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2024台北數位應用博覽會暨跨境電商年會 Taipei Digital Applications Expo & Cross-Border E-Commerce Annual Meeting

10/03 @ 9:30 上午 - 5:00 下午

以「智能再造 AI創生」出發,規劃適合全產業數位進擊的精彩講座與展覽,
探討AI 浪潮下,數位運營跨境電商產業的最新趨勢,

  • 【數位運營 × 跨境電商】滿足全產業應用需求
  • 六大應用領域展攤30+家資服業者、200+解決方案
  • 【大師及專家知識分享】13場專題講座,趨勢、實務與案例一次掌握!

With the theme of “Smart Reinvention, AI Innovation,” this event features engaging seminars and exhibitions tailored to various industries’ digital advancement needs. It will explore the latest trends in digital operations and cross-border e-commerce amidst the AI wave, helping businesses unlock the full potential of intelligent futures and seize new opportunities!

  • Digital Operations × Cross-Border E-Commerce: Catering to the application needs of all industries.
  • Six Exhibition Areas: Over 30 IT service providers and 200+ solutions on display.
  • Expert Knowledge Sharing: 13 keynote speeches to help you grasp trends, practical strategies, and case studies all at once!

精彩議程總覽 Overview of the Exciting Agenda

數位應用主題講座 Digital Application Theme Seminars

《主會場 Main Hall》13:30-15:10 數位應用高峰會 Digital Application Summit

知名學者 臺科大資管系盧希鵬特聘教授開講!告訴你行銷如何善用AI



Featuring renowned academic, Professor Lu Hsi-Peng from National Taiwan University of Science and Technology’s Department of Information Management, who will explain how to harness AI in marketing. Learn from the legacy brand Shoes Party on how they successfully transformed their business by leveraging data to enhance omnichannel operations! Plus, Hearst Taiwan will share how they broke new ground using AI to create a new membership service model and develop cross-industry business models!

《分會場1 Sub-Venue 1》11:00-12:30 AI應用實務講座 AI Applications in Practice


As AI services rapidly emerge, this session offers a variety of practical applications for internal operations, production, sales, and marketing—giving you a wealth of AI knowledge and solutions.

《分會場2 Sub-Venue 2》13:30-16:30 Demo Show


For those with drive and ideas but unsure where to start, this Demo Show showcases solutions from IT service providers in six key areas. Discover how to enhance your business’s digital operations, both domestically and internationally, through cross-border e-commerce!

跨境電商主題講座 Cross-Border E-Commerce Theme Seminars

10:40-12:10 台北跨境電商年會(主會場) Main Hall: Taipei Cross-Border E-Commerce Annual Meeting

邀請亞洲最大的設計電商平台-Pinkoi創辦人暨執行長顏君庭現身說法,解析Pinkoi如何打造獨家的AI廣告模型,精準找到消費者屬性,為設計師打造無遠弗屆的跨境商機!同時邀請2024新貿獎金獎企業-群利科技 Bryton創辦人,分享透過跨境電商拓展海外市場的成功心法。另外安排頂尖學者與跨境電商成功企業對談,不藏私公開企業高獲利策略!

Join Peter Yen, CEO and founder of Pinkoi, Asia’s largest design e-commerce platform, as he shares how Pinkoi uses an AI advertising model to accurately identify consumer attributes and create boundless cross-border business opportunities for designers! We’ll also hear from Bryton Inc., a 2024 New Trade Award Gold Prize winner, on their success in expanding overseas markets through cross-border e-commerce. Additionally, top scholars and successful e-commerce business leaders will discuss and openly share high-profit strategies!

14:00-15:50 跨境電商主題講座(分會場1) Sub-Venue 1: Cross-Border E-Commerce Theme Seminar


同場加碼規劃最熱門的AI工具應用ChatGPT + Midjourney快速上手教學,邀請AI Post講師提點如何用Google Trend挖掘商機、交叉運用GhatGPT擴散效益,再透過Midjourney製作吸睛素材!從市場機會高流量密碼,一起搞定!

All major international platforms in one place! Featuring global e-commerce leaders like Amazon Global Selling, Alibaba International Station (a top global B2B platform), Newegg (a leading online electronics mall), and CYBERBIZ (an OMO expert in online store operations). Get an insider’s look at the latest AI tools and techniques, helping sellers rapidly enhance their skills!

Bonus Session: A hands-on tutorial on popular AI tools—ChatGPT + MidJourney! Learn from AI Post instructors how to use Google Trends to discover business opportunities, apply ChatGPT for cross-functional benefits, and create attention-grabbing content with MidJourney. We’ll tackle everything from market trends to high-traffic strategies together!

展會服務商 Exhibition Service Providers


On-site, more than 30 IT service providers will offer solutions spanning data-driven decision-making, e-commerce, marketing, digital customer service, internal management, operations, manufacturing, and more! CRM, ERP, BI, and AI tools—over 200 solutions to help businesses fully master digital applications and implement intelligent operations!

適合對象 Ideal for Those Who

  • 想打破傳統,找尋新商業、新商機的你
  • 想突破瓶頸,精進公司營運策略的你
  • 有轉型想法,但還沒找到方案的你
  • 想做數位轉型的你
  • Want to break traditional molds and seek new business models and opportunities
  • Wish to overcome bottlenecks and enhance business operations
  • Have transformation ideas but haven’t found the right solutions yet
  • Are looking to digitize their business operations

你將獲得 What You Will Gain

  • 了解企業如何透過數位應用降低成本、創造收益
  • 學習不同產業的數位應用成功個案及策略
  • 找到200+的產業解決方案
  • Insights into how businesses are reducing costs and generating revenue through digital applications
  • Learn from successful digital application strategies across different industries
  • Discover 200+ industry solutions

轉型最好時機,就是現在!立即報名,啟動企業數位創新與藍圖 The best time for transformation is now! Sign up today and kickstart your company’s digital innovation journey!

活動地點及交通 Event Location and Transportation

地點 Venue:松山文創園區 Songshan Cultural and Creative Park(2樓多功能展演廳 2nd Floor Multifunctional Exhibition Hall)台北市信義區光復南路133號 No. 133, Guangfu S. Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City

捷運資訊 MRT Information:《 國父紀念館站》五號出口出站,沿光復南路步行,約100公尺, 從光復南路117巷右轉進入 ,即可抵達。 Exit No. 5, Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall Station, walk about 100 meters along Guangfu South Road, then turn right onto Lane 117 of Guangfu South Road to reach the venue.

公車資訊 Bus Information:《光復南路【捷運國父紀念館站(光復)】 Guangfu South Road (MRT Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall Station)》204、278、282、288、672、承德幹線 Chengde Main Line
《忠孝東路【聯合報站】 Zhongxiao East Road (United Daily News Station)》202、212、232 快、240 直、270、299、600、仁愛幹線 Ren’ai Main Line、忠孝幹線 Zhongxiao Main Line


台北市, Taiwan
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