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2024桃園管樂嘉年華 Taoyuan Band Festival

05/31 @ 4:00 下午 - 06/02 @ 9:00 下午

2024桃園管樂嘉年華 國際級職業管樂團首次來台演出!

2024 Taoyuan Band Festival – International Professional Wind Orchestra’s First Performance in Taiwan!

5月31號邀請到世界知名,擁有百年歷史的專業團隊大阪市音樂團到桃園辧理在台灣的首次演出;6月1號「桃園群英薈」由桃園之光Taiwan Top團隊龍潭愛樂管弦樂團邀集全台社區管樂團的菁英們組團匯聚桃園,展現各地豐富音樂特色;6月2號「亞洲青年管樂匯演」由桃園十校聯盟與馬來西亞巴杜卡端國中聖約翰管樂團帶來專屬管樂新秀的「青春、活力、希望」為節慶劃下完美的句點。

On May 31, we are honored to invite the world-renowned Osaka Shion Wind Orchestra, a professional team with a history spanning over a century, to perform in Taoyuan for the first time in Taiwan. On June 1, the “Taoyuan Elite Ensemble” will feature the Longtan Philharmonic Orchestra, the pride of Taoyuan, joining forces with elite community wind bands from across Taiwan to showcase the rich musical characteristics of various regions. On June 2, the “Asian Youth Wind Ensemble” will be brought to you by Taoyuan Ten School Alliance vs Malaysia St. John Cadet Corps Band, highlighting the “youth, vitality, and hope” of young wind musicians and concluding the festival on a perfect note.

The performances will be live-streamed online. We encourage everyone to invite friends and family to join us online, like, share, comment, and send hearts to support our amazing performance teams!

日期 Date:5/31(五 Friday)~6/2(日 Sunday)
時間 Time:16:00~21:00
地點 Venue:桃園藝文廣場 Taoyuan Arts Plaza/自由入場 Free for entry
5/31(五 Friday) 19:00 【國際亮點 International Highlight】首次在台演出 First Performance in Taiwan
節目名稱 Program:大阪市音樂團音樂會 Osaka Shion Wind Orchestra Concert
演出團隊 Performing Group:Osaka Shion Wind Orchestra
指揮 Conductor:Douglas Bostock
6/01(六 Saturday) 19:00
節目名稱 Program:桃園群英薈 Taoyuan Elite Ensemble
演出團隊 Performing Group:龍潭愛樂管弦樂團 & 米特薩克斯風重奏團 & 全國21縣市社區管樂團聯演 Longtan Philharmonic Orchestra & Mix Saxophone Ensemble & Nationwide 21 County Community Wind Ensembles
指揮 Conductor:郭聯昌 Guo Lian-chang
6/02(日 Sunday) 19:00 【閉幕演出 Closing Performance】
節目名稱 Program:亞洲青年管樂匯演 Asian Youth Wind Ensemble
演出團隊 Performing Group:桃園十校聯盟 vs 馬來西亞巴杜卡端國中聖約翰管樂團 Taoyuan Ten School Alliance vs Malaysia St. John Cadet Corps Band
指揮 Conductor:侯宇彪 Hou Yu-biao
【管樂小舞台 Band Music Small Stage】
日期 Date:5/31(五 Friday)~6/2(日 Sunday)
時間 Time:每日 Daily 16:00~18:30
【管樂文創市集 Band Music Creative Market】
日期 Date:5/31(五 Friday)~6/2(日 Sunday)
時間 Time:每日 Daily 16:00~21:00


05/31 @ 4:00 下午
06/02 @ 9:00 下午
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桃園市, Taiwan
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