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2024鬧熱關渡節「關渡宴體驗餐桌」 Fun Guandu – “Guandu Feast Experience Table”

10/10 @ 7:00 下午 - 10/12 @ 8:50 下午





Relive the moment and the youthful memories of that year through your taste buds,
Revisit the flavors of Guandu.

Savor the present moment and the taste of time in this dish,
Experience the essence of Guandu today.

關渡美食地圖計畫 Guandu Food Map Project



In 2021, under the shadow of the pandemic, the bustling streets of Guandu fell silent, and local businesses faced declining sales. This inspired us to launch the “Guandu Food Map Project”. We set out to rediscover the flavors of this land, visiting 35 local eateries, engaging in heartfelt conversations with the owners, capturing the essence of each dish, and uncovering the stories hidden behind the stove. Through photos and words, we shared the taste and emotions of Guandu on social platforms, allowing its stories to resonate in people’s hearts.

In 2024, the Guandu Feast Experience Table was born, carrying forward the mission to promote local businesses. This unique dining experience has become one of the highlight events of the 2024 Noisy Guandu Festival, offering guests a chance to savor the warmth and beauty of this land.


一場集結關渡地方料理的無菜單體驗餐桌 A Menu-Free Dining Experience Featuring Guandu’s Local Cuisine



As the lid lifts, the aroma of food slowly wafts out with the rising steam, reminiscent of the mist that once blanketed Guanyin Mountain. Sunlight gently touches the faces of lovers, and children’s laughter echoes through the winding alleys. Though those days in Guandu may seem hazy, they remain steadfast in our memories.

It’s hard to distinguish who is the true companion. This land has nurtured me, and I, in turn, continue to cultivate it. Together, we witness the blossoming and fading of stories, from the smallest moments to the creation of countless beautiful memories. Over the years, Guandu continues to play out stories filled with joy, sorrow, bitterness, and sweetness, and I, too, am still here, savoring the endless beauty of its spring, summer, autumn, and winter.

美學擺盤 x 地方文化 x 在地小吃 x 戲劇演出 Aesthetic Plating x Local Culture x Traditional Snacks x Theatrical Performance



Dishes from 15 local Guandu eateries will be presented as 10 creative culinary masterpieces. We will taste the flavors nurtured by this land,

Accompanied by 9 moving local stories, we will journey through Guandu’s time and space with the storyteller, savoring fragments of memories from the river of time.



Turn Food into Chopsticks 🥢

Pick up the best of Guandu

將關渡端上桌「關渡宴體驗餐桌」 Bringing Guandu to the Table: “Guandu Feast Experience Table”

時間 Date:10/10-10/12

地點 Venue:多寶藝術學堂 Taiwan D.B. Art Collective

場次 Schedule:

📆2024.10.10(四 Thursday)19:00-20:50

📆2024.10.11(五 Friday)19:00-20:50

📆2024.10.12(六 Saturday)19:00-20:50

重要須知 Notes:




  • Check-in opens at 18:30. Please complete check-in by 18:50 to avoid missing key parts of the performance!
  • The meal includes dishes with meat such as pork, chicken, goose, and fish.
  • Recommended age: 12 and above.

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2409241322381825399379?utm_campaign=accu_banner&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web


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