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2024霞海月老來林園 The God of Love Comes to The Lin’s Garden

09/17 @ 10:30 上午 - 5:00 下午




再次迎來台北霞海城隍廟 月老限時駐駕

打造「中秋月圓 情牽林園」活動,



Missed Valentine’s Day? No worries!

On September 17, during the Mid-Autumn Festival, which also happens to be The God of Love’s birthday, the Taipei Xia-Hai City God Temple will once again make a special appearance at the National Historical Site, The Lin Family Mansion and Garden, for the “Mid-Autumn Full Moon, Love in Lin’s Garden” event.

Whether you’re single, in a relationship, or married, this is the perfect time to come and make a wish for happiness!

現場活動資訊 Event Information:

📅 活動時間 Date & Time:9/17(二 Tuesday)10:30~17:00

活動內容 Event Activities:

🙏 參拜祈福 Worship and Blessing(10:30-16:30)

🔮 愛情塔羅牌 Love Tarot Reading(11:00-16:30):

邀請「宇宙之女」直球塔羅解惑,俐落掌握愛情運勢! “宇宙之女” will be on-site to answer your love questions and offer direct guidance on your romantic fortunes!

📝 「你的在線月老」線上解籤 The God of Love Online Divination(10:30-16:30)

讓你的心意用WIFI直達天聽! Send your wishes straight to heaven via WIFI!

🖌️ 愛情書法詩籤 Love Calligraphy Poetry Divination(13:30-14:30):

現場抽取專屬月老愛情籤詩,由書法老師提墨送上祝福! Draw your exclusive Yue Lao love poem and have it inscribed with blessings by a calligraphy master!

💃現場藝文展演,精彩演出 Live Cultural Performances:



🏷️ 林園愛情市集(10:30-17:00) The Lin’s Garden Love Market:

手作、甜點、創意商品,一站滿足你的浪漫中秋! Handmade crafts, desserts, creative goods—all you need for a romantic Mid-Autumn Festival in one place!

🎁 限量好禮 Limited-Time Gifts:

✨ 說出通關密語「中秋月圓」or「巧遇姻緣」,完成任務可領取新北幣點數!

✨ 消費滿200元,打卡追蹤即有機會獲得限量霞海月老御守!

  • Say the secret phrase “Mid-Autumn Full Moon” or “Chance Encounter with Fate” to complete a task and receive points for the New Taipei Currency.
  • Spend NT$200 or more, follow and check in to get a chance to win a limited-edition The God of Love amulet!

💍 新婚之喜佳偶福利:凡9/9至9/16登記結婚者,有機會抽中霞海城隍夫人鞋與城隍老爺御守! Newlywed Special: Couples who register their marriage between September 9 and 16 will have a chance to win a prize!






On September 17, come to The Lin Family Mansion and Garden and spend a sweet, romantic autumn day with us!


新北市, Taiwan
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