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2024 尋茶香、賞螢火,初夏一起到坪林走走 Seeking Tea Aroma, Admiring Fireflies, Take a Stroll in Pinglin This Early Summer

04/13 @ 2:00 下午 - 05/19 @ 8:00 下午

坪林 Pinglin





A small town surrounded by mountains, where you can immerse yourself in the rich aroma of tea from the senses of smell, touch, taste, and sight. Nestled amidst the tea trees, 全興茶園 in Pinglin has been rooted for decades, ensuring quality from tea cultivation to sales. To promote their family’s tea leaves, the younger generation of the family has embarked on entrepreneurship, establishing the “Meet in Tea” brand of tea egg yolk pastry. Through visits to the origin and tea factories, they aim to deepen everyone’s understanding of the origins of a good cup of tea.

✔ 體驗課程 Experience Course

◆ 故事從茶說起|上山採茶體驗 Starting from Tea: Tea Picking Experience on the Mountain ◆


Since our great-grandfather’s time, our family has been deeply rooted in Pinglin, with the elders making a living from tea leaves, nurturing generation after generation amidst the tea trees. Beginning with gratitude, the story leads travelers into the tea garden to appreciate the scenery and don tea-picking attire. Under the sun, participants experience the labor and sweat behind the lingering aroma of each cup of tea.

◆ 窺探家庭製茶廠|做茶工序大解密 Explore Family Tea Factory: Revealing the Tea-making Process ◆


In Pinglin’s tea industry, each family independently manages the entire process from cultivation to sales, with homes serving as both residences and storefronts. Upstairs, tucked away, are compact yet fully equipped processing factories. After being swiftly brought back home following the harvest, the tea leaves undergo round-the-clock, focused, and precise processing. Withering, rolling, and fermenting—each step in the process requires genuine craftsmanship.

◆ 坪林生活一條街|茶鄉街頭漫步 Pinglin Lifestyle Street: Strolling Through the Tea Village Streets ◆


In the streets and alleys of Pinglin, there’s an air of simplicity and natural beauty. Yet, what does an old street mean to the local residents? Reflecting on childhood memories and observations as adults, what interesting discoveries can be made? Let’s explore Pinglin’s landscape from the perspective of locals!

◆ 阿香姐的茶香手路菜|全興茶園晚餐 Auntie Xiang’s Tea-infused Home Cooking: Dinner at 全興茶園 ◆



全興茶園 specializes in cultivating and producing Wen Shan Pouchong Tea and Honey Fragrance Black Tea, a tradition passed down from the current generation’s parents who started the restaurant. Chef Auntie Xiang incorporates tea into her dishes, using freshly pressed oil from their own Pouchong tea seeds to stir-fry their home-raised free-range chicken. A table full of delicacies fills the air with aromatic flavors, recreating the nostalgic taste of home-cooked meals.

(*Tea Oil Chicken is a must-have on the menu, while other dishes are based on the ingredients available on the day of the event)

◆ 星空下的螢光漫步|螢火蟲夜間觀察 Strolling Amongst Fireflies Under the Starry Sky: Firefly Night Observation ◆


Fireflies are incredibly selective about their habitats, and fortunately, Pinglin is located within a water conservation area where the Beishi Stream is closed for fishing all year round. This proactive conservation effort by the local community has created a suitable habitat for these enchanting firefly creatures. As the journey comes to an end, let’s gather by the riverside at night, leaving behind all worries and noise, quietly appreciating the soothing glow of these twinkling lights.

◆ 茶裡相逢的滋味|道地手作伴手禮 Taste of Serendipity in Tea Country | Authentic Handcrafted Souvenirs ◆


Embark on a journey with cold-brewed tea from 全興茶園, offering a refreshing start to your exploration, followed by reminiscing the lingering essence of the trip with Wen Shan Pouchong Tea leaves upon your return home. Take a brief tour through the tea-infused encounters of Pinglin and pack along the delightful essence of this charming town.

