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2024福隆生活節 Fulong Living Festival

08/23 @ 8:00 上午 - 09/01 @ 4:00 下午

  1. 本活動主辦單位保留修正及取消之權利,請密切留意報名頁面。
  2. 報名【自行車活動】請詳閱自行車活動須知。活動前亦會寄發行前通知,請務必閱覽。
  3. 如未依時間完成報名,系統自動釋出該名額,不另通知。
  4. 報名參加本活動者視為同意活動單位使用參加者本次活動照片及資料,做為活動文宣及行銷使用。
  1. The organizers reserve the right to modify or cancel the event. Please closely follow the registration page for updates.
  2. To register for the cycling event, please read the cycling activity instructions carefully. A pre-departure notification will be sent before the event; please read it thoroughly.
  3. Failure to complete registration on time will result in automatic forfeiture of the spot without further notice.
  4. By registering for this event, participants agree to allow the organizers to use photos and data from the event for promotional and marketing purposes.

客服專線 Customer Service Hotline:04-23214125 #34 邱小姐 Miss Qiu
(服務時間 Service Hours:平日 Weekdays:10:00-12:00、14:00-17:00)
客服信箱 Customer Service Email:shun490321@gmail.com

※凡報名前,請務必詳閱「活動須知」,凡報名完成,視同同意「活動須知」。 Please read the “Event Instructions” carefully before registering. By completing the registration, you agree to the “Event Instructions”.

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2404170152551217605267?utm_source=EventPage&utm_medium=AdCard&utm_campaign=accu_AdCard_2407160250091157504216

🚴自行車主題騎遊 6~10月 Themed Bicycle Rides from June to October🚴


This cycling tour combines cycling with guided tours, featuring two classic routes. Enjoy the beautiful coastline of the Northeast, the Old Caoling Tunnel, Longmen Suspension Bridge, and explore local mountain towns, rural charm, local cuisine, old streets, and unique workshops and bookstores. Experience the long history of these towns at a leisurely pace.


This year, the Old Caoling Coastal Fishing Village Route introduces a new dining experience – the Seafood Feast. Enjoy authentic fishing village seafood buffet while cycling along the coast:

大眾版-舊草嶺海岸漁村線 Public Version – Old Caoling Coastal Fishing Village Route

活動日期 Event Dates:8/23、8/24

🚴活動內容 Event Content:自行車騎遊+社區導覽+在地美食品嚐(小卷米粉+石花凍DIY) Cycling Tour + Community Tour + Local Food Tasting (Calamari Rice Noodles + Seaweed Jelly DIY)

NEW海味饗宴 Seafood Feast-活動日期 Event Dates9/21

🚴活動內容 Event Content:自行車騎遊+社區導覽+漁村海鮮特色buffet Cycling Tour + Community Tour + Seafood Buffet

🕓報到時間 Check-in Time:08:30~09:00 🕓活動時間 Event Time:09:00~14:00

🧍參加對象 Participants:12歲以上,對自行車旅遊有興趣者,每梯次限額30位,額滿截止 Age 12 and above, interested in bicycle tourism, limited to 30 participants per session, registration closes when full

🎫活動費用 Fee:NT$399/人 person,限量4折優惠 limited-time 60% off discount(原價NT$1,100含領騎導覽、自行車(含安全帽)、餐點、飲水、保險、完騎禮品等項目 original price NT$1,100, includes guided tour, bicycle (with helmet), meals, drinks, insurance, completion gift, etc.)

💬以下活動規範及注意事項,請詳細閱讀後,同意以下內容再進行報名 Below are the activity rules and precautions. Please read them carefully and agree to the terms before registering:

  1. 本活動會投保旅平險,報名時請勿勾選資料自動帶入,並如實填寫所有參加者的個人中文姓名、身分證字號、出生年月日、電話
  2. 本活動為自行車遊程,該路段騎乘時間較長遠,因此無騎乘自行車經驗或無法騎乘自行車者請勿報名參加,現場無提供電動輔助車,亦不可使用非自行車車輛參與。
  3. 本活動過程為團體行動,為確保活動進行順利及各位保險權益,請非本活動參加者請勿參與或自行跟隨,若有擅自隨隊進行活動、脫隊或嚴重影響活動進行者,經工作人員勸誡仍然屢勸不聽,則工作人員有權立即中止違反規定者進行後續的活動,已確保整體參加者的權益。
  4. 請自行衡量身體狀況,不適合騎乘自行車者(如確診、心血管疾病、心臟病、糖尿病、高山症、癲癇等)請勿參加,參加人員均由主辦單位投保旅平險。請務必慎重考慮自身健康狀況與安全,並自行加保個人人身醫療與意外保險。
  5. 活動前會寄發行前通知,請務必留意您報名時填寫的電子信箱,並詳細閱覽後告知報名同行者,未收到信件者請主動聯繫。
  6. 報名完畢則視同同意遵守活動規範,無法配合請勿報名參加,如有不便還請見諒。
  1. This event includes travel insurance. When registering, please do not select automatic data entry and fill in all participants’ personal information, including their Chinese names, ID numbers, dates of birth, and phone numbers.
  2. This event is a cycling tour. Due to the long riding distance, those without cycling experience or unable to ride a bicycle should not register. Electric assist bikes are not available on site, and non-bicycle vehicles are not allowed.
  3. This event is a group activity. To ensure the smooth progress of the event and the insurance rights of all participants, non-participants should not join or follow along. If someone follows the group without permission, leaves the group, or severely disrupts the event after being warned by staff, the staff has the right to immediately terminate the participation of those who violate the rules to protect the rights of all participants.
  4. Please assess your physical condition. Those unsuitable for cycling (such as those diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases, heart disease, diabetes, altitude sickness, epilepsy, etc.) should not participate. All participants will be insured by the organizer. Please carefully consider your health and safety and purchase additional personal medical and accident insurance if needed.
  5. A pre-event notice will be sent out before the event. Please check the email address you provided during registration and read it carefully. Inform your companions about the details. If you do not receive the notice, please contact us proactively.
  6. Once registered, it is considered that you agree to abide by the event rules. If you cannot comply, please do not register. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

🚴🚴騎乘路線 Cycling Route🚴🚴


Fulong Railway Station → Starry Sky Art Village → Old Caoling Bicycle Tunnel → Connected to the Northeast Coastal Bicycle Route via Shicheng → Lailai Marine Erosion Platform (Lai Secret World-Class Geological Landscape Volcanic Rock Tour) → Four Corner Cave Scenic Area → Maoao Fishing Village (Tour, Local Cuisine) → Fulong Railway Station

挑戰版-貢寮雙溪小鎮故事線 Challenge Version – Gongliao Shuangxi Town Story Route

活動日期 Event Dates:10/4、10/5

🕓報到時間 Check-in Time:08:30~09:00 🕓活動時間 Event Time:09:00~15:30

🚴活動內容 Event Content:自行車騎遊+社區導覽+農村飯包DIY體驗 Cycling Tour + Community Tour + Rural Bento DIY Experience

🧍參加對象 Participants:12歲以上,對自行車旅遊有興趣者,每梯次限額30位,額滿截止 Age 12 and above, interested in bicycle tourism, limited to 30 participants per session, registration closes when full

🎫活動費用 Fee:NT$699/人 person,限量5折優惠 limited-time 50% off discount(原價NT$1,500含領騎導覽、自行車(含安全帽)、餐點、飲水、保險、完騎禮品等項目 original price NT$1,500, includes guided tour, bicycle (with helmet), meals, drinks, insurance, completion gift, etc.)

💬以下活動規範及注意事項,請詳細閱讀後,同意以下內容再進行報名 Below are the activity rules and precautions. Please read them carefully and agree to the terms before registering:

  1. 本活動會投保旅平險,報名時請勿勾選資料自動帶入,並如實填寫所有參加者的個人中文姓名、身分證字號、出生年月日、電話
  2. 本活動為自行車遊程,該路段騎乘時間較長遠,因此無騎乘自行車經驗或無法騎乘自行車者請勿報名參加,現場無提供電動輔助車,亦不可使用非自行車車輛參與。
  3. 本活動過程為團體行動,為確保活動進行順利及各位保險權益,請非本活動參加者請勿參與或自行跟隨,若有擅自隨隊進行活動、脫隊或嚴重影響活動進行者,經工作人員勸誡仍然屢勸不聽,則工作人員有權立即中止違反規定者進行後續的活動,已確保整體參加者的權益。
  4. 請自行衡量身體狀況,不適合騎乘自行車者(如確診、心血管疾病、心臟病、糖尿病、高山症、癲癇等)請勿參加,參加人員均由主辦單位投保旅平險。請務必慎重考慮自身健康狀況與安全,並自行加保個人人身醫療與意外保險。
  5. 活動前會寄發行前通知,請務必留意您報名時填寫的電子信箱,並詳細閱覽後告知報名同行者,未收到信件者請主動聯繫。
  6. 報名完畢則視同同意遵守活動規範,無法配合請勿報名參加,如有不便還請見諒。
  1. This event includes travel insurance. When registering, please do not select automatic data entry and fill in all participants’ personal information, including their Chinese names, ID numbers, dates of birth, and phone numbers.
  2. This event is a cycling tour. Due to the long riding distance, those without cycling experience or unable to ride a bicycle should not register. Electric assist bikes are not available on site, and non-bicycle vehicles are not allowed.
  3. This event is a group activity. To ensure the smooth progress of the event and the insurance rights of all participants, non-participants should not join or follow along. If someone follows the group without permission, leaves the group, or severely disrupts the event after being warned by staff, the staff has the right to immediately terminate the participation of those who violate the rules to protect the rights of all participants.
  4. Please assess your physical condition. Those unsuitable for cycling (such as those diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases, heart disease, diabetes, altitude sickness, epilepsy, etc.) should not participate. All participants will be insured by the organizer. Please carefully consider your health and safety and purchase additional personal medical and accident insurance if needed.
  5. A pre-event notice will be sent out before the event. Please check the email address you provided during registration and read it carefully. Inform your companions about the details. If you do not receive the notice, please contact us proactively.
  6. Once registered, it is considered that you agree to abide by the event rules. If you cannot comply, please do not register. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

🚴🚴騎乘路線 Cycling Route🚴🚴

福隆火車站→龍門鹽寮自行車道→龍門吊橋 →沿北38接魚行道路往雙溪 →貢寮車站→雙溪單車停靠站→淡蘭古道第一個服務據點(農村飯包DIY)→雙溪渡船頭古厝→雙溪老街巡禮→東和戲院舊址→馬偕教會→淡蘭古道雙溪故事牆→貢寮老街→沿台2丙線返回福隆車站

Fulong Railway Station → Longmen Yanchiao Bicycle Path → Longmen Suspension Bridge → North 38 to Fish Road towards Shuangxi → Gongliao Station → Shuangxi Bicycle Stop → Dalan Ancient Path First Service Point (Rural Bento DIY) → Shuangxi Boathead Old House → Shuangxi Old Street Tour → East and West Theater Site → Mackay Church → Dalan Ancient Path Shuangxi Story Wall → Gongliao Old Street → Back to Fulong Station via Taiwan Route 2B

🚄甲租乙還 雙鐵旅遊 Rent at A and Return at B Dual Railway Tour🚴


This year introduces the new Rent at A and Return at B cycling experience. Stations are set up at Shuangxi and Gongliao Taiwan Rail stations, allowing people to rent bicycles after taking the Taiwan Rail and ride to Fulong. To celebrate the first event in Fulong, guided tours by professional instructors will lead participants, offering a semi-self-guided travel eco-mode, enriching the connection between Shuangxi, Gongliao, and Fulong, providing a unique new option for travel planning.

活動日期-雙溪站(雙溪到福隆) Event Dates – Shuangxi Station (Shuangxi to Fulong):8/17、8/18

活動日期-貢寮站(貢寮到福隆) Event Dates – Gongliao Station (Gongliao to Fulong):8/31、9/1

🚴活動內容 Event Content:自行車騎遊+社區導覽(用餐自理) Cycling Tour + Community Tour (meals not included)

🕓報到時間 Check-in Time:08:30~09:00 🕓活動時間 Event Time:09:00~15:00

🧍參加對象 Participants:12歲以上,對自行車旅遊有興趣者,每梯次限額30位,額滿截止 Age 12 and above, interested in bicycle tourism, limited to 30 participants per session, registration closes when full

🎫活動費用 Fee:NT$100/人 person,限量3折優惠 limited-time 70% off discount(原價NT$350含領騎導覽、自行車(含安全帽)、保險等項目 original price $350, includes guided tour, bicycle (with helmet), insurance, etc.)

💬以下活動規範及注意事項,請詳細閱讀後,同意以下內容再進行報名 Below are the activity rules and precautions. Please read them carefully and agree to the terms before registering:

  1. 本活動會投保旅平險,報名時請勿勾選資料自動帶入,並如實填寫所有參加者的個人中文姓名、身分證字號、出生年月日、電話
  2. 本活動為自行車遊程,該路段騎乘時間較長遠,因此無騎乘自行車經驗或無法騎乘自行車者請勿報名參加,現場無提供電動輔助車,亦不可使用非自行車車輛參與。
  3. 本活動過程為團體行動,為確保活動進行順利及各位保險權益,請非本活動參加者請勿參與或自行跟隨,若有擅自隨隊進行活動、脫隊或嚴重影響活動進行者,經工作人員勸誡仍然屢勸不聽,則工作人員有權立即中止違反規定者進行後續的活動,已確保整體參加者的權益。
  4. 請自行衡量身體狀況,不適合騎乘自行車者(如確診、心血管疾病、心臟病、糖尿病、高山症、癲癇等)請勿參加,參加人員均由主辦單位投保旅平險。請務必慎重考慮自身健康狀況與安全,並自行加保個人人身醫療與意外保險。
  5. 活動前會寄發行前通知,請務必留意您報名時填寫的電子信箱,並詳細閱覽後告知報名同行者,未收到信件者請主動聯繫。
  6. 報名完畢則視同同意遵守活動規範,無法配合請勿報名參加,如有不便還請見諒。
  1. This event includes travel insurance. When registering, please do not select automatic data entry and fill in all participants’ personal information, including their Chinese names, ID numbers, dates of birth, and phone numbers.
  2. This event is a cycling tour. Due to the long riding distance, those without cycling experience or unable to ride a bicycle should not register. Electric assist bikes are not available on site, and non-bicycle vehicles are not allowed.
  3. This event is a group activity. To ensure the smooth progress of the event and the insurance rights of all participants, non-participants should not join or follow along. If someone follows the group without permission, leaves the group, or severely disrupts the event after being warned by staff, the staff has the right to immediately terminate the participation of those who violate the rules to protect the rights of all participants.
  4. Please assess your physical condition. Those unsuitable for cycling (such as those diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases, heart disease, diabetes, altitude sickness, epilepsy, etc.) should not participate. All participants will be insured by the organizer. Please carefully consider your health and safety and purchase additional personal medical and accident insurance if needed.
  5. A pre-event notice will be sent out before the event. Please check the email address you provided during registration and read it carefully. Inform your companions about the details. If you do not receive the notice, please contact us proactively.
  6. Once registered, it is considered that you agree to abide by the event rules. If you cannot comply, please do not register. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.



🎵草地浪花音樂會 Grassland Waves Music Festival 8/10、8/11、8/31、9/1🎵


本次音樂會邀請精采表演包含金曲樂團-Crispy脆樂團、相信音樂旗下知名創作女子團體- BOOM!怪物星人、療癒歌手-小球(莊鵑瑛)、知名流行龐克樂團-怕胖團等團體歌手演出,以晚霞下的大地為座席,與民眾一同透過音樂嗨翻整個夏天。

Continuing the good reputation of the Grassland Waves Music Festival, it will be held on four days during the summer peak: 8/10, 8/11 (originally 7/27, 7/28 rescheduled), 8/31, 9/1, at the grassland next to the Fulong Sand Sculpture Ticket Office. It combines with the “Mountain and Sea Market” theme feast, featuring summer night tipsy style with food and beer elements in July, and exotic food trucks and a “Marine” themed kite carnival in August, creating a passionate and joyful atmosphere. There will also be local DIY experience activities on site.

This music festival invites exciting performances including Golden Melody Band – Crispy, Believe Music’s well-known female creative group – BOOM! Monster Humans, healing singer – Ball Chuang Juan Ying, and popular punk band – Fat Band. Enjoy the music and have a blast with the crowd under the sunset.

📣📣8/10、8/11活動流程表 Event Schedule for 8/10 and 8/11📣📣


Additionally, a spend-and-win activity will be launched. Spend $100 at the on-site stalls to get 1 point card, collect 3 cards to exchange for a raffle ticket at the service desk. 🎁 Daily raffle will include famous brand bicycles and various special exquisite gifts 🎁 waiting for you to take home.

饗時光草地音樂會 限量特製餐盒來囉! Limited Edition Grassland Music Festival Special Bento Box!



Made with fresh ingredients from the Northeast, this special bento box is exclusive to the festival and not available elsewhere. Enjoy the breeze, sunlight, and the taste of fresh food, bringing you closer to the land and seasonal ingredients, offering a multi-sensory experience!

Limited to 50 sets, registration required. Please register on the Accupass event page “2024 Fulong Living Festival” and complete the on-site check-in task to receive the limited edition bento box.


Task Requirement: Take a photo of your participation in the music festival and upload it to the “Friends of the Northeast Corner” Facebook page post (or scan the QR code) to get the limited edition bento box.

🕑報名登記時間 Registration Period:8/5至8/19(依報名系統為主 based on the registration system)

🥯餐盒領取時間 Bento Box Pickup Time:8/10、8/11、8/31、9/1,當日下午15:30-16:00


If registration is completed but the check-in task is not fulfilled or the bento box is not picked up, it will be forfeited and made available to on-site attendees.

饗時光草地音樂會 夏季限定-星空夜間導覽! Summer Special – Starry Night Guide!



Under the night sky of Fulong, watch the stars and the Milky Way, with a professional stargazing guide sharing knowledge, explaining constellations, and identifying the Milky Way with a mobile app and professional telescope, making stargazing smarter and easier.

This activity is free. Upon check-in, a small gift will be given. To ensure participants’ rights and avoid wasted spots, a deposit of $100 per person will be collected and refunded at check-in.

🚴活動內容 Event Content:星空夜間導覽 Starry Night Guide(贈送精美小禮品乙個 with a small gift)

🕓報到時間 Check-in Time:20:10~20:30 🕓活動時間 Event Time:20:30~21:30

🎫活動保證金 Event Deposit:NT$100/人 person,於服務台報到時退還保證金。 refunded at the service desk upon check-in.

🎏奇幻海洋風箏秀 Fantastical Ocean Kite Show 8/31、9/1🎏


Partnering with the Alumi Cartoon Kite Team, the event features an “ocean imagery” theme, showcasing marine life flying over Fulong Beach, creating a unique kite performance. DIY activities will be available on-site, offering participants hands-on experiences to better understand Fulong’s local culture.