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2024年App行動應用創新賽 Mobile Application Innovation Contest

05/20 @ 8:00 上午 - 05/31 @ 5:00 下午


本次競賽中創意賽道的作品須以iOS / iPadOS系統設計開發的應用程序(App)為原型,並須符合iOS / iPadOS系統的產品特性。創新賽道的參賽作品須為具有一定功能的原創性應用程式(App),參賽App應基於iOS / iPadOS系統設計開發,並須在iOS / iPadOS相關設備上順暢運行。鼓勵參賽隊伍下載Xcode並且使用Swift語言進行開發。

“2024 Mobile Application Innovation Contest” provides an excellent platform for Taiwan campus teams to shine in the Greater China region. We welcome students from all universities and colleges in Taiwan to unleash their creativity and practical abilities by designing and developing iOS applications based on Apple’s products and development tools.

In the creativity track of this contest, entries must be prototype applications (Apps) designed and developed for the iOS/iPadOS system, adhering to the product characteristics of the iOS/iPadOS system. Entries in the innovation track must be original applications (Apps) with certain functionalities, developed for the iOS/iPadOS system, and must run smoothly on iOS/iPadOS devices. We encourage participating teams to download Xcode and utilize the Swift language for development.

參賽要求 Entry Requirements



Participants must be current students of Taiwanese universities or colleges, including undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral students.
Students must register as a team. Each team in the innovation track can have a maximum of 3 members, while each team in the creativity track can have a maximum of 2 members.
Each team must appoint a team leader responsible for competition-related communication, contact, and any other relevant matters regarding eligibility and awards.

Each team must have at least 1 faculty advisor, with a maximum of 2.
The advisor(s) must be a faculty member of a Taiwanese university or college.

報名與繳交企畫書截止 Registration and Submission Deadline


Registration and submission of project proposals must be completed by May 31.
Project proposals should be written in 5 to 10 pages on A4-sized pages, with the team name and project name clearly indicated on the cover. The document should be saved as a PDF file, with the filename following the format “Contact Person, School, Department, Contact Person’s Name, App Name, Proposal”.

更多參賽說明請見「2024 年 App 行動應用創新賽」官網。

For further details on participation, please visit the “2024 Mobile Application Innovation Contest” official website.