✔ 活動資訊 Event Information

活動日期 Event Dates

  • 4月:4/13(六)、4/14(日)、4/20(六)、4/21(日)、4/27(六)、4/28(日)
  • 5月:5/5(日)、5/11(六)、5/12(日)、5/18(六)、5/19(日)
  • April: 4/13 (Sat), 4/14 (Sun), 4/20 (Sat), 4/21 (Sun), 4/27 (Sat), 4/28 (Sun)
  • May: 5/5 (Sun), 5/11 (Sat), 5/12 (Sun), 5/18 (Sat), 5/19 (Sun)

團體預約請洽主辦單位(茶裡相逢官方帳號:@927fqdnk  【必須輸入”@”才是完整帳號】)

  • May 4th (Sat) is fully booked and unavailable. For group reservations, please contact the organizer (Meet in Tea Official Line Account: @927fqdnk).

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2403040918591953900487?utm_source=EventPage&utm_medium=AdCard&utm_campaign=accu_AdCard_2403211622072011151022

課程時間 Course Schedule

14:00-20:00,13:30開始報到 Check-in begins at 13:30

集合地點 Meeting Point

全興茶園(新北市坪林區北宜路八段262號,大茶壺對面) (No. 262, Sec. 8, Beiyi Rd., Pinglin Dist., New Taipei City)

課程安排 Course Arrangement

  1. 13:30-14:00 全興茶園集合 Gathering at 全興茶園
  2. 故事從茶說起|上山採茶體驗 Starting from Tea: Tea Picking Experience on the Mountain
  3. 窺探家庭製茶廠|做茶工序大解密 Explore Family Tea Factory: Revealing the Tea-making Process
  4. 坪林生活一條街|茶鄉街頭漫步 Pinglin Lifestyle Street: Strolling Through the Tea Village Street
  5. 阿香姐的茶香手路菜|全興茶園晚餐 Auntie Xiang’s Tea-infused Home Cooking: Dinner at 全興茶園
  6. 星空下的螢光漫步|螢火蟲夜間觀察 Strolling Amongst Fireflies Under the Starry Sky: Firefly Night Observation
  7. 茶裡相逢的滋味|道地手作伴手禮 Taste of Serendipity in Tea Country | Authentic Handcrafted Souvenirs
  8. 20:00 賦歸 End of Journey

課程人數 Number of Participants


15-25 per session (If the number of participants is insufficient, the event will be rescheduled, with notification provided three days before the event)

課程費用 Course Fees(即日起至5/18止,團體報名,相揪來參加) (From now until May 18, group registrations are open for those who wish to join together)

  • 全票(12歲以上):1,600元/人;兩人以上同行 1,300元/人
  • 兒童票(6歲-12歲):單人價800元
  • 未滿6歲孩童免報名費:*請於報名時備註有幾位未滿6歲孩童


※ 註 ①:12歲以下孩童課程費用,含冷泡茶和晚餐,但不包含包種茶葉、茗茶手藝糕點等伴手禮。

※ 註 ②:由於行程一開始需上山到茶園,建議交通方式採自駕,若無車輛可提早告知主辦,以利協助與其他旅人協調共乘。

  • Full Ticket (Ages 12 and above): NT$1,600 per person; NT$1,300 per person for groups of two or more
  • Children’s Ticket (Ages 6-12): NT$800 per person
  • Children under 6 years old are exempt from registration fees. Please indicate the number of children under 6 years old during registration.

※ Note: Children’s course fees include cold-brewed tea and dinner but do not include Pouchong tea leaves, tea craft pastries, and other souvenirs.

※ Note: Due to the uphill trek at the beginning of the itinerary, it is recommended to drive. If you do not have a vehicle, please inform the organizer in advance for assistance with carpooling arrangements.

✔ 交通方式 Transportation

  • 自行開車:

國道5號 坪林交流道下,第一個紅綠燈轉彎(南下出口右轉、北上出口左轉),走到底再右轉,前行50公尺即可看到「全興茶園」(新北市坪林區北宜路八段262號)

  • 公車、客運:
    • 923公車:從新店捷運站搭乘923公車往坪林方向,終點站坪林下車,步行1分鐘到達全興茶園。

→ 行駛高速公路,較快抵達,但不開放站位,可乘車人數較少

  • 綠12公車:從新店捷運站搭乘綠12往坪林方向公車,終點站坪林下車,步行1分鐘到達全興茶園。 新店客運專線:(02)26660678、(02)22171448

→ 行駛北宜公路,較慢抵達,可乘車人數較多,若搭不到923可考慮這一班公車

  • 都會之星9028:大坪林捷運站4號出口搭乘9028都會之星往羅東、蘇澳方向,坪林站下車,步行約5分鐘到達全興茶園。 都會之星新店站服務電話:(02)89145036、0800-053-434

Exit the National Highway No. 5 at Pinglin Interchange, turn right at the first traffic light (turn right for southbound exit, left for northbound exit), continue straight to the end, then turn right. You will see 全興茶園 at 50 meters ahead (No. 262, Sec. 8, Beiyi Rd., Pinglin Dist., New Taipei City).


