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2024 台灣行銷年會 Taiwan Marketing Conference

08/06 @ 8:30 上午 - 5:30 下午


Taiwan’s largest annual event in the internet industry, the 7th Annual Taiwan Marketing Conference, is set to take place on August 6. This grand event will gather influential industry leaders from various fields to discuss hot topics such as social media, sustainable environment, brand building, peak experiences, and event marketing. Experts will share their exclusive insights and practical experiences, revealing how they leverage creative thinking and innovative methods to make an impact. Join us at this year’s Taiwan Marketing Conference to discover breakthroughs and innovations in marketing strategies. Register now to connect with marketers from all over Taiwan!

活動資訊 Event Information

售票結束 Ticket Sales End:2024/08/05(一 Monday)

售票網頁 Ticket Purchase Website:https://www.taiwansocialmarketing.com/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR1ZEKzt7Lhekp-2I1AqBvIUDQc1EZy3zjaLfaXDHLuw3gsf7ilJPLqAtro_aem_AbEG2ycwTSMIpVWgRM0XQ9jrpMmSMSj6IeIOao3vjMiCLaNuufvA5Gglf9eyRbmsTHtoqI3qQwrIZcrZp6eYilmP

入場方式 Entry Method:繳費完成後,將收到含電子票券 (QR Code),活動當天憑電子票券(或輸出紙本)進行報到。 After completing the payment, you will receive an electronic ticket (QR Code). Please present the electronic ticket (or a printed copy) for check-in on the event day.

退票須知 Refund Policy:退票須於 2024/07/17(三)以前辦理。並將會酌收10%手續費。 Refund requests must be processed by July 17, 2024 (Wednesday). A 10% handling fee will be charged.

活動聯絡 Contact Information:02-26272488 胡小姐 Ms Hu(週一至週五 Monday – Friday 10:00 – 17:00)

注意事項 Important Notes:場內禁止飲食,館方有設置飲水機,歡迎自備環保杯使用,主辦單位也將提供瓶裝水。 No food or drinks are allowed inside the venue. Water dispensers will be available, and attendees are encouraged to bring reusable cups. Bottled water will also be provided by the organizers.


台北市, Taiwan
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