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2024閱人春季青年職涯論壇 2024 Yueren Youth Forum|AI來了,畢業即失業?說好的百萬年薪呢?就業革命:掌握高薪機遇的指南 AI is Here, Unemployed Upon Graduation? What Happened to the Promised Six-Figure Salary? Employment Revolution: A Guide to Seizing High-Paying Opportunities

05/11 @ 12:30 下午 - 5:30 下午





The discussion about whether AI will replace human jobs and how it enhances productivity has rapidly spread across various social media platforms. This wave of AI technology enthusiasm, which began in early 2023 and continued through 2024, not only signifies rapid growth and development but also triggers public contemplation about the future of professions. For current college students, this is not only a challenge but also an important turning point in their future career planning.

Against this backdrop, “2024 Yueren Youth Forum” aims to organize a forum focusing on AI and future careers. The forum aims to explore how current university students can respond to rapid technological innovations and invites two generations of alumni to engage in dialogue with students. Through speeches and forums, the alumni will share their career experiences and engage in direct conversations with students, facilitating clearer understanding of future career choices through dialogue and deliberation.

The forum is divided into two sessions, each featuring a speech and a forum. The first session invites speakers such as CEO Xiao Yu-chen, Professor Ye Bing-cheng, and Associate Professor Chen Yun-nong to discuss “Facing New Technologies: Adoption or Obsolescence—Unemployment Upon Graduation?”. The second session features media experts like Teacher Li Yi-zhi, Director Chen Ju-an, and Associate Professor Chen Jian-zhang, who will discuss “Facing New Technologies: Mitigating the Risk of Replacement and Leveraging Personal Skills”.

During the event, we also aim to showcase the achievements of students from various colleges and promote Yueren concept to encourage students to consider different career possibilities. We will also share the public interest courses created by Yueren and partner organizations. In addition to the exciting forum activities, this year’s event will feature booths set up outside the venue, and we sincerely invite major companies to participate in this annual event.

活動時間 Date & Time:2024/5/11(六) (Saturday) 12:30-17:30
活動地點 Venue:國立台灣大學 博雅教學館 101教室 Room 101, Boya Lecture Building, National Taiwan University
報名對象 Target Audience:全台各大專院校學生 Students from all colleges and universities in Taiwan
報名人數 Number of Participants:400人 people
報名費用 Registration Fee:0元 Free

講師陣容 Speaker Lineup

專題演講 Keynote Speech:

・蕭宇辰 Xiao Yu-chen 臺灣吧(Taiwan Bar)共同創辦人暨執行長 Co-founder and CEO of Taiwan Bar

・李怡志 Li Yi-zhi 國立政治大學傳播學院擔任專任教師、中央通訊社董事 Full-time Faculty Member at College of Communication, National Chengchi University; Director of Central News Agency

菁英對談 Elite Dialogue:

・ 陳縕儂 Chen Yun-nong   國立臺灣大學資訊工程學系副教授 Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University

・ 葉丙成 Ye Bing-cheng 國立臺灣大學電機工程學系教授、線上遊戲學習平台PaGamO創辦人 Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University; Founder of PaGamO

・ 陳琚安 Chen Ju-an 台灣世界展望會董事、安智管理顧問CEO&Founder Director of World Vision Taiwan; CEO & Founder of J Know Consulting

・ 陳健章 Chen Jian-zhang  國立中央大學生醫科學與工程學系副教授 Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences and Engineering, National Central University

最新活動訊息敬請鎖定IG最新貼文! Stay tuned to the latest posts on our Instagram for updates on the event!


報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2403050223111450029973



12:30 下午 - 5:30 下午
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