  • Bus No. 923: Take Bus No. 923 from Xindian MRT Station towards Pinglin, get off at the terminal station Pinglin, and walk for 1 minute to 全興茶園.

Bus No. Green 12:
Take Bus No. Green 12 from Xindian MRT Station towards Pinglin, get off at the terminal station Pinglin, and walk for 1 minute to 全興茶園. For inquiries about the Xindian Bus Line, please call (02) 26660678 or (02) 22171448.

Metropolitan Star 9028:
Take Bus No. 9028 Metropolitan Star from Exit 4 of Da Pinglin MRT Station towards Luodong and Suao, get off at Pinglin Station, and walk for about 5 minutes to 全興茶園. For inquiries about the Metropolitan Star at Xindian Station, please call (02) 89145036 or 0800-053-434.

✔ 報名須知 Registration Guidelines

個人行前準備 Personal Preparations

  • 行程多為徒步,請穿著適合活動之服裝鞋子,依個人需求可攜帶簡易糧食。
  • 個人藥品、健保卡、飲用水、防曬用品、雨具。
  • 夜間溫度下降,請記得帶外套或保暖衣物。
  • 螢火蟲夜間觀察時,請不要用刺激性強的防蚊液等驅蟲藥品,以免影響螢火蟲生存。
  • Wear suitable attire and shoes for walking as most of the activities involve walking. Consider bringing simple snacks based on personal needs.
  • Bring personal medication, National Health Insurance card, drinking water, sunscreen, and rain gear.
  • Night temperatures may drop, so remember to bring a jacket or warm clothing.
  • During firefly observation at night, refrain from using mosquito repellents or insecticides with strong irritants to avoid affecting firefly survival.

天候影響 Weather Impact

  • 本行程如遇颱風、大雨、大風、打雷…等大自然不可抗拒之因素無法活動時,為顧慮團員安全,本公司保有視實際狀況而更改變動行程之權利,如延期或取消
  • 活動出發前接獲本公司通知天候不佳, 可選延期或退費。(退費者,每個退款帳戶扣除手續費30元後退還)
  • 活動當天到現場後,經現場老師因安全顧慮不適宜活動的情形,宣告現場取消活動,扣除行政手續費用每人300元之後退還
  • 活動進行中氣候驟變、安全考慮或個人因素更改行程,恕無法退費
  • In the event of natural occurrences such as typhoons, heavy rain, strong winds, thunderstorms, etc., which are beyond our control, and which may hinder the activity, the company reserves the right to adjust or cancel the itinerary for the safety of the participants.
  • If notified of unfavorable weather conditions prior to the activity departure, participants may choose to reschedule or receive a refund. (A handling fee of $30 per refund transaction applies.)
  • If, on the day of the activity, it is deemed unsafe to proceed by the on-site instructor due to safety concerns, the activity will be canceled, and participants will receive a refund after deducting an administrative fee of $300 per person.
  • In the event of sudden weather changes, safety considerations, or personal reasons necessitating itinerary changes during the activity, refunds will not be provided.

更改日期辦法 Change of Date Policy

  • 出發日提前4天以上可更改日期,經改期後的活動恕不接受取消
  • 出發日前3日至當日內不接受更改日期
  • 建議您出發日前3日內如須改期,可將名額轉讓。但請務必告知小編,更改的參與者的姓名及聯絡資訊
  • Changes to the departure date are permitted with at least 4 days’ notice prior to departure. Once rescheduled, activities cannot be canceled.
  • Changes to the departure date within 3 days prior to departure are not permitted.
  • If you need to reschedule within 3 days before departure, you may transfer your spot to another participant. However, please inform us of the names and contact information of the substitute participants.

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茶裡相逢 Line 官方帳號

Contact Person: Mr. Feng Chongyu
Phone: 0910669255
Meet in Tea Line Official Account

歡迎點擊 IG 茶裡相逢,或是臉書粉絲專頁,獲得更多資訊。 Feel free to visit our IG “Meet in Tea” or Facebook fan page for more information.


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