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2024玩聚場藝術節 Play Arts Festival——極限NUMBER ONE All the Way to NUMBER ONE

08/03 @ 2:00 下午 - 08/04 @ 8:00 下午

※活動皆為免費參加。 All events are free to attend.

藝術節還能做什麼? What else can an art festival do?




本次玩聚場將以奧運精神作為延伸發想,以「挑戰極限」為主題,用各種形式「玩」起來。每位創作者將選定一個「最⋯⋯」的形容詞,並用各自專注的形式對選定的主題進行詮釋或挑戰。藉由現代奧運發起人Pierre De Coubertin在1936年所提出的信念:「奧運會重要的不是勝利,而是參與」,積極地讓觀眾在玩耍之中一同參與,並在自己長期關注的議題中,藉由CLAB開放創新的平台得到更多發展的可能性。


Besides showcasing the beauty of art, there must be many other things an art festival can achieve. What can we do in 2024, or what have we yet to accomplish? Given that 2024 is an Olympic year, what if we use the Olympics as a theme and incorporate the principles of “openness, vitality, and creativity” that Play Arts has always upheld? Could this create a new spark?

The official motto of the Olympics is “Faster, Higher, Stronger”, which represents the unceasing efforts of athletes. But as artists, what can we compete in? Perhaps we cannot compete for victory, but we constantly challenge our limits: the limits of performance ability, the limits of our works, the limits of issues, and the limits of art itself.

What kind of scene would it be if we all challenged our limits together?

This Play Arts Festival will use the spirit of the Olympics as an extension of our idea, focusing on the theme of “Challenging Limits”. Each creator will choose a superlative adjective and interpret or challenge their chosen theme in their own focused form. Inspired by the belief proposed by Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the modern Olympics, in 1936: “The important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part”, we will actively engage the audience in playful participation. Through C-LAB’s open and innovative platform, creators will find more possibilities for the issues they have long been concerned with.

One Player Short Ensemble, Myan Myan Studio, and Chen Jia-sheng Studio will extract and interpret stories that are the most everyday, the most mysterious, and the most terrifying; creators Li You-wei, Kacaw.Iyang, and Zhou Yi-cheng will continue their focused themes, using the most LONELY, the most indifferent, and the most evil as leads to delve into the core of their issues; Beibu Zone, BIU Theatre, and Endospace will challenge their limits with the most dedicated, the most organic, and the most original, aiming for the most direct interactive experiences with different types of audiences. Suana Emuy Cilangasay and Slowisland Theatre will also bring their masterpieces, sharing the most free and the most important small matters. Finally, the theatre podcast Intercomパイ and Actor’s Self-Cultivation will provide a full day of nonstop activities in the TAF Zone.


We hope that audiences will see the diverse forms of performing arts through these ultimate challenges and that these creations, with audience participation, will continue to ferment in every future performance venue, accompanied by a favorable wind on the boundless road of arts and culture.

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2406250445239956795530?utm_campaign=accu_theme&utm_medium=home_north&utm_source=Web

更多節目資訊請見 For more program information, please visit:
玩聚場藝術節官方網站 Play Arts Festival Official Website:https://playarts.clab.org.tw/
玩聚場Facebook Play Arts Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/playarts.clab


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