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2024縱谷原遊會 部落食樂園【田野限定野宴】East Rift Valley Festival – Tribal Food Festival: Limited Edition Field Feast

08/24 @ 2:30 下午 - 08/25 @ 9:00 下午













Savor Authentic Tribal Cuisine Amidst the Lush Summer Rice Fields

Standing tall in the middle of the fields, the pure white tent is our meticulously crafted secret space. Here, travelers can relax and immerse themselves in the lavish feast prepared by our private chefs. The preparation of the meal marks the grand opening of this spectacular show. Witness the chefs’ skilled cooking techniques and the entire process by the three-stone stove, with the aroma of charcoal and savory scents mingling in the air, subtly awakening the deepest appetites.

The meal encompasses a variety of mountain and seafood treasures, satisfying both the stomach and the soul.

Using food to sing of the earth and appreciate the gifts of nature, every grain is a blessing to restore both body and mind.

紅糯米田野野宴 Red Glutinous Rice Field Feast太巴塱紅糯米生活館 Taibalang Red Glutinous Rice Life Museum

野宴時間 Time:8/24 16:00-17:30

票券售價 Fee:NT$800/人


Located in Guangfu Township, Hualien County, the Taibalang Tribe is one of the oldest Amis tribes in Taiwan and an important cradle of Amis culture. To bring travelers closer to traditional culture, the tribe has meticulously planned a series of sumptuous feasts to welcome guests from afar. Light the fire and roast the pomelo-flavored chicken! Stuff the chicken with pomelo flesh soaked in fruit vinegar and wild vegetables, then coat it with pomelo sauce and a touch of honey after roasting. The chicken meat becomes tender due to the pomelo vinegar, and the light pomelo fragrance lingers in the mouth.


Paired with homemade wild vegetable bread dipped in chicken fat, a bite of bread and a bite of chicken enveloped in chicken fat not only neutralize the greasiness but also highlight the delicate fragrance of wild vegetables and the sweetness of the chicken. End the meal with a cup of rice wine ice cream, its aroma lightly intoxicating, with every bite warming the heart!

美食奇癒記/一舂一舂搗進你的心:酥烤雙色Toron Gourmet Healing Stories/ A Taste of Tradition: Crispy Roasted Two-tone Toron


Toron (mochi) is not only a common delicacy during Amis rituals and festivals but also a shared memory among the tribe members. Traditionally, wives would prepare Toron when their husbands went out to work, hoping for their early return and showing care for their family. Knead the steamed glutinous rice while it’s still hot to make Toron soft and elastic. Grill the two-tone Toron over a small fire until the skin is crispy and it puffs up, then dip it in caramel sauce. Its firm texture and rich aroma, sweet but not cloying, offer a comforting taste that lingers. In every bite, you’ll find not just food but the hidden beauty of the fields.

小米鞦韆野宴 Millet Swing Feast|蓋亞那工作坊 Kaiana

野宴時間 Time:8/24 18:30-20:00

票券售價 Fee:NT$800/人


Follow the road from Guanshan Train Station towards the mountains to reach the Gayana Workshop in Kanding, where the air is filled with the scent of millet. Millet is a vital crop for the Bunun people, and Gayana’s story begins with millet, integral to their life, rituals, and culture. According to Ibu, if there is no millet on the table, it means you haven’t truly experienced a Bunun meal. Take the time to savor the rich cultural heritage of the Kanding Bunun community through this meal.


This year’s Millet Swing Feast features golden, sweet, and chewy millet rice as the main dish, paired with smoked pork, fried wild vegetables, and chilled ku-wan. The ingredients may seem simple and lack elaborate seasoning, but they harmonize perfectly. The salty meat juice and the fresh sweetness of the wild vegetables slowly spread in your mouth, allowing you to taste the original flavor of the land and appreciate nature’s beauty. For dessert, enjoy gold and silver honeysuckle aiyu jelly, meticulously made by rubbing aiyu seeds in honeysuckle water, solidified and then mixed with honey lemon water. The fragrance of jasmine complements its sweet and refreshing taste. After the meal, have a cup of millet wine kombucha (non-alcoholic version also available) to help with digestion, with its slightly acidic and fizzy taste.

美食奇癒記/用歲時曆描繪小米樣貌:小米麻糬 Gourmet Healing Stories/ The Timeless Art of Making Millet Mochi


Millet grains are precious, requiring laborious efforts to dehusk them by rubbing with feet and pounding with pestles. This time, we’ll make and enjoy our own millet mochi. The sticky, soft mochi can be eaten as is or grilled on bamboo skewers, dipped in oil mango, and caramel sauce for a different taste experience.

耕吧樹洞野宴 Tree Hollow Feast阿改玩生活 Agai Fun Life

野宴時間 Time:8/25 16:00-17:30

票券售價 Fee:NT$800/人


The sunlight gently falls on the Zhiyakan River, where the sparkling water reflects the light. Here, a group of young people work hard to open century-old tree hollows for visiting travelers, telling stories of the tribe. This summer, join Agai Fun Life to feel the blessings of the soil and river, and enjoy a tree hollow feast full of the earth’s power. Bitter fern with pickled tomatoes and a hint of chili seeds, harmoniously combined, creates a refreshing and appetizing taste.


Listen to Apyang share stories of hunting trips on trains with his grandfather and father while grilling smoked meat on the three-stone stove. For the Truku people, pig slaughtering is a significant event, and meat distribution is an art not to be missed. After the meal, cool off with a cup of Litsea red tea, mixed with ginger slices, lemon, and black pepper for a unique aroma that entices you for another cup.

美食奇癒記/當我們黏在一起:香蕉飯、蜂蜜桑葚 Gourmet Healing Stories/ Banana Rice and Mulberry with Honey

在支亞干部落裡的每一道餐食,背後都有著許多故事。Hlama Blbul(香蕉飯),是部落慶典或有貴客遠道而來時,一定會準備的料理,也是族人們上山打獵時經常攜帶的食物;「Hlama」意指軟黏的食物,在太魯閣文化中,形容人與人之間的關係黏到分不開。另外,族人們也會在節慶時準備甜甜的食物,淋上野生蜂蜜的桑椹,融合天然果香與蜜香,酸甜交織,多層次口感直擊味蕾,讓人一口接著一口停不下來。

Every dish in the Zhiyakan Tribe has many stories behind it. Hlama Blbul (banana rice) is a must-have for tribal celebrations or when welcoming esteemed guests. It’s also a common food for hunters. “Hlama” means sticky food, describing the inseparable relationships in Truku culture. The tribe also prepares sweet foods for festivals, like mulberries drizzled with wild honey, combining natural fruit and honey flavors with layers of sweet and sour taste that are irresistible.


野宴時間 Time:8/25 18:30-20:00

票券售價 Fee:NT$1,200/人


Along Route 11, opposite the Tropic of Cancer Marker in Jingpu, sits a quiet little house with an unbeatable sea view and incomparable “beautiful” taste. Chef Riyai is either in the kitchen or in the sea, and every dish reflects his excellent skills and dedication. In addition to local ingredients, the chef also personally dives into the sea to catch fresh seafood, perfectly embodying the Amis people’s diet that follows the natural seasons, relying on the mountains and the sea.


Start with appetizers from the intertidal zone: freshly caught seaweed, moon snails, and banded crabs, providing a refreshing start. Next, enjoy the captivating fish filleting show featuring seasonal catches. Watch Riyai’s swift knife skills and taste the freshest fish meat in its purest form. End with a slice of sea salt black sugar banana pound cake, its salty-sweet flavor and firm texture paired with pineapple litsea black tea. The pineapple aroma and litsea fragrance explode on your palate, leaving you craving more.

美食奇癒記/烤出來的原始美味:炭香烤魚料理 Gourmet Healing Stories/ The Primal Flavor of Charcoal-Grilled Fish


Charcoal grilling is a traditional Amis cooking method, distinct from the controllable gas fire, requiring years of experience to perfect. Watch Riyai showcase his skills, using direct fire to grill the seasonal dolphinfish. Gently peel away the crispy skin to reveal tender, juicy flesh that melts in your mouth. With its firm texture and delicate taste, no extra seasoning is needed. Each bite is a fresh delight from the sea, making it a must for seafood lovers as Riyai brings fresh ocean flavors from the Pacific.

商品內容 Product Content


* 3歲以下免費但不提供餐點,亦不額外提供座位。3歲以上視同成人,需額外購票。

Access to the selected limited edition feast. The feast will be set in the middle of lush summer rice fields for an immersive dining experience.

* Free admission for children under 3, but no meals or additional seats provided. Children above 3 are considered adults and require an additional ticket.

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2406150556556634865460?utm_source=EventPage&utm_medium=AdCard&utm_campaign=accu_AdCard_2406030816541457245771

使用方式 How to Use


After purchasing tickets online, you will receive an electronic ticket voucher. On the day of the event, please check in at the limited feast service desk 30 minutes before the meal with your electronic ticket voucher.

注意事項 Notes

  1. 請務必於開餐前10分鐘於限定野宴服務台報到,逾時不候,並取消用餐資格。
  2. 戶外備餐不易,將不提供素食或特殊飲食需求。
  3. 購買電子票券憑證請妥善保存,遺失或刪除將無法辨識身份兌換。
  4. 以上商品照片均為示意,野宴內容以現場為主。
  5. 主辦單位保有活動最終解釋權,所有活動、節目異動請詳見「縱谷原遊會」粉絲專頁公告https://reurl.cc/2b6lAa
  1. Please check in at the limited feast service desk 10 minutes before the meal starts. Latecomers will forfeit their dining qualifications.
  2. As outdoor meal preparation is challenging, no vegetarian or special dietary requests will be accommodated.
  3. Keep your electronic ticket voucher safe; lost or deleted vouchers cannot be reissued.
  4. Photos of the products are for illustration purposes only; the actual feast content may vary.
  5. The organizer reserves the right to the final interpretation of the event. For any changes or updates, please refer to the “East Rift Valley Indigenous Feast” Facebook page announcement: https://reurl.cc/2b6lAa.

官方網站 Website:https://www.jacreative.com.tw/hdt/ervtour/

縱谷原遊會 粉絲專頁

聯絡電話 Contact Number:0975-513-117 林小姐 Ms Lin

電子信箱 Email:hdt@jacreative.com.tw


花蓮縣, Taiwan
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