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2024年ATD亞太年會暨展覽 Asia Pacific Conference & Expo

10/17 @ 8:00 上午 - 5:00 下午

日期 Date:2024年10月29日(二)~ 31日(四)08:00~16:00

地點 Venue:台北國際會議中心(TICC)台北市信義區信義路五段1號 No. 1, Sec. 5, Xinyi Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City



The ATD Asia Pacific Conference has been progressing for 12 years, becoming the premier annual event for human resources and business elites in the Asia Pacific region. Entering its 13th year in 2024, the theme is “Co-Creating Future Talent”, aiming to benchmark the world’s most innovative talent development solutions, build networks among industry peers and directly learn from global thought leaders.

The 2024 ATD Asia Pacific Conference & Expo is not just a conference; it is a platform to explore three major areas: Human Resources, Learning & Development and Future Technologies. This immersive experience offers an unmissable opportunity to share insights with top industry experts and peers over the course of three full days. Through well-planned presentations, highly interactive sessions and immersive experiences, attendees will strengthen their leadership and drive meaningful change. By attending the 2024 ATD Asia Pacific Conference, redefine the future workforce and enhance the capabilities of tomorrow’s talent!

報名 To apply:https://www.accupass.com/eflow/ticket/2409200529431395136727?utm_source=EventPage&utm_medium=AdCard&utm_campaign=accu_AdCard_2409160624131450671447

《與會對象 Attendees》

1. 人資部門主管及從業者

2. 執行長、領袖、關鍵決策執行者

3. 學校、智庫的教授、專家或研究人員

4. 學習及訓練發展的專業人員

5. 教學工作的講師及規劃者

  1. HR Department Managers and Professionals
  2. CEOs, Leaders and Key Decision Makers
  3. Professors, Experts or Researchers from Schools and Think Tanks
  4. Learning and Development Professionals
  5. Trainers and Instructional Designers

《學習領域 Learning Domains》


The conference covers five major learning domains through keynote speeches and forums

1. 人才管理(Talent Management)


Focuses on HR processes that develop, motivate, and retain a highly productive and engaged workforce. Topics include leadership development, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), reskilling, upskilling, employee experience, performance management, talent identification and psychological safety.

2. 學習分析(Learning Analytics)


Concentrates on learning and evaluation, with a focus on learning analytics and performance processes. Key topics include instructional design and assessment, community learning, neuroscience, talent analytics and informal learning models such as performance consulting and coaching.

3. 未來準備度(Future Readiness)


Emphasizes future trends in cross-disciplinary skills and industry insights, nurturing a globalized and digitized workforce. Topics include workforce and organizational resilience, change management, environmental scanning, fostering innovation and creativity, managing virtual teams, cross-cultural leadership and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance).

4. 人才招募(Talent Acquisition)


Focuses on strategies, solutions and processes in talent recruitment, particularly in identifying and hiring the right candidates. Topics include employer branding, workforce planning, talent selection and retention, onboarding and recruitment strategies.

5. 人力資源與學習科技(HR & Learning Technology)


Focuses on the latest trends in HR and learning development technology, enhancing forward-thinking problem-solving abilities that drive corporate transformation. Topics include the application of AI/ChatGPT in talent management, digital learning, HR data analytics, virtual classroom systems, AR/VR applications and digital learning platforms.

《講師陣容 Speakers》

主題講師(Keynote Sessions)

  • 領導力是催化劑:掌握文化以建立敏捷和有彈性的組織 Leadership as a Catalyst: Mastering Culture to Build Agile and Resilient Organizations

馮斯・瓊潘納斯(Fons Trompenaars)企業文化和組織效率世界級專家(荷蘭) Fons Trompenaars – World-renowned expert in corporate culture and organizational effectiveness (Netherlands)


  • 利用AI打造未來的工作力:駕馭現代職場的轉變 Building the Workforce of the Future with AI: Navigating the Modern Workplace Transformation

湯瑪斯.查莫洛-普雷謬齊克(Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic)哥倫比亞大學 商業心理學教授(美國) Dr. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic – Professor of Business Psychology, Columbia University (USA)

Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic _edited_edited.

  • 展現影響力:HR在千變萬化職場中創造利益關係人的價值 Exerting Influence: How HR Creates Value for Stakeholders in a Changing Workplace

戴夫.尤瑞奇(Dave Ulrich)密西根大學羅斯商學院教授/現代人力資源之父(美國) Dave Ulrich – Professor at the University of Michigan Ross School of Business and father of modern HR (USA)

Dave Ulrich.jpg

新的體驗 New Experiences

  • 多元化演講場次 Diverse Sessions


There will be 3 keynote speeches and a total of 55 parallel sessions, including 35 topic sessions, 6 exhibitor presentations and 14 thematic exchange sessions.

  • AI翻譯 AI Translation

ATD亞太年會將在主題演講和專題演講中,引進最新科技的Wordly AI人工智能同步翻譯。Wordly AI提供多達25種以上語言可供選擇,與會者只要使用手機,即可觀看翻譯字幕。此服務完全免費!!

The ATD Asia Pacific Conference will introduce the latest technology with Wordly AI real-time translation during keynote and topic sessions. Wordly AI offers over 25 language options, allowing attendees to view subtitles on their phones. This service is completely free!

  • 演講資料 Presentation Materials


All session materials will be available in electronic format. Attendees who purchase conference tickets can download them from BambooCloud Pro APP starting October 15.

  • 演講回顧影片 Presentation Videos


All attendees and speakers who purchase full or single-day tickets can review session videos through BambooCloud Pro APP from November 5, 2024, to February 4, 2025.

《主要語言 Languages》

英文及中文 English and Chinese

《會議費用 Conference Fees》

全票 Full Ticket


Includes access to keynote sessions, topic sessions, exhibitor presentations, thematic exchange sessions, full-ticket badge, eco-friendly bag, conference handbook, three days of lunch, AI translation and 3 months of video playback.

單日票 Single-day Ticket


Includes access to keynote sessions, topic sessions, exhibitor presentations, thematic exchange sessions, single-day badge, eco-friendly bag, conference handbook, lunch on the selected day, AI translation and 3 months of video playback.

《企業參訪 Corporate Visits》



Participating in corporate visits is a great opportunity to gain deep insights into the talent planning and management strategies of Taiwan’s globally renowned companies. Attendees will observe their operational models, gather valuable insights, and reflect on how these strategies can be applied to enhance organizational management and employee development. These visits inspire thinking and provide practical value for organizations.

Corporate visits will be conducted in English, with three sessions on November 1 (morning and afternoon). The departure and return location for all visits is at the entrance of TICC for convenience.

參訪費用 : 每場次NT$1,250(含來回企業之交通費用)

Fee: NT$1,250 per session (includes round-trip transportation)

A. 台達電子工業股份有限公司 Delta Electronics, Inc.

參訪時間 Time:09:00 – 12:00

參訪地點 Venue:台達電總部 Delta HQ(台北市內湖區瑞光路186號 No. 186, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City)

參訪內容 Visit Details:

  • 台達電簡介
  • 台達電企業轉型人才策略
  • 展示間導覽
  • Introduction to Delta
  • Talent strategy for corporate transformation
  • Showroom tour

B. 鴻海科技集團 Hon Hai Technology Group (Foxconn)

​​參訪時間 Time:13:00 – 16:30

參訪地點 Venue:鴻海精密工業 Hon Hai HQ(台北市內湖區基湖路32號 No. 32, Jihu Rd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City)

參訪內容 Visit Details:

  •  鴻海簡介
  •  ESG策略實踐
  •  不一樣的鴻海 : 世界級人才管理之道
  •  展示間導覽
  • Introduction to Hon Hai
  • ESG strategy implementation
  • Foxconn’s world-class talent management
  • Showroom tour

​​C. 台灣積體電路製造公司 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC)

參訪時間 Time:12:00 – 17:30

​參訪地點 Venue:R&D Center / F12P8(新竹縣寶山鄉科環路168號 No. 168, Kehuan Rd., Baoshan Township, Hsinchu County)

參訪內容 Visit Details:

  • 台積電簡介
  • 學習發展中心的業務介紹
  • 人才管理暨發展策略
  • 環境導覽
  • Introduction to TSMC
  • Learning and development center overview
  • Talent management and development strategy
  • Site tour

《菁英晚宴 Elite Dinner》


The annual signature networking event for top executives, featuring outstanding entrepreneurs, senior managers and key decision-makers. This platform fosters cross-industry and cross-field collaborations, all in the pursuit of talent development within the industry.

時間 Date:2024/10/30 18:00-21:00

​​​​​地點 Venue:台北君悅酒店 Grand Hyatt Taipei(台北市信義區松壽路二號 No. 2, Songshou Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City)

費用 Fee:NT$3,000


《諮詢資訊 Contact Information》

1. atd@atdtw.org

2. Line@atdtw

《歷年精彩回顧 Past Event Highlights》

主辦單位保有修改及變更活動內容之權利 The organizer reserves the right to modify or change event details

《主辦單位 Organizers》


ATD 台灣交流會


台北市, Taiwan
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