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2024 新一代設計展 YODEX

05/24 @ 10:00 上午 - 05/27 @ 5:00 下午

YODEX will once again be held at the Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center 2. The exhibition will showcase thousands of creative works from Taiwan and international design schools! Today, let’s introduce the annual theme, curatorial team, and main visual!
年度主題 Annual Theme
本屆以「#超越永續」(Beyond Sustainability)為主題,不僅響應全球對於聯合國永續發展目標(SDGs)的關注與行動,其意涵也在於期望學生們由此出發、但不拘於此17項目標範疇,而能將永續理念靈活實踐於整體環境及社會面臨的諸多挑戰,實現更永續、共好的生活願景。
This year, the new generation is encouraged to think about how to use their creativity to unleash the power and value of design in various fields. The theme of this edition is “#BeyondSustainability“, not only echoing global attention and action towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) but also aiming to inspire students to go beyond the 17 SDGs and apply sustainability concepts to various challenges in the environment and society, envisioning a more sustainable and better future.
策展團隊 Curatorial Team
由新銳建築師曾雅欣及林中一擔任策展人,為展場空間進行總體規劃及主題策展。兩人畢業於東海建築系後,曾雅欣於哈佛大學完成建築碩士學位,後前往日本nendo設計事務所任職設計師,參與過巴黎樂蓬馬歇(Le Bon Marché)百貨展覽裝置設計「Ame Nochi Hana」、米蘭大理石家具品牌Marsotto Edizioni品牌展示空間設計、京都「NENDO SEES KYOTO」展覽等多項國際專案;林中一則於哥倫比亞大學取得建築碩士學位,曾任職於日本隈研吾建築都市設計事務所、美國波士頓Leers Weinzapfel Associates等國際知名事務所,累積多年實戰經驗。
Curated by emerging architects Zeng Ya-xin and Lin Zhong-yi, who graduated from Architecture Department of Tunghai University. Zeng Ya-xin completed her master’s degree in architecture at Harvard University and worked as a designer at the Japanese design firm nendo, contributing to various international projects such as the exhibition installation design “Ame Nochi Hana” at Le Bon Marché in Paris and the brand showroom design for Marsotto Edizioni in Milan. Lin Zhong-yi earned his master’s degree in architecture from Columbia University and worked at renowned international firms such as Kengo Kuma & Associates in Japan and Leers Weinzapfel Associates in Boston, accumulating years of practical experience.
Together, they founded the Yure Design Studio in 2022, exploring various possibilities in architectural, interior, exhibition, and installation art design fields. Stay tuned to see how they interpret the theme of “Beyond Sustainability”!
主視覺設計 Main Visual Design
www.ddd.pizza 張溥輝操刀,也是新一代「學長」的他,在2015年即以 #金點新秀設計獎 視覺傳達設計類「年度最佳設計獎」得主嶄露頭角。他曾為知名歌手盧廣仲、黃宣等打造專輯封面與裝幀,並憑藉2HRs的《永生獸》入圍第29屆金曲獎最佳專輯裝幀設計;最近非常熱門的影集主視覺,包括《此時此刻》、《愛愛內含光》等,也是出自他手;為臺東縣政府設計的名片,曾被媒體譽為台灣公部門最美名片。

Designed by Zhang Pu-hui from www.ddd.pizza, a rising star who won the “Best Design Award” in the Visual Communication category at the #GoldenPinDesignAward in 2015. He has designed album covers and layouts for renowned singers such as Crowd Lu and YELLOW, and his work on 2HRs’ album《永生獸》was nominated for the Best Album Art Design at the 29th Golden Melody Awards. Recently, he has also created the main visuals for popular series like “AtTheMoment” and “Let’s Talk About CHU”. The main visual design for this year’s exhibition returns to focus on brand identity. Through simple layout composition and element arrangement, Zhang Pu-hui has created various variations. He mentioned that the design process of the main visual reminded him of the satisfaction he felt when he first learned graphic design software as a student, arranging texts and shapes to realize various visual ideas. This journey of designing the main visual is not only a return to his original intention but also a tribute to the initial passion of a designer.

售票地點 Ticket Sales Locations


Official website SurveyCake ticket sales page, ibon ticketing system website, 7-11 stores with ibon machines

購票方式 Ticket Purchase Methods

購買1-8張 Purchase 1-8 tickets:

  • 電子票券請至ibon售票系統網站購買 For electronic tickets, please purchase them on the ibon ticketing system website
  • 使用文化幣者請至ibon售票系統網站購買 For those using cultural vouchers, please purchase them on the ibon ticketing system website
  • 實體票券請至全台7-11門市ibon機台購買 For physical tickets, please purchase them at any 7-11 store with an ibon machine
  • 點此ibon 購票 Click here to purchase tickets on ibon

購買9張(含)以上 Purchase 9 tickets or more:

退票須知-購買9張(含)以上 Refund Policy – Purchase 9 tickets or more:

  • 早鳥團體票 退票申請單(尚未開放):匯款購票後3天內(不含購票日)可整筆退票,手續費為票面總金額5%(及退款時會扣除匯款手續費10元) For early bird group tickets, the refund application form (not yet available): Within 3 days after purchasing the ticket (excluding the purchase date), you can request a full refund, subject to a 5% processing fee of the total ticket amount (plus a deduction of NT$10 for remittance handling fee during the refund)
  • 點此前往退票 Click here to proceed with the refund process


05/24 @ 10:00 上午
05/27 @ 5:00 下午
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台北市, Taiwan
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