作品及時段異動之權利。
2. 影像紀錄:活動期間將有工作人員拍攝照片、影像、聲音等作為活動過程紀錄,並於社群公開宣傳,如不同意請於現場告知工作人員。
3. 票券轉讓:票券一經售出,恕不接受退款。若因私人因素無法參與,請自行將票券轉讓。票券轉讓教學請參閱ACCUPASS教學:如何將票券轉讓、分享給友人?
4. 年齡限制:小朋友需要大人陪同參加。

  1. Event Changes: The organizers reserve the right to modify event content, exhibits, and schedule.
  2. Photo and Video Recording: Staff will take photos, videos, and audio recordings during the event for documentation and promotional purposes. If you do not consent, please notify staff on-site.
  3. Ticket Transfer: Once sold, tickets are non-refundable. If you are unable to attend due to personal reasons, you may transfer your ticket to someone else. For instructions on how to transfer tickets, refer to the ACCUPASS guide: How to transfer or share your ticket with a friend?
  4. Age Restrictions: Children must be accompanied by an adult to participate.

關於 About|浮木文創 Driftwood



An independent board game publisher focusing on social and cultural issues, aiming to inspire new conversations and ideas through board games.

Feel free to visit our website, Facebook fan page and YouTube channel to learn more about us!


1:30 下午 - 5:00 下午
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台北市, Taiwan